


The following tables summarize the structure data types used in the MQI:

Table 14. Structure data types used on MQI calls (or exit functions):
Structure Description Calls where used
MQACH API exit chain header
MQAIR Authentication information record MQCONNX
MQAXC API exit context
MQAXP API exit parameter
MQBO Begin options MQBEGIN
MQCNO Connect options MQCONNX
MQGMO Get-message options MQGET
MQMD Message descriptor MQGET, MQPUT, MQPUT1
MQOD Object descriptor MQOPEN, MQPUT1
MQOR Object record MQOPEN, MQPUT1
MQPMO Put-message options MQPUT, MQPUT1
MQPMR Put-message record MQPUT, MQPUT1
MQRR Response record MQOPEN, MQPUT, MQPUT1
MQSCO SSL configuration options MQCONNX
Table 15. Structure data types used in message data:
Structure Description
MQCIH CICS information header
MQDH Distribution header
MQDLH Dead letter (undelivered message) header
MQIIH IMS information header
MQMDE Message descriptor extension
MQRFH Rules and formatting header
MQRFH2 Rules and formatting header 2
MQRMH Reference message header
MQTM Trigger message
MQTMC2 Trigger message (character format 2)
MQWIH Work information header
MQXQH Transmission queue header
The MQDXP structure (data conversion exit parameter) is described in Appendix F. Data conversion, together with the associated data conversion calls.

