detailed description, put-message options structure, MQPMO structure" /> MQPMO - Put-message options


MQPMO - Put-message options


The following table summarizes the fields in the structure.

Table 52. Fields in MQPMO
Field Description Topic
StrucId Structure identifier StrucId
Version Structure version number Version
Options Options that control the action of MQPUT and MQPUT1 Options
Timeout Reserved Timeout
Context Object handle of input queue Context
KnownDestCount Number of messages sent successfully to local queues KnownDestCount
UnknownDestCount Number of messages sent successfully to remote queues UnknownDestCount
InvalidDestCount Number of messages that could not be sent InvalidDestCount
ResolvedQName Resolved name of destination queue ResolvedQName
ResolvedQMgrName Resolved name of destination queue manager ResolvedQMgrName
The remaining fields are ignored if Vis less than MQPMO_VERSION_2.
RecsPresent Number of put message records or response records present RecsPresent
PutMsgRecFields Flags indicating which MQPMR fields are present PutMsgRecFields
PutMsgRecOffset Offset of first put-message record from start of MQPMO PutMsgRecOffset
ResponseRecOffset Offset of first response record from start of MQPMO ResponseRecOffset
PutMsgRecPtr Address of first put message record PutMsgRecPtr
ResponseRecPtr Address of first response record ResponseRecPtr

