

Visual Basic invocation

MQINQ Hconn, Hobj, SelectorCount, Selectors, IntAttrCount, IntAttrs,
      CharAttrLength, CharAttrs, CompCode, Reason

Declare the parameters as follows:

Dim Hconn          As Long   'Connection handle'
Dim Hobj           As Long   'Object handle'
Dim SelectorCount  As Long   'Count of selectors'
Dim Selectors      As Long   'Array of attribute selectors'
Dim IntAttrCount   As Long   'Count of integer attributes'
Dim IntAttrs       As Long   'Array of integer attributes'
Dim CharAttrLength As Long   'Length of character attributes buffer'
Dim CharAttrs      As String 'Character attributes'
Dim CompCode       As Long   'Completion code'
Dim Reason         As Long   'Reason code qualifying CompCode'

