Application Programming Ref
- Application Programming Ref.
- Tables
- About this book
- Who this book is for
- What we need to know to understand this book
- Terms used in this book
- Language compilers and assemblers
- How to use this book
- Appearance of text in this book
- Summary of changes
- Changes for this edition (SC34-6596-00)
- Data type descriptions
- Introduction
- Elementary data types
- PMQLONG - A pointer to data of type MQLONG
- PMQMD - A pointer to structure of type MQMD
- PMQULONG - A pointer to data of type MQULONG
- C declarations
- COBOL declarations
- PL/I declarations
- System/390 assembler declarations
- Structure data types - introduction
- Summary
- Rules for structure data types
- Conventions used in the descriptions
- C programming
- Header files
- Functions
- Parameters with undefined data type
- Data types
- Manipulating binary strings
- Manipulating character strings
- Initial values for structures
- Initial values for dynamic structures
- Use from C++
- Notational conventions
- COBOL programming
- COPY files
- Structures
- Pointers
- Named constants
- Notational conventions
- System/390 assembler programming
- Macros
- Structures
- CMQVERA macro
- Notational conventions
- MQAIR - Authentication information record
- Overview
- Fields
- AuthInfoConnName (MQCHAR264)
- AuthInfoType (MQLONG)
- LDAPPassword (MQCHAR32)
- LDAPUserNameLength (MQLONG)
- LDAPUserNameOffset (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQBO - Begin options
- Overview
- Fields
- Options (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQCIH - CICS bridge header
- Overview
- Fields
- AbendCode (MQCHAR4)
- ADSDescriptor (MQLONG)
- AttentionId (MQCHAR4)
- Authenticator (MQCHAR8)
- CancelCode (MQCHAR4)
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- CompCode (MQLONG)
- ConversationalTask (MQLONG)
- CursorPosition (MQLONG)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- ErrorOffset (MQLONG)
- Facility (MQBYTE8)
- FacilityKeepTime (MQLONG)
- FacilityLike (MQCHAR4)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- Function (MQCHAR4)
- GetWaitInterval (MQLONG)
- InputItem (MQLONG)
- LinkType (MQLONG)
- NextTransactionId (MQCHAR4)
- OutputDataLength (MQLONG)
- Reason (MQLONG)
- RemoteSysId (MQCHAR4)
- RemoteTransId (MQCHAR4)
- ReplyToFormat (MQCHAR8)
- Reserved1 (MQCHAR8)
- Reserved2 (MQCHAR8)
- Reserved3 (MQCHAR8)
- Reserved4 (MQLONG)
- ReturnCode (MQLONG)
- StartCode (MQCHAR4)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- TaskEndStatus (MQLONG)
- TransactionId (MQCHAR4)
- UOWControl (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQCNO - Connect options
- Overview
- Fields
- ClientConnOffset (MQLONG)
- ClientConnPtr (MQPTR)
- ConnectionId (MQBYTE24)
- ConnTag (MQBYTE128)
- Options (MQLONG)
- SecurityParmsOffset (MQCSP)
- SecurityParmsPtr (MQLONG)
- SSLConfigOffset (MQLONG)
- SSLConfigPtr (PMQSCO)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQCSP - Security parameters
- Overview
- Fields
- AuthenticationType (MQLONG)
- CSPPasswordLength (MQLONG)
- CSPPasswordOffset (MQLONG)
- CSPPasswordPtr (MQPTR)
- CSPUserIdLength (MQLONG)
- CSPUserIdOffset (MQLONG)
- CSPUserIdPtr (MQPTR)
- Reserved1 (MQBYTE4)
- Reserved2 (MQBYTE8)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQDH - Distribution header
- Overview
- Fields
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- ObjectRecOffset (MQLONG)
- PutMsgRecFields (MQLONG)
- PutMsgRecOffset (MQLONG)
- RecsPresent (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQDLH - Dead-letter header
- Overview
- Fields
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- DestQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- DestQName (MQCHAR48)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- PutApplName (MQCHAR28)
- PutApplType (MQLONG)
- PutDate (MQCHAR8)
- PutTime (MQCHAR8)
- Reason (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQEPH - Embedded PCF header
- Overview
- Fields
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- PCFHeader (MQCFH)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQGMO - Get-message options
- Overview
- Fields
- GroupStatus (MQCHAR)
- MatchOptions (MQLONG)
- MsgToken (MQBYTE16)
- Options (MQLONG)
- Reserved1 (MQCHAR)
- ResolvedQName (MQCHAR48)
- ReturnedLength (MQLONG)
- Segmentation (MQCHAR)
- SegmentStatus (MQCHAR)
- Signal1 (MQLONG)
- Signal2 (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- WaitInterval (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQIIH - IMS information header
- Overview
- Fields
- Authenticator (MQCHAR8)
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- CommitMode (MQCHAR)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- LTermOverride (MQCHAR8)
- MFSMapName (MQCHAR8)
- ReplyToFormat (MQCHAR8)
- Reserved (MQCHAR)
- SecurityScope (MQCHAR)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- TranInstanceId (MQBYTE16)
- TranState (MQCHAR)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQMD - Message descriptor
- Overview
- Fields
- AccountingToken (MQBYTE32)
- ApplIdentityData (MQCHAR32)
- ApplOriginData (MQCHAR4)
- BackoutCount (MQLONG)
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- CorrelId (MQBYTE24)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Expiry (MQLONG)
- Feedback (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- GroupId (MQBYTE24)
- MsgFlags (MQLONG)
- MsgId (MQBYTE24)
- MsgSeqNumber (MQLONG)
- MsgType (MQLONG)
- Offset (MQLONG)
- OriginalLength (MQLONG)
- Persistence (MQLONG)
- Priority (MQLONG)
- PutApplName (MQCHAR28)
- PutApplType (MQLONG)
- PutDate (MQCHAR8)
- PutTime (MQCHAR8)
- ReplyToQ (MQCHAR48)
- ReplyToQMgr (MQCHAR48)
- Report (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- UserIdentifier (MQCHAR12)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQMDE - Message descriptor extension
- Overview
- Fields
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- GroupId (MQBYTE24)
- MsgFlags (MQLONG)
- MsgSeqNumber (MQLONG)
- Offset (MQLONG)
- OriginalLength (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQOD - Object descriptor
- Overview
- Fields
- AlternateSecurityId (MQBYTE40)
- AlternateUserId (MQCHAR12)
- DynamicQName (MQCHAR48)
- InvalidDestCount (MQLONG)
- KnownDestCount (MQLONG)
- ObjectName (MQCHAR48)
- ObjectQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- ObjectRecOffset (MQLONG)
- ObjectRecPtr (MQPTR)
- ObjectType (MQLONG)
- RecsPresent (MQLONG)
- ResolvedQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- ResolvedQName (MQCHAR48)
- ResponseRecOffset (MQLONG)
- ResponseRecPtr (MQPTR)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- UnknownDestCount (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQOR - Object record
- Overview
- Fields
- ObjectName (MQCHAR48)
- ObjectQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQPMO - Put-message options
- Overview
- Fields
- Context (MQHOBJ)
- InvalidDestCount (MQLONG)
- KnownDestCount (MQLONG)
- Options (MQLONG)
- PutMsgRecFields (MQLONG)
- PutMsgRecOffset (MQLONG)
- PutMsgRecPtr (MQPTR)
- RecsPresent (MQLONG)
- ResolvedQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- ResolvedQName (MQCHAR48)
- ResponseRecOffset (MQLONG)
- ResponseRecPtr (MQPTR)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Timeout (MQLONG)
- UnknownDestCount (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQPMR - Put-message record
- Overview
- Fields
- AccountingToken (MQBYTE32)
- CorrelId (MQBYTE24)
- Feedback (MQLONG)
- GroupId (MQBYTE24)
- MsgId (MQBYTE24)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQRFH - Rules and formatting header
- Overview
- Fields
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- NameValueString (MQCHARn)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQRFH2 - Rules and formatting header 2
- Overview
- Fields
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- NameValueData (MQCHARn)
- NameValueLength (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQRMH - Reference message header
- Overview
- Fields
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- DataLogicalLength (MQLONG)
- DataLogicalOffset (MQLONG)
- DataLogicalOffset2 (MQLONG)
- DestEnvLength (MQLONG)
- DestEnvOffset (MQLONG)
- DestNameLength (MQLONG)
- DestNameOffset (MQLONG)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- ObjectInstanceId (MQBYTE24)
- ObjectType (MQCHAR8)
- SrcEnvLength (MQLONG)
- SrcEnvOffset (MQLONG)
- SrcNameLength (MQLONG)
- SrcNameOffset (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQRR - Response record
- Overview
- Fields
- CompCode (MQLONG)
- Reason (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQSCO - SSL configuration options
- Overview
- Fields
- AuthInfoRecCount (MQLONG)
- AuthInfoRecOffset (MQLONG)
- AuthInfoRecPtr (PMQAIR)
- CryptoHardware (MQCHAR256)
- FipsRequired (MQLONG)
- KeyRepository (MQCHAR256)
- KeyResetCount (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQTM - Trigger message
- Overview
- Fields
- ApplId (MQCHAR256)
- ApplType (MQLONG)
- EnvData (MQCHAR128)
- ProcessName (MQCHAR48)
- QName (MQCHAR48)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- TriggerData (MQCHAR64)
- UserData (MQCHAR128)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQTMC2 - Trigger message 2 (character format)
- Overview
- Fields
- ApplId (MQCHAR256)
- ApplType (MQCHAR4)
- EnvData (MQCHAR128)
- ProcessName (MQCHAR48)
- QMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- QName (MQCHAR48)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- TriggerData (MQCHAR64)
- UserData (MQCHAR128)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQWIH - Work information header
- Overview
- Fields
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- Encoding (MQLONG)
- Flags (MQLONG)
- Format (MQCHAR8)
- MsgToken (MQBYTE16)
- Reserved (MQCHAR32)
- ServiceName (MQCHAR32)
- ServiceStep (MQCHAR8)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- StrucLength (MQLONG)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- MQXP - Exit parameter block
- Overview
- Fields
- ExitCommand (MQLONG)
- ExitId (MQLONG)
- ExitParmCount (MQLONG)
- ExitReason (MQLONG)
- ExitResponse (MQLONG)
- ExitUserArea (MQBYTE16)
- Reserved (MQLONG)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- MQXQH - Transmission-queue header
- Overview
- Fields
- MsgDesc (MQMD1)
- RemoteQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- RemoteQName (MQCHAR48)
- StrucId (MQCHAR4)
- Initial values and language declarations
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration
- PL/I declaration
- System/390 assembler declaration
- Visual Basic declaration
- Function calls
- Call descriptions
- Conventions used in the call descriptions
- Using the calls in the C language
- Declaring the Buffer parameter
- MQBACK - Back out changes
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQBEGIN - Begin unit of work
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- BeginOptions (MQBO) - input/output
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQCLOSE - Close object
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input/output
- Options (MQLONG) - input
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQCMIT - Commit changes
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQCONN - Connect queue manager
- Syntax
- Parameters
- QMgrName (MQCHAR48) - input
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - output
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQCONNX - Connect queue manager (extended)
- Syntax
- Parameters
- QMgrName (MQCHAR48) - input
- ConnectOpts (MQCNO) - input/output
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - output
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQDISC - Disconnect queue manager
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input/output
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQGET - Get message
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input
- MsgDesc (MQMD) - input/output
- GetMsgOpts (MQGMO) - input/output
- BufferLength (MQLONG) - input
- Buffer (MQBYTExBufferLength) - output
- DataLength (MQLONG) - output
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQINQ - Inquire object attributes
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input
- SelectorCount (MQLONG) - input
- Selectors (MQLONGxSelectorCount) - input
- IntAttrCount (MQLONG) - input
- IntAttrs (MQLONGxIntAttrCount) - output
- CharAttrLength (MQLONG) - input
- CharAttrs (MQCHARxCharAttrLength) - output
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQOPEN - Open object
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- ObjDesc (MQOD) - input/output
- Options (MQLONG) - input
- Hobj (MQHOBJ) - output
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQPUT - Put message
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input
- MsgDesc (MQMD) - input/output
- PutMsgOpts (MQPMO) - input/output
- BufferLength (MQLONG) - input
- Buffer (MQBYTExBufferLength) - input
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQPUT1 - Put one message
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- ObjDesc (MQOD) - input/output
- MsgDesc (MQMD) - input/output
- PutMsgOpts (MQPMO) - input/output
- BufferLength (MQLONG) - input
- Buffer (MQBYTExBufferLength) - input
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- MQSET - Set object attributes
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
- Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input
- SelectorCount (MQLONG) - input
- Selectors (MQLONGxSelectorCount) - input
- IntAttrCount (MQLONG) - input
- IntAttrs (MQLONGxIntAttrCount) - input
- CharAttrLength (MQLONG) - input
- CharAttrs (MQCHARxCharAttrLength) - input
- CompCode (MQLONG) - output
- Reason (MQLONG) - output
- Usage notes
- Language invocations
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation
- PL/I invocation
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Visual Basic invocation
- Attributes of objects
- Attributes for queues
- Attribute descriptions
- AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
- AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
- BackoutRequeueQName (MQCHAR48)
- BackoutThreshold (MQLONG)
- BaseQName (MQCHAR48)
- CFStrucName (MQCHAR12)
- ClusterName (MQCHAR48)
- ClusterNamelist (MQCHAR48)
- CLWLQueuePriority (MQLONG)
- CLWLQueueRank (MQLONG)
- CreationDate (MQCHAR12)
- CreationTime (MQCHAR8)
- CurrentQDepth (MQLONG)
- DefBind (MQLONG)
- DefinitionType (MQLONG)
- DefInputOpenOption (MQLONG)
- DefPersistence (MQLONG)
- DefPriority (MQLONG)
- DistLists (MQLONG)
- HardenGetBackout (MQLONG)
- IndexType (MQLONG)
- InhibitGet (MQLONG)
- InhibitPut (MQLONG)
- InitiationQName (MQCHAR48)
- MaxMsgLength (MQLONG)
- MaxQDepth (MQLONG)
- MsgDeliverySequence (MQLONG)
- NonPersistentMessageClass (MQLONG)
- OpenInputCount (MQLONG)
- OpenOutputCount (MQLONG)
- ProcessName (MQCHAR48)
- QDepthHighEvent (MQLONG)
- QDepthHighLimit (MQLONG)
- QDepthLowEvent (MQLONG)
- QDepthLowLimit (MQLONG)
- QDepthMaxEvent (MQLONG)
- QDesc (MQCHAR64)
- QName (MQCHAR48)
- QServiceInterval (MQLONG)
- QServiceIntervalEvent (MQLONG)
- QueueAccounting (MQCHAR12)
- QueueMonitoring (MQLONG)
- QueueStatistics (MQCHAR12)
- QType (MQLONG)
- RemoteQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- RemoteQName (MQCHAR48)
- RetentionInterval (MQLONG)
- Scope (MQLONG)
- Shareability (MQLONG)
- StorageClass (MQCHAR8)
- TriggerControl (MQLONG)
- TriggerData (MQCHAR64)
- TriggerDepth (MQLONG)
- TriggerMsgPriority (MQLONG)
- TriggerType (MQLONG)
- Usage (MQLONG)
- XmitQName (MQCHAR48)
- Attributes for namelists
- Attribute descriptions
- AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
- AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
- NameCount (MQLONG)
- NamelistDesc (MQCHAR64)
- NamelistName (MQCHAR48)
- NamelistType (MQLONG)
- Names (MQCHAR48xNameCount)
- Attributes for process definitions
- Attribute descriptions
- AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
- AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
- ApplId (MQCHAR256)
- ApplType (MQLONG)
- EnvData (MQCHAR128)
- ProcessDesc (MQCHAR64)
- ProcessName (MQCHAR48)
- UserData (MQCHAR128)
- Attributes for the queue manager
- Attribute descriptions
- AccountingConnOverride (MQLONG)
- AccountingInterval (MQLONG)
- AdoptNewMCACheck (MQLONG)
- AdoptNewMCAType (MQLONG)
- AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
- AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
- AuthorityEvent (MQLONG)
- BridgeEvent (MQLONG)
- ChannelAutoDef (MQLONG)
- ChannelAutoDefEvent (MQLONG)
- ChannelAutoDefExit (MQCHARn)
- ChannelEvent (MQLONG)
- ChannelInitiatorControl (MQLONG)
- ChannelMonitoring (MQLONG)
- ChannelStatistics (MQLONG)
- ChinitAdapters (MQLONG)
- ChinitDispatchers (MQLONG)
- ChinitTraceAutoStart (MQLONG)
- ChinitTraceTableSize (MQLONG)
- ClusterSenderMonitoringDefault (MQLONG)
- ClusterSenderStatistics (MQLONG)
- ClusterWorkloadData (MQCHAR32)
- ClusterWorkloadExit (MQCHARn)
- ClusterWorkloadLength (MQLONG)
- CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
- CommandEvent (MQLONG)
- CommandInputQName (MQCHAR48)
- CommandLevel (MQLONG)
- CommandServerControl (MQLONG)
- ConfigurationEvent (MQLONG)
- DeadLetterQName (MQCHAR48)
- DefXmitQName (MQCHAR48)
- DistLists (MQLONG)
- DNSGroup (MQCHAR18)
- ExpiryInterval (MQLONG)
- IGQPutAuthority (MQLONG)
- InhibitEvent (MQLONG)
- IntraGroupQueuing (MQLONG)
- IPAddressV(MQLONG)
- ListenerTimer (MQLONG)
- LocalEvent (MQLONG)
- LoggerEvent (MQLONG)
- LUGroupName (MQCHAR8)
- LUName (MQCHAR8)
- LU62ARMSuffix (MQCHAR2)
- LU62Channels (MQLONG)
- MaxActiveChannels (MQLONG)
- MaxChannels (MQLONG)
- MaxHandles (MQLONG)
- MaxMsgLength (MQLONG)
- MaxPriority (MQLONG)
- MaxUncommittedMsgs (MQLONG)
- MQIAccounting (MQLONG)
- MQIStatistics (MQLONG)
- OutboundPortMax (MQLONG)
- OutboundPortMin (MQLONG)
- PerformanceEvent (MQLONG)
- Platform (MQLONG)
- QMgrDesc (MQCHAR64)
- QMgrIdentifier (MQCHAR48)
- QMgrName (MQCHAR48)
- QueueAccounting (MQLONG)
- QueueMonitoring (MQLONG)
- QueueStatistics (MQLONG)
- ReceiveTimeout (MQLONG)
- ReceiveTimeoutMin (MQLONG)
- ReceiveTimeoutType (MQLONG)
- RemoteEvent (MQLONG)
- RepositoryName (MQCHAR48)
- RepositoryNamelist (MQCHAR48)
- SharedQMgrName (MQLONG)
- SSLKeyResetCount (MQLONG)
- StartStopEvent (MQLONG)
- StatisticsInterval (MQLONG)
- SyncPoint (MQLONG)
- TCPChannels (MQLONG)
- TCPKeepAlive (MQLONG)
- TCPStackType (MQLONG)
- TraceRouteRecording (MQLONG)
- TriggerInterval (MQLONG)
- Attributes for authentication information objects
- Attribute descriptions
- AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
- AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
- AuthInfoConnName (MQCHAR264)
- AuthInfoDesc (MQCHAR64)
- AuthInfoName (MQCHAR48)
- AuthInfoType (MQLONG)
- LDAPPassword (MQCHAR32)
- Appendixes
- Appendix A. Return codes
- Completion codes
- Reason codes
- Appendix B. MQ constants
- Appendix C. Rules for validating MQI options
- MQOPEN call
- MQPUT call
- MQPUT1 call
- MQGET call
- MQCLOSE call
- Appendix D. Machine encodings
- Binary-integer encoding
- Packed-decimal-integer encoding
- Floating-point encoding
- Constructing encodings
- Analyzing encodings
- Using bit operations
- Using arithmetic
- Summary of machine architecture encodings
- Appendix E. Report options and message flags
- Structure of the report field
- Analyzing the report field
- Using bit operations
- Using arithmetic
- Structure of the message-flags field
- Appendix F. Data conversion
- Conversion processing
- Processing conventions
- Conversion of report messages
- MQDXP - Data-conversion exit parameter
- Overview
- Fields
- C declaration
- COBOL declaration (i5/OS only)
- System/390 assembler declaration
- MQXCNVC - Convert characters
- Syntax
- Parameters
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation (i5/OS only)
- System/390 assembler invocation
- MQ_DATA_CONV_EXIT - Data conversion exit
- Syntax
- Parameters
- Usage notes
- C invocation
- COBOL invocation (i5/OS only)
- System/390 assembler invocation
- Appendix G. Code page conversion
- Codeset names and CCSIDs
- National languages
- US English
- German
- Danish and Norwegian
- Finnish and Swedish
- Italian
- Spanish
- UK English /Gaelic
- French
- Multilingual
- Portuguese
- Icelandic
- Eastern European languages
- Cyrillic
- Estonian
- Latvian and Lithuanian
- Ukranian
- Greek
- Turkish
- Hebrew
- Arabic
- Farsi
- Urdu
- Thai
- Lao
- Vietnamese
- Japanese Latin SBCS
- Japanese Katakana SBCS
- Japanese Kanji/ Latin Mixed
- Japanese Kanji/ Katakana Mixed
- Korean
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- z/OS conversion support
- OS/400 conversion support
- Unicode conversion support
- WebSphere MQ AIX support for Unicode
- WebSphere MQ HP-UX support for Unicode
- WebSphere MQ (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux) and MQSeries (for Compaq NSK, OVMS, and Tru64) support for Unicode
- OS/400 support for Unicode
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS support for Unicode
- Appendix H. Notices
- Trademarks
- Index