

PL/I declaration

 1 MQMD based,
  3 StrucId          char(4),       /* Structure identifier */
  3 V         fixed bin(31), /* Structure version number */
  3 Report           fixed bin(31), /* Options for report messages */
  3 MsgType          fixed bin(31), /* Message type */
  3 Expiry           fixed bin(31), /* Message lifetime */
  3 Feedback         fixed bin(31), /* Feedback or reason code */
  3 Encoding         fixed bin(31), /* Numeric encoding of message
                                       data */
  3 CodedCharSetId   fixed bin(31), /* Character set identifier of
                                       message data */
  3 Format           char(8),       /* Format name of message data */
  3 Priority         fixed bin(31), /* Message priority */
  3 Persistence      fixed bin(31), /* Message persistence */
  3 MsgId            char(24),      /* Message identifier */
  3 CorrelId         char(24),      /* Correlation identifier */
  3 BackoutCount     fixed bin(31), /* Backout counter */
  3 ReplyToQ         char(48),      /* Name of reply queue */
  3 ReplyToQMgr      char(48),      /* Name of reply queue manager */
  3 UserIdentifier   char(12),      /* User identifier */
  3 AccountingToken  char(32),      /* Accounting token */
  3 ApplIdentityData char(32),      /* Application data relating to
                                       identity */
  3 PutApplType      fixed bin(31), /* Type of application that put the
                                       message */
  3 PutApplName      char(28),      /* Name of application that put the
                                       message */
  3 PutDate          char(8),       /* Date when message was put */
  3 PutTime          char(8),       /* Time when message was put */
  3 ApplOriginData   char(4),       /* Application data relating to
                                       origin */
  3 GroupId          char(24),      /* Group identifier */
  3 MsgSeqNumber     fixed bin(31), /* Sequence number of logical
                                       message within group */
  3 Offset           fixed bin(31), /* Offset of data in physical
                                       message from start of logical
                                       message */
  3 MsgFlags         fixed bin(31), /* Message flags */
  3 OriginalLength   fixed bin(31); /* Length of original message */

