Application Programming Ref

  1. Application Programming Ref.
  2. Tables
  3. About this book
  4. Who this book is for
  5. What we need to know to understand this book
  6. Terms used in this book
  7. Language compilers and assemblers
  8. How to use this book
  9. Appearance of text in this book
  10. Summary of changes
  11. Changes for this edition (SC34-6596-00)
  12. Data type descriptions
  13. Introduction
  14. Elementary data types
  15. MQBYTE
  16. MQBYTEn
  17. MQCHAR
  18. MQCHARn
  20. MQHOBJ
  21. MQINT32
  22. MQINT64
  23. MQLONG
  24. MQPID
  25. MQPTR
  26. MQTID
  27. MQUINT32
  28. MQUINT64
  31. PMQINT32
  32. PMQINT64
  33. PMQLONG - A pointer to data of type MQLONG
  34. PMQMD - A pointer to structure of type MQMD
  35. PMQUINT32
  36. PMQUINT64
  37. PMQULONG - A pointer to data of type MQULONG
  38. C declarations
  39. COBOL declarations
  40. PL/I declarations
  41. System/390 assembler declarations
  42. Structure data types - introduction
  43. Summary
  44. Rules for structure data types
  45. Conventions used in the descriptions
  46. C programming
  47. Header files
  48. Functions
  49. Parameters with undefined data type
  50. Data types
  51. Manipulating binary strings
  52. Manipulating character strings
  53. Initial values for structures
  54. Initial values for dynamic structures
  55. Use from C++
  56. Notational conventions
  57. COBOL programming
  58. COPY files
  59. Structures
  60. Pointers
  61. Named constants
  62. Notational conventions
  63. System/390 assembler programming
  64. Macros
  65. Structures
  66. CMQVERA macro
  67. Notational conventions
  68. MQAIR - Authentication information record
  69. Overview
  70. Fields
  71. AuthInfoConnName (MQCHAR264)
  72. AuthInfoType (MQLONG)
  73. LDAPPassword (MQCHAR32)
  74. LDAPUserNameLength (MQLONG)
  75. LDAPUserNameOffset (MQLONG)
  76. LDAPUserNamePtr (PMQCHAR)
  77. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  78. V(MQLONG)
  79. Initial values and language declarations
  80. C declaration
  81. COBOL declaration
  82. PL/I declaration
  83. Visual Basic declaration
  84. MQBO - Begin options
  85. Overview
  86. Fields
  87. Options (MQLONG)
  88. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  89. V(MQLONG)
  90. Initial values and language declarations
  91. C declaration
  92. COBOL declaration
  93. PL/I declaration
  94. Visual Basic declaration
  95. MQCIH - CICS bridge header
  96. Overview
  97. Fields
  98. AbendCode (MQCHAR4)
  99. ADSDescriptor (MQLONG)
  100. AttentionId (MQCHAR4)
  101. Authenticator (MQCHAR8)
  102. CancelCode (MQCHAR4)
  103. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  104. CompCode (MQLONG)
  105. ConversationalTask (MQLONG)
  106. CursorPosition (MQLONG)
  107. Encoding (MQLONG)
  108. ErrorOffset (MQLONG)
  109. Facility (MQBYTE8)
  110. FacilityKeepTime (MQLONG)
  111. FacilityLike (MQCHAR4)
  112. Flags (MQLONG)
  113. Format (MQCHAR8)
  114. Function (MQCHAR4)
  115. GetWaitInterval (MQLONG)
  116. InputItem (MQLONG)
  117. LinkType (MQLONG)
  118. NextTransactionId (MQCHAR4)
  119. OutputDataLength (MQLONG)
  120. Reason (MQLONG)
  121. RemoteSysId (MQCHAR4)
  122. RemoteTransId (MQCHAR4)
  123. ReplyToFormat (MQCHAR8)
  124. Reserved1 (MQCHAR8)
  125. Reserved2 (MQCHAR8)
  126. Reserved3 (MQCHAR8)
  127. Reserved4 (MQLONG)
  128. ReturnCode (MQLONG)
  129. StartCode (MQCHAR4)
  130. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  131. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  132. TaskEndStatus (MQLONG)
  133. TransactionId (MQCHAR4)
  134. UOWControl (MQLONG)
  135. V(MQLONG)
  136. Initial values and language declarations
  137. C declaration
  138. COBOL declaration
  139. PL/I declaration
  140. System/390 assembler declaration
  141. Visual Basic declaration
  142. MQCNO - Connect options
  143. Overview
  144. Fields
  145. ClientConnOffset (MQLONG)
  146. ClientConnPtr (MQPTR)
  147. ConnectionId (MQBYTE24)
  148. ConnTag (MQBYTE128)
  149. Options (MQLONG)
  150. SecurityParmsOffset (MQCSP)
  151. SecurityParmsPtr (MQLONG)
  152. SSLConfigOffset (MQLONG)
  153. SSLConfigPtr (PMQSCO)
  154. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  155. V(MQLONG)
  156. Initial values and language declarations
  157. C declaration
  158. COBOL declaration
  159. PL/I declaration
  160. System/390 assembler declaration
  161. Visual Basic declaration
  162. MQCSP - Security parameters
  163. Overview
  164. Fields
  165. AuthenticationType (MQLONG)
  166. CSPPasswordLength (MQLONG)
  167. CSPPasswordOffset (MQLONG)
  168. CSPPasswordPtr (MQPTR)
  169. CSPUserIdLength (MQLONG)
  170. CSPUserIdOffset (MQLONG)
  171. CSPUserIdPtr (MQPTR)
  172. Reserved1 (MQBYTE4)
  173. Reserved2 (MQBYTE8)
  174. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  175. V(MQLONG)
  176. Initial values and language declarations
  177. C declaration
  178. COBOL declaration
  179. PL/I declaration
  180. Visual Basic declaration
  181. MQDH - Distribution header
  182. Overview
  183. Fields
  184. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  185. Encoding (MQLONG)
  186. Flags (MQLONG)
  187. Format (MQCHAR8)
  188. ObjectRecOffset (MQLONG)
  189. PutMsgRecFields (MQLONG)
  190. PutMsgRecOffset (MQLONG)
  191. RecsPresent (MQLONG)
  192. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  193. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  194. V(MQLONG)
  195. Initial values and language declarations
  196. C declaration
  197. COBOL declaration
  198. PL/I declaration
  199. Visual Basic declaration
  200. MQDLH - Dead-letter header
  201. Overview
  202. Fields
  203. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  204. DestQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  205. DestQName (MQCHAR48)
  206. Encoding (MQLONG)
  207. Format (MQCHAR8)
  208. PutApplName (MQCHAR28)
  209. PutApplType (MQLONG)
  210. PutDate (MQCHAR8)
  211. PutTime (MQCHAR8)
  212. Reason (MQLONG)
  213. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  214. V(MQLONG)
  215. Initial values and language declarations
  216. C declaration
  217. COBOL declaration
  218. PL/I declaration
  219. System/390 assembler declaration
  220. Visual Basic declaration
  221. MQEPH - Embedded PCF header
  222. Overview
  223. Fields
  224. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  225. Encoding (MQLONG)
  226. Flags (MQLONG)
  227. Format (MQCHAR8)
  228. PCFHeader (MQCFH)
  229. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  230. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  231. V(MQLONG)
  232. Initial values and language declarations
  233. C declaration
  234. COBOL declaration
  235. PL/I declaration
  236. System/390 assembler declaration
  237. Visual Basic declaration
  238. MQGMO - Get-message options
  239. Overview
  240. Fields
  241. GroupStatus (MQCHAR)
  242. MatchOptions (MQLONG)
  243. MsgToken (MQBYTE16)
  244. Options (MQLONG)
  245. Reserved1 (MQCHAR)
  246. ResolvedQName (MQCHAR48)
  247. ReturnedLength (MQLONG)
  248. Segmentation (MQCHAR)
  249. SegmentStatus (MQCHAR)
  250. Signal1 (MQLONG)
  251. Signal2 (MQLONG)
  252. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  253. V(MQLONG)
  254. WaitInterval (MQLONG)
  255. Initial values and language declarations
  256. C declaration
  257. COBOL declaration
  258. PL/I declaration
  259. System/390 assembler declaration
  260. Visual Basic declaration
  261. MQIIH - IMS information header
  262. Overview
  263. Fields
  264. Authenticator (MQCHAR8)
  265. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  266. CommitMode (MQCHAR)
  267. Encoding (MQLONG)
  268. Flags (MQLONG)
  269. Format (MQCHAR8)
  270. LTermOverride (MQCHAR8)
  271. MFSMapName (MQCHAR8)
  272. ReplyToFormat (MQCHAR8)
  273. Reserved (MQCHAR)
  274. SecurityScope (MQCHAR)
  275. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  276. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  277. TranInstanceId (MQBYTE16)
  278. TranState (MQCHAR)
  279. V(MQLONG)
  280. Initial values and language declarations
  281. C declaration
  282. COBOL declaration
  283. PL/I declaration
  284. System/390 assembler declaration
  285. Visual Basic declaration
  286. MQMD - Message descriptor
  287. Overview
  288. Fields
  289. AccountingToken (MQBYTE32)
  290. ApplIdentityData (MQCHAR32)
  291. ApplOriginData (MQCHAR4)
  292. BackoutCount (MQLONG)
  293. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  294. CorrelId (MQBYTE24)
  295. Encoding (MQLONG)
  296. Expiry (MQLONG)
  297. Feedback (MQLONG)
  298. Format (MQCHAR8)
  299. GroupId (MQBYTE24)
  300. MsgFlags (MQLONG)
  301. MsgId (MQBYTE24)
  302. MsgSeqNumber (MQLONG)
  303. MsgType (MQLONG)
  304. Offset (MQLONG)
  305. OriginalLength (MQLONG)
  306. Persistence (MQLONG)
  307. Priority (MQLONG)
  308. PutApplName (MQCHAR28)
  309. PutApplType (MQLONG)
  310. PutDate (MQCHAR8)
  311. PutTime (MQCHAR8)
  312. ReplyToQ (MQCHAR48)
  313. ReplyToQMgr (MQCHAR48)
  314. Report (MQLONG)
  315. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  316. UserIdentifier (MQCHAR12)
  317. V(MQLONG)
  318. Initial values and language declarations
  319. C declaration
  320. COBOL declaration
  321. PL/I declaration
  322. System/390 assembler declaration
  323. Visual Basic declaration
  324. MQMDE - Message descriptor extension
  325. Overview
  326. Fields
  327. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  328. Encoding (MQLONG)
  329. Flags (MQLONG)
  330. Format (MQCHAR8)
  331. GroupId (MQBYTE24)
  332. MsgFlags (MQLONG)
  333. MsgSeqNumber (MQLONG)
  334. Offset (MQLONG)
  335. OriginalLength (MQLONG)
  336. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  337. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  338. V(MQLONG)
  339. Initial values and language declarations
  340. C declaration
  341. COBOL declaration
  342. PL/I declaration
  343. System/390 assembler declaration
  344. Visual Basic declaration
  345. MQOD - Object descriptor
  346. Overview
  347. Fields
  348. AlternateSecurityId (MQBYTE40)
  349. AlternateUserId (MQCHAR12)
  350. DynamicQName (MQCHAR48)
  351. InvalidDestCount (MQLONG)
  352. KnownDestCount (MQLONG)
  353. ObjectName (MQCHAR48)
  354. ObjectQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  355. ObjectRecOffset (MQLONG)
  356. ObjectRecPtr (MQPTR)
  357. ObjectType (MQLONG)
  358. RecsPresent (MQLONG)
  359. ResolvedQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  360. ResolvedQName (MQCHAR48)
  361. ResponseRecOffset (MQLONG)
  362. ResponseRecPtr (MQPTR)
  363. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  364. UnknownDestCount (MQLONG)
  365. V(MQLONG)
  366. Initial values and language declarations
  367. C declaration
  368. COBOL declaration
  369. PL/I declaration
  370. System/390 assembler declaration
  371. Visual Basic declaration
  372. MQOR - Object record
  373. Overview
  374. Fields
  375. ObjectName (MQCHAR48)
  376. ObjectQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  377. Initial values and language declarations
  378. C declaration
  379. COBOL declaration
  380. PL/I declaration
  381. Visual Basic declaration
  382. MQPMO - Put-message options
  383. Overview
  384. Fields
  385. Context (MQHOBJ)
  386. InvalidDestCount (MQLONG)
  387. KnownDestCount (MQLONG)
  388. Options (MQLONG)
  389. PutMsgRecFields (MQLONG)
  390. PutMsgRecOffset (MQLONG)
  391. PutMsgRecPtr (MQPTR)
  392. RecsPresent (MQLONG)
  393. ResolvedQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  394. ResolvedQName (MQCHAR48)
  395. ResponseRecOffset (MQLONG)
  396. ResponseRecPtr (MQPTR)
  397. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  398. Timeout (MQLONG)
  399. UnknownDestCount (MQLONG)
  400. V(MQLONG)
  401. Initial values and language declarations
  402. C declaration
  403. COBOL declaration
  404. PL/I declaration
  405. System/390 assembler declaration
  406. Visual Basic declaration
  407. MQPMR - Put-message record
  408. Overview
  409. Fields
  410. AccountingToken (MQBYTE32)
  411. CorrelId (MQBYTE24)
  412. Feedback (MQLONG)
  413. GroupId (MQBYTE24)
  414. MsgId (MQBYTE24)
  415. Initial values and language declarations
  416. C declaration
  417. COBOL declaration
  418. PL/I declaration
  419. Visual Basic declaration
  420. MQRFH - Rules and formatting header
  421. Overview
  422. Fields
  423. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  424. Encoding (MQLONG)
  425. Flags (MQLONG)
  426. Format (MQCHAR8)
  427. NameValueString (MQCHARn)
  428. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  429. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  430. V(MQLONG)
  431. Initial values and language declarations
  432. C declaration
  433. COBOL declaration
  434. PL/I declaration
  435. System/390 assembler declaration
  436. Visual Basic declaration
  437. MQRFH2 - Rules and formatting header 2
  438. Overview
  439. Fields
  440. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  441. Encoding (MQLONG)
  442. Flags (MQLONG)
  443. Format (MQCHAR8)
  444. NameValueCCSID (MQLONG)
  445. NameValueData (MQCHARn)
  446. NameValueLength (MQLONG)
  447. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  448. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  449. V(MQLONG)
  450. Initial values and language declarations
  451. C declaration
  452. COBOL declaration
  453. PL/I declaration
  454. System/390 assembler declaration
  455. Visual Basic declaration
  456. MQRMH - Reference message header
  457. Overview
  458. Fields
  459. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  460. DataLogicalLength (MQLONG)
  461. DataLogicalOffset (MQLONG)
  462. DataLogicalOffset2 (MQLONG)
  463. DestEnvLength (MQLONG)
  464. DestEnvOffset (MQLONG)
  465. DestNameLength (MQLONG)
  466. DestNameOffset (MQLONG)
  467. Encoding (MQLONG)
  468. Flags (MQLONG)
  469. Format (MQCHAR8)
  470. ObjectInstanceId (MQBYTE24)
  471. ObjectType (MQCHAR8)
  472. SrcEnvLength (MQLONG)
  473. SrcEnvOffset (MQLONG)
  474. SrcNameLength (MQLONG)
  475. SrcNameOffset (MQLONG)
  476. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  477. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  478. V(MQLONG)
  479. Initial values and language declarations
  480. C declaration
  481. COBOL declaration
  482. PL/I declaration
  483. System/390 assembler declaration
  484. Visual Basic declaration
  485. MQRR - Response record
  486. Overview
  487. Fields
  488. CompCode (MQLONG)
  489. Reason (MQLONG)
  490. Initial values and language declarations
  491. C declaration
  492. COBOL declaration
  493. PL/I declaration
  494. Visual Basic declaration
  495. MQSCO - SSL configuration options
  496. Overview
  497. Fields
  498. AuthInfoRecCount (MQLONG)
  499. AuthInfoRecOffset (MQLONG)
  500. AuthInfoRecPtr (PMQAIR)
  501. CryptoHardware (MQCHAR256)
  502. FipsRequired (MQLONG)
  503. KeyRepository (MQCHAR256)
  504. KeyResetCount (MQLONG)
  505. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  506. V(MQLONG)
  507. Initial values and language declarations
  508. C declaration
  509. COBOL declaration
  510. PL/I declaration
  511. Visual Basic declaration
  512. MQTM - Trigger message
  513. Overview
  514. Fields
  515. ApplId (MQCHAR256)
  516. ApplType (MQLONG)
  517. EnvData (MQCHAR128)
  518. ProcessName (MQCHAR48)
  519. QName (MQCHAR48)
  520. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  521. TriggerData (MQCHAR64)
  522. UserData (MQCHAR128)
  523. V(MQLONG)
  524. Initial values and language declarations
  525. C declaration
  526. COBOL declaration
  527. PL/I declaration
  528. System/390 assembler declaration
  529. Visual Basic declaration
  530. MQTMC2 - Trigger message 2 (character format)
  531. Overview
  532. Fields
  533. ApplId (MQCHAR256)
  534. ApplType (MQCHAR4)
  535. EnvData (MQCHAR128)
  536. ProcessName (MQCHAR48)
  537. QMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  538. QName (MQCHAR48)
  539. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  540. TriggerData (MQCHAR64)
  541. UserData (MQCHAR128)
  542. V(MQCHAR4)
  543. Initial values and language declarations
  544. C declaration
  545. COBOL declaration
  546. PL/I declaration
  547. System/390 assembler declaration
  548. Visual Basic declaration
  549. MQWIH - Work information header
  550. Overview
  551. Fields
  552. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  553. Encoding (MQLONG)
  554. Flags (MQLONG)
  555. Format (MQCHAR8)
  556. MsgToken (MQBYTE16)
  557. Reserved (MQCHAR32)
  558. ServiceName (MQCHAR32)
  559. ServiceStep (MQCHAR8)
  560. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  561. StrucLength (MQLONG)
  562. V(MQLONG)
  563. Initial values and language declarations
  564. C declaration
  565. COBOL declaration
  566. PL/I declaration
  567. System/390 assembler declaration
  568. Visual Basic declaration
  569. MQXP - Exit parameter block
  570. Overview
  571. Fields
  572. ExitCommand (MQLONG)
  573. ExitId (MQLONG)
  574. ExitParmCount (MQLONG)
  575. ExitReason (MQLONG)
  576. ExitResponse (MQLONG)
  577. ExitUserArea (MQBYTE16)
  578. Reserved (MQLONG)
  579. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  580. V(MQLONG)
  581. Language declarations
  582. C declaration
  583. COBOL declaration
  584. PL/I declaration
  585. System/390 assembler declaration
  586. MQXQH - Transmission-queue header
  587. Overview
  588. Fields
  589. MsgDesc (MQMD1)
  590. RemoteQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  591. RemoteQName (MQCHAR48)
  592. StrucId (MQCHAR4)
  593. V(MQLONG)
  594. Initial values and language declarations
  595. C declaration
  596. COBOL declaration
  597. PL/I declaration
  598. System/390 assembler declaration
  599. Visual Basic declaration
  600. Function calls
  601. Call descriptions
  602. Conventions used in the call descriptions
  603. Using the calls in the C language
  604. Declaring the Buffer parameter
  605. MQBACK - Back out changes
  606. Syntax
  607. Parameters
  608. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  609. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  610. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  611. Usage notes
  612. Language invocations
  613. C invocation
  614. COBOL invocation
  615. PL/I invocation
  616. System/390 assembler invocation
  617. Visual Basic invocation
  618. MQBEGIN - Begin unit of work
  619. Syntax
  620. Parameters
  621. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  622. BeginOptions (MQBO) - input/output
  623. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  624. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  625. Usage notes
  626. Language invocations
  627. C invocation
  628. COBOL invocation
  629. PL/I invocation
  630. Visual Basic invocation
  631. MQCLOSE - Close object
  632. Syntax
  633. Parameters
  634. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  635. Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input/output
  636. Options (MQLONG) - input
  637. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  638. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  639. Usage notes
  640. Language invocations
  641. C invocation
  642. COBOL invocation
  643. PL/I invocation
  644. System/390 assembler invocation
  645. Visual Basic invocation
  646. MQCMIT - Commit changes
  647. Syntax
  648. Parameters
  649. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  650. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  651. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  652. Usage notes
  653. Language invocations
  654. C invocation
  655. COBOL invocation
  656. PL/I invocation
  657. System/390 assembler invocation
  658. Visual Basic invocation
  659. MQCONN - Connect queue manager
  660. Syntax
  661. Parameters
  662. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) - input
  663. Hconn (MQHCONN) - output
  664. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  665. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  666. Usage notes
  667. Language invocations
  668. C invocation
  669. COBOL invocation
  670. PL/I invocation
  671. System/390 assembler invocation
  672. Visual Basic invocation
  673. MQCONNX - Connect queue manager (extended)
  674. Syntax
  675. Parameters
  676. QMgrName (MQCHAR48) - input
  677. ConnectOpts (MQCNO) - input/output
  678. Hconn (MQHCONN) - output
  679. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  680. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  681. Usage notes
  682. Language invocations
  683. C invocation
  684. COBOL invocation
  685. PL/I invocation
  686. System/390 assembler invocation
  687. Visual Basic invocation
  688. MQDISC - Disconnect queue manager
  689. Syntax
  690. Parameters
  691. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input/output
  692. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  693. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  694. Usage notes
  695. Language invocations
  696. C invocation
  697. COBOL invocation
  698. PL/I invocation
  699. System/390 assembler invocation
  700. Visual Basic invocation
  701. MQGET - Get message
  702. Syntax
  703. Parameters
  704. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  705. Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input
  706. MsgDesc (MQMD) - input/output
  707. GetMsgOpts (MQGMO) - input/output
  708. BufferLength (MQLONG) - input
  709. Buffer (MQBYTExBufferLength) - output
  710. DataLength (MQLONG) - output
  711. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  712. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  713. Usage notes
  714. Language invocations
  715. C invocation
  716. COBOL invocation
  717. PL/I invocation
  718. System/390 assembler invocation
  719. Visual Basic invocation
  720. MQINQ - Inquire object attributes
  721. Syntax
  722. Parameters
  723. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  724. Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input
  725. SelectorCount (MQLONG) - input
  726. Selectors (MQLONGxSelectorCount) - input
  727. IntAttrCount (MQLONG) - input
  728. IntAttrs (MQLONGxIntAttrCount) - output
  729. CharAttrLength (MQLONG) - input
  730. CharAttrs (MQCHARxCharAttrLength) - output
  731. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  732. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  733. Usage notes
  734. Language invocations
  735. C invocation
  736. COBOL invocation
  737. PL/I invocation
  738. System/390 assembler invocation
  739. Visual Basic invocation
  740. MQOPEN - Open object
  741. Syntax
  742. Parameters
  743. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  744. ObjDesc (MQOD) - input/output
  745. Options (MQLONG) - input
  746. Hobj (MQHOBJ) - output
  747. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  748. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  749. Usage notes
  750. Language invocations
  751. C invocation
  752. COBOL invocation
  753. PL/I invocation
  754. System/390 assembler invocation
  755. Visual Basic invocation
  756. MQPUT - Put message
  757. Syntax
  758. Parameters
  759. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  760. Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input
  761. MsgDesc (MQMD) - input/output
  762. PutMsgOpts (MQPMO) - input/output
  763. BufferLength (MQLONG) - input
  764. Buffer (MQBYTExBufferLength) - input
  765. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  766. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  767. Usage notes
  768. Language invocations
  769. C invocation
  770. COBOL invocation
  771. PL/I invocation
  772. System/390 assembler invocation
  773. Visual Basic invocation
  774. MQPUT1 - Put one message
  775. Syntax
  776. Parameters
  777. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  778. ObjDesc (MQOD) - input/output
  779. MsgDesc (MQMD) - input/output
  780. PutMsgOpts (MQPMO) - input/output
  781. BufferLength (MQLONG) - input
  782. Buffer (MQBYTExBufferLength) - input
  783. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  784. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  785. Usage notes
  786. Language invocations
  787. C invocation
  788. COBOL invocation
  789. PL/I invocation
  790. System/390 assembler invocation
  791. Visual Basic invocation
  792. MQSET - Set object attributes
  793. Syntax
  794. Parameters
  795. Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
  796. Hobj (MQHOBJ) - input
  797. SelectorCount (MQLONG) - input
  798. Selectors (MQLONGxSelectorCount) - input
  799. IntAttrCount (MQLONG) - input
  800. IntAttrs (MQLONGxIntAttrCount) - input
  801. CharAttrLength (MQLONG) - input
  802. CharAttrs (MQCHARxCharAttrLength) - input
  803. CompCode (MQLONG) - output
  804. Reason (MQLONG) - output
  805. Usage notes
  806. Language invocations
  807. C invocation
  808. COBOL invocation
  809. PL/I invocation
  810. System/390 assembler invocation
  811. Visual Basic invocation
  812. Attributes of objects
  813. Attributes for queues
  814. Attribute descriptions
  815. AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
  816. AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
  817. BackoutRequeueQName (MQCHAR48)
  818. BackoutThreshold (MQLONG)
  819. BaseQName (MQCHAR48)
  820. CFStrucName (MQCHAR12)
  821. ClusterName (MQCHAR48)
  822. ClusterNamelist (MQCHAR48)
  823. CLWLQueuePriority (MQLONG)
  824. CLWLQueueRank (MQLONG)
  825. CLWLUseQ (MQLONG)
  826. CreationDate (MQCHAR12)
  827. CreationTime (MQCHAR8)
  828. CurrentQDepth (MQLONG)
  829. DefBind (MQLONG)
  830. DefinitionType (MQLONG)
  831. DefInputOpenOption (MQLONG)
  832. DefPersistence (MQLONG)
  833. DefPriority (MQLONG)
  834. DistLists (MQLONG)
  835. HardenGetBackout (MQLONG)
  836. IndexType (MQLONG)
  837. InhibitGet (MQLONG)
  838. InhibitPut (MQLONG)
  839. InitiationQName (MQCHAR48)
  840. MaxMsgLength (MQLONG)
  841. MaxQDepth (MQLONG)
  842. MsgDeliverySequence (MQLONG)
  843. NonPersistentMessageClass (MQLONG)
  844. OpenInputCount (MQLONG)
  845. OpenOutputCount (MQLONG)
  846. ProcessName (MQCHAR48)
  847. QDepthHighEvent (MQLONG)
  848. QDepthHighLimit (MQLONG)
  849. QDepthLowEvent (MQLONG)
  850. QDepthLowLimit (MQLONG)
  851. QDepthMaxEvent (MQLONG)
  852. QDesc (MQCHAR64)
  853. QName (MQCHAR48)
  854. QServiceInterval (MQLONG)
  855. QServiceIntervalEvent (MQLONG)
  856. QSGDisp (MQLONG)
  857. QueueAccounting (MQCHAR12)
  858. QueueMonitoring (MQLONG)
  859. QueueStatistics (MQCHAR12)
  860. QType (MQLONG)
  861. RemoteQMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  862. RemoteQName (MQCHAR48)
  863. RetentionInterval (MQLONG)
  864. Scope (MQLONG)
  865. Shareability (MQLONG)
  866. StorageClass (MQCHAR8)
  867. TriggerControl (MQLONG)
  868. TriggerData (MQCHAR64)
  869. TriggerDepth (MQLONG)
  870. TriggerMsgPriority (MQLONG)
  871. TriggerType (MQLONG)
  872. Usage (MQLONG)
  873. XmitQName (MQCHAR48)
  874. Attributes for namelists
  875. Attribute descriptions
  876. AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
  877. AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
  878. NameCount (MQLONG)
  879. NamelistDesc (MQCHAR64)
  880. NamelistName (MQCHAR48)
  881. NamelistType (MQLONG)
  882. Names (MQCHAR48xNameCount)
  883. QSGDisp (MQLONG)
  884. Attributes for process definitions
  885. Attribute descriptions
  886. AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
  887. AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
  888. ApplId (MQCHAR256)
  889. ApplType (MQLONG)
  890. EnvData (MQCHAR128)
  891. ProcessDesc (MQCHAR64)
  892. ProcessName (MQCHAR48)
  893. QSGDisp (MQLONG)
  894. UserData (MQCHAR128)
  895. Attributes for the queue manager
  896. Attribute descriptions
  897. AccountingConnOverride (MQLONG)
  898. AccountingInterval (MQLONG)
  899. AdoptNewMCACheck (MQLONG)
  900. AdoptNewMCAType (MQLONG)
  901. AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
  902. AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
  903. AuthorityEvent (MQLONG)
  904. BridgeEvent (MQLONG)
  905. ChannelAutoDef (MQLONG)
  906. ChannelAutoDefEvent (MQLONG)
  907. ChannelAutoDefExit (MQCHARn)
  908. ChannelEvent (MQLONG)
  909. ChannelInitiatorControl (MQLONG)
  910. ChannelMonitoring (MQLONG)
  911. ChannelStatistics (MQLONG)
  912. ChinitAdapters (MQLONG)
  913. ChinitDispatchers (MQLONG)
  914. ChinitTraceAutoStart (MQLONG)
  915. ChinitTraceTableSize (MQLONG)
  916. ClusterSenderMonitoringDefault (MQLONG)
  917. ClusterSenderStatistics (MQLONG)
  918. ClusterWorkloadData (MQCHAR32)
  919. ClusterWorkloadExit (MQCHARn)
  920. ClusterWorkloadLength (MQLONG)
  921. CLWLMRUChannels (MQLONG)
  922. CLWLUseQ (MQLONG)
  923. CodedCharSetId (MQLONG)
  924. CommandEvent (MQLONG)
  925. CommandInputQName (MQCHAR48)
  926. CommandLevel (MQLONG)
  927. CommandServerControl (MQLONG)
  928. ConfigurationEvent (MQLONG)
  929. DeadLetterQName (MQCHAR48)
  930. DefXmitQName (MQCHAR48)
  931. DistLists (MQLONG)
  932. DNSGroup (MQCHAR18)
  934. ExpiryInterval (MQLONG)
  935. IGQPutAuthority (MQLONG)
  936. IGQUserId (MQLONG)
  937. InhibitEvent (MQLONG)
  938. IntraGroupQueuing (MQLONG)
  939. IPAddressV(MQLONG)
  940. ListenerTimer (MQLONG)
  941. LocalEvent (MQLONG)
  942. LoggerEvent (MQLONG)
  943. LUGroupName (MQCHAR8)
  944. LUName (MQCHAR8)
  945. LU62ARMSuffix (MQCHAR2)
  946. LU62Channels (MQLONG)
  947. MaxActiveChannels (MQLONG)
  948. MaxChannels (MQLONG)
  949. MaxHandles (MQLONG)
  950. MaxMsgLength (MQLONG)
  951. MaxPriority (MQLONG)
  952. MaxUncommittedMsgs (MQLONG)
  953. MQIAccounting (MQLONG)
  954. MQIStatistics (MQLONG)
  955. OutboundPortMax (MQLONG)
  956. OutboundPortMin (MQLONG)
  957. PerformanceEvent (MQLONG)
  958. Platform (MQLONG)
  959. QMgrDesc (MQCHAR64)
  960. QMgrIdentifier (MQCHAR48)
  961. QMgrName (MQCHAR48)
  962. QSGName (MQCHAR4)
  963. QueueAccounting (MQLONG)
  964. QueueMonitoring (MQLONG)
  965. QueueStatistics (MQLONG)
  966. ReceiveTimeout (MQLONG)
  967. ReceiveTimeoutMin (MQLONG)
  968. ReceiveTimeoutType (MQLONG)
  969. RemoteEvent (MQLONG)
  970. RepositoryName (MQCHAR48)
  971. RepositoryNamelist (MQCHAR48)
  972. SharedQMgrName (MQLONG)
  973. SSLEvent (MQLONG)
  974. SSLFIPSRequired (MQLONG)
  975. SSLKeyResetCount (MQLONG)
  976. StartStopEvent (MQLONG)
  977. StatisticsInterval (MQLONG)
  978. SyncPoint (MQLONG)
  979. TCPChannels (MQLONG)
  980. TCPKeepAlive (MQLONG)
  981. TCPName (MQCHAR8)
  982. TCPStackType (MQLONG)
  983. TraceRouteRecording (MQLONG)
  984. TriggerInterval (MQLONG)
  985. Attributes for authentication information objects
  986. Attribute descriptions
  987. AlterationDate (MQCHAR12)
  988. AlterationTime (MQCHAR8)
  989. AuthInfoConnName (MQCHAR264)
  990. AuthInfoDesc (MQCHAR64)
  991. AuthInfoName (MQCHAR48)
  992. AuthInfoType (MQLONG)
  993. LDAPPassword (MQCHAR32)
  995. Appendixes
  996. Appendix A. Return codes
  997. Completion codes
  998. Reason codes
  999. Appendix B. MQ constants
  1000. Appendix C. Rules for validating MQI options
  1001. MQOPEN call
  1002. MQPUT call
  1003. MQPUT1 call
  1004. MQGET call
  1005. MQCLOSE call
  1006. Appendix D. Machine encodings
  1007. Binary-integer encoding
  1008. Packed-decimal-integer encoding
  1009. Floating-point encoding
  1010. Constructing encodings
  1011. Analyzing encodings
  1012. Using bit operations
  1013. Using arithmetic
  1014. Summary of machine architecture encodings
  1015. Appendix E. Report options and message flags
  1016. Structure of the report field
  1017. Analyzing the report field
  1018. Using bit operations
  1019. Using arithmetic
  1020. Structure of the message-flags field
  1021. Appendix F. Data conversion
  1022. Conversion processing
  1023. Processing conventions
  1024. Conversion of report messages
  1025. MQDXP - Data-conversion exit parameter
  1026. Overview
  1027. Fields
  1028. C declaration
  1029. COBOL declaration (i5/OS only)
  1030. System/390 assembler declaration
  1031. MQXCNVC - Convert characters
  1032. Syntax
  1033. Parameters
  1034. C invocation
  1035. COBOL invocation (i5/OS only)
  1036. System/390 assembler invocation
  1037. MQ_DATA_CONV_EXIT - Data conversion exit
  1038. Syntax
  1039. Parameters
  1040. Usage notes
  1041. C invocation
  1042. COBOL invocation (i5/OS only)
  1043. System/390 assembler invocation
  1044. Appendix G. Code page conversion
  1045. Codeset names and CCSIDs
  1046. National languages
  1047. US English
  1048. German
  1049. Danish and Norwegian
  1050. Finnish and Swedish
  1051. Italian
  1052. Spanish
  1053. UK English /Gaelic
  1054. French
  1055. Multilingual
  1056. Portuguese
  1057. Icelandic
  1058. Eastern European languages
  1059. Cyrillic
  1060. Estonian
  1061. Latvian and Lithuanian
  1062. Ukranian
  1063. Greek
  1064. Turkish
  1065. Hebrew
  1066. Arabic
  1067. Farsi
  1068. Urdu
  1069. Thai
  1070. Lao
  1071. Vietnamese
  1072. Japanese Latin SBCS
  1073. Japanese Katakana SBCS
  1074. Japanese Kanji/ Latin Mixed
  1075. Japanese Kanji/ Katakana Mixed
  1076. Korean
  1077. Simplified Chinese
  1078. Traditional Chinese
  1079. z/OS conversion support
  1080. OS/400 conversion support
  1081. Unicode conversion support
  1082. WebSphere MQ AIX support for Unicode
  1083. WebSphere MQ HP-UX support for Unicode
  1084. WebSphere MQ (for Windows, Solaris, and Linux) and MQSeries (for Compaq NSK, OVMS, and Tru64) support for Unicode
  1085. OS/400 support for Unicode
  1086. WebSphere MQ for z/OS support for Unicode
  1087. Appendix H. Notices
  1088. Trademarks
  1089. Index