

C declaration

typedef struct tagMQCIH MQCIH;
struct tagMQCIH {
  MQCHAR4  StrucId;             /* Structure identifier */
  MQLONG   Version;             /* Structure version number */
  MQLONG   StrucLength;         /* Length of MQCIH structure */
  MQLONG   Encoding;            /* Reserved */
  MQLONG   CodedCharSetId;      /* Reserved */
  MQCHAR8  Format;              /* MQ format name of data that follows
                                   MQCIH */
  MQLONG   Flags;               /* Flags */
  MQLONG   ReturnCode;          /* Return code from bridge */
  MQLONG   CompCode;            /* MQ completion code or CICS EIBRESP */
  MQLONG   Reason;              /* MQ reason or feedback code, or CICS
                                   EIBRESP2 */
  MQLONG   UOWControl;          /* Unit-of-work control */
  MQLONG   GetWaitInterval;     /* Wait interval for MQGET call issued
                                   by bridge task */
  MQLONG   LinkType;            /* Link type */
  MQLONG   OutputDataLength;    /* Output COMMAREA data length */
  MQLONG   FacilityKeepTime;    /* Bridge facility release time */
  MQLONG   ADSDescriptor;       /* Send/receive ADS descriptor */
  MQLONG   ConversationalTask;  /* Whether task can be conversational */
  MQLONG   TaskEndStatus;       /* Status at end of task */
  MQBYTE8  Facility;            /* Bridge facility token */
  MQCHAR4  Function;            /* MQ call name or CICS EIBFN
                                   function */
  MQCHAR4  AbendCode;           /* Abend code */
  MQCHAR8  Authenticator;       /* Password or passticket */
  MQCHAR8  Reserved1;           /* Reserved */
  MQCHAR8  ReplyToFormat;       /* MQ format name of reply message */
  MQCHAR4  RemoteSysId;         /* Reserved */
  MQCHAR4  RemoteTransId;       /* Reserved */
  MQCHAR4  TransactionId;       /* Transaction to attach */
  MQCHAR4  FacilityLike;        /* Terminal emulated attributes */
  MQCHAR4  AttentionId;         /* AID key */
  MQCHAR4  StartCode;           /* Transaction start code */
  MQCHAR4  CancelCode;          /* Abend transaction code */
  MQCHAR4  NextTransactionId;   /* Next transaction to attach */
  MQCHAR8  Reserved2;           /* Reserved */
  MQCHAR8  Reserved3;           /* Reserved */
  MQLONG   CursorPosition;      /* Cursor position */
  MQLONG   ErrorOffset;         /* Offset of error in message */
  MQLONG   InputItem;           /* Reserved */
  MQLONG   Reserved4;           /* Reserved */

