

PL/I declaration

 1 MQGMO based,
  3 StrucId        char(4),       /* Structure identifier */
  3 V       fixed bin(31), /* Structure version number */
  3 Options        fixed bin(31), /* Options that control the action of
                                     MQGET */
  3 WaitInterval   fixed bin(31), /* Wait interval */
  3 Signal1        fixed bin(31), /* Signal */
  3 Signal2        fixed bin(31), /* Signal identifier */
  3 ResolvedQName  char(48),      /* Resolved name of destination
                                     queue */
  3 MatchOptions   fixed bin(31), /* Options controlling selection
                                     criteria used for MQGET */
  3 GroupStatus    char(1),       /* Flag indicating whether message
                                     retrieved is in a group */
  3 SegmentStatus  char(1),       /* Flag indicating whether message
                                     retrieved is a segment of a logical
                                     message */
  3 Segmentation   char(1),       /* Flag indicating whether further
                                     segmentation is allowed for the
                                     message retrieved */
  3 Reserved1      char(1),       /* Reserved */
  3 MsgToken       char(16),      /* Message token */
  3 ReturnedLength fixed bin(31); /* Length of message data returned
                                     (bytes) */

