

Completion codes

The completion code parameter (CompCode) allows the caller to see quickly whether the call completed successfully, completed partially, or failed.

The following is a list of completion codes, with more detail than is given in the call descriptions:


The call completed fully; all output parameters have been set. The Reason parameter always has the value MQRC_NONE in this case.


The call completed partially. Some output parameters might have been set in addition to the CompCode and Reason output parameters. The Reason parameter gives additional information about the partial completion.


The processing of the call did not complete. The state of the queue manager is unchanged, except where specifically noted. The CompCode and Reason output parameters have been set; other parameters are unchanged, except where noted.

The reason might be a fault in the application program, or it might be the result of some situation external to the program, for example the user's authority might have been revoked. The Reason parameter gives additional information about the error.

