

CharAttrs (MQCHARxCharAttrLength) - output

This is the buffer in which the character attributes are returned, concatenated together. The length of the buffer is given by the CharAttrLength parameter.

Character attributes are returned in the same order as the MQCA_* selectors in the Selectors parameter. The length of each attribute string is fixed for each attribute (see Selectors), and the value in it is padded to the right with blanks if necessary. If the buffer is larger than that needed to contain all the requested character attributes (including padding), the bytes beyond the last attribute value returned are unchanged.

If Hobj represents a queue, but an attribute selector does not apply to that type of queue, a character string consisting entirely of asterisks (*) is returned as the value of that attribute in CharAttrs.

If the CharAttrLength or SelectorCount parameter is zero, CharAttrs is not referred to; in this case, the parameter address passed by programs written in C or System/390 assembler might be null.

