queue manager attributes" /> Attributes for the queue manager


Attributes for the queue manager


Some queue-manager attributes are fixed for particular implementations; others can be changed by using the MQSC command

ALTER QMGR. The attributes can also be displayed by using the command

DISPLAY QMGR. Most queue-manager attributes can be inquired by opening a special MQOT_Q_MGR object, and using the MQINQ call with the handle returned.

The following table summarizes the attributes that are specific to the queue manager. The attributes are described in alphabetic order.

The names of the attributes shown in this book are descriptive names used with the MQINQ call; the names are the same as for the PCF commands. When MQSC commands are used to define, alter, or display attributes, alternative short names are used; see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference for details.
Table 87. Attributes for the queue manager
Attribute Description Topic
AccountingConnOverride Override accounting settings. AccountingConnOverride
AccountingInterval How often to write intermediate accounting records. AccountingInterval
AdoptNewMCACheck Elements checked to determine whether to adopt new MCA. AdoptNewMCACheck
AdoptNewMCAType Whether to restart automatically an orphaned instance of an MCA of a given channel type. AdoptNewMCAType
AlterationDate Date when definition was last changed AlterationDate
AlterationTime Time when definition was last changed AlterationTime
AuthorityEvent Controls whether authorization (Not Authorized) events are generated AuthorityEvent
BridgeEvent Control attribute for bridge events. BridgeEvent
ChannelAutoDef Controls whether automatic channel definition is permitted ChannelAutoDef
ChannelAutoDefEvent Controls whether channel automatic-definition events are generated ChannelAutoDefEvent
ChannelAutoDefExit Name of user exit for automatic channel definition ChannelAutoDefExit
ChannelEvent Control attribute for channel events. ChannelEvent
ChannelInitiatorControl Control attribute for channel initiator ChannelInitiatorControl
ChannelMonitoring Online monitoring data for channels ChannelMonitoring
ChannelStatistics Controls collection of statistics data for channels. ChannelStatistics
ChinitAdapters Number of adapter subtasks for processing WebSphere MQ calls. ChinitAdapters
ChinitDispatchers Number of dispatchers to use for the channel initiator. ChinitDispatchers
ChinitServiceParm Reserved for IBM use.
ChinitTraceAutoStart Whether channel initiator trace should start automatically. ChinitTraceAutoStart
ChinitTraceTableSize Size of channel initiator's trace data space. ChinitTraceTableSize
ClusterSenderMonitoringDefault Online monitoring data default for cluster sender channels ClusterSenderMonitoringDefault
ClusterSenderStatistics Controls collection of statistics monitoring information for cluster sender channels. ClusterSenderStatistics
ClusterWorkloadData User data for cluster workload exit ClusterWorkloadData
ClusterWorkloadExit Name of user exit for cluster workload management ClusterWorkloadExit
ClusterWorkloadLength Maximum length of message data passed to cluster workload exit ClusterWorkloadLength
CLWLMRUChannels Channel MRU. CLWLMRUChannels
CLWLUseQ Cluster workload use remote queue. CLWLUseQ
CodedCharSetId Coded character set identifier CodedCharSetId
CommandEvent Control attribute for command events. CommandEvent
CommandInputQName Command input queue name CommandInputQName attribute
CommandLevel Command level CommandLevel
CommandServerControl Control attribute for command server. CommandServerControl attribute
ConfigurationEvent Control attribute for configuration events. Configuration Event attribute
DeadLetterQName Name of dead-letter queue DeadLetterQName
DefXmitQName Default transmission queue name DefXmitQName
DistLists Distribution list support DistLists
DNSGroup Name of group for TCP listener when using Workload Manager Dynamic Domain Name Services support. DNSGroup
DNSWLM Whether TCP listener registers with Workload Manager for Dynamic Domain Name Services. DNSWLM
ExpiryInterval Interval between scans for expired messages ExpiryInterval
IGQPutAuthority Intra-group queuing put authority IGQPutAuthority
IGQUserId Intra-group queuing user identifier IGQUserId
InhibitEvent Controls whether inhibit (Inhibit Get and Inhibit Put) events are generated InhibitEvent
IPAddressVersion Vof the internet protocol address IPAddressVersion
IntraGroupQueuing Intra-group queuing support IntraGroupQueuing
ListenerTimer Time interval between attempts to restart listener after APPC or TCP/IP failure. ListenerTimer
LocalEvent Controls whether local error events are generated LocalEvent
LoggerEvent Controls whether logger events are generated LoggerEvent
LUGroupName Generic LU name for LU 6.2 listener that handles inbound transmissions for queue-sharing group. LUGroupName
LUName Name of LU to use for outbound LU 6.2 transmissions. LUName
LU62ARMSuffix Suffix of SYS1.PARMLIB member APPCPMxx, that nominates LUADD for this channel initiator. LU62ARMSuffix
LU62Channels Maximum number of current channels or connected clients that use LU 6.2. LU62Channels
MaxActiveChannels Maximum number of channels that can be active at any time. MaxActiveChannels
MaxChannels Maximum number of current channels. MaxChannels
MaxHandles Maximum number of handles MaxHandles
MaxMsgLength Maximum message length in bytes MaxMsgLength
MaxPriority Maximum priority MaxPriority attribute
MaxUncommittedMsgs Maximum number of uncommitted messages within a unit of work MaxUncommittedMsgs
MQIAccounting Controls collection of accounting information for MQI data. MQIAccounting
MQIStatistics Controls collection of statistics monitoring information for queue manager. MQIStatistics
OutboundPortMax With OutboundPortMin, defines range of port numbers to use when binding outgoing channels. OutboundPortMin
OutboundPortMin With OutboundPortMax, defines range of port numbers to use when binding outgoing channels. OutboundPortMin
PerformanceEvent Controls whether performance-related events are generated PerformanceEvent
Platform Platform on which the queue manager is running Platform
QMgrDesc Queue manager description QMgrDesc
QMgrIdentifier Unique internally-generated identifier of queue manager QMgrIdentifier
QMgrName Queue manager name QMgrName
QSGName Name of queue-sharing group QSGName
QueueAccounting Controls collection of accounting information for queues. QueueAccounting
QueueMonitoring Online monitoring data for queues QueueMonitoring
QueueStatistics Controls collection of statistics data for queues. QueueStatistics
ReceiveTimeout How long TCP/IP channel waits for data before returning to inactive state. ReceiveTimeout
ReceiveTimeoutMin Qualifier for ReceiveTimeout. ReceiveTimeoutMin
ReceiveTimeoutType Minimum time that TCP/IP channel waits for data before returning to inactive state. ReceiveTimeoutType
RemoteEvent Controls whether remote error events are generated RemoteEvent
RepositoryName Name of cluster for which this queue manager provides repository services RepositoryName
RepositoryNamelist Name of namelist object containing names of clusters for which this queue manager provides repository services RepositoryNamelist
SharedQQMgrName Shared queue queue-manager name SharedQMgrName
SSLCRLNamelist Name of namelist object containing names of authentication information objects. Note 1
SSLCryptoHardware Cryptographic hardware configuration string. Note 1
SSLEvent Control attribute for SSL events. SSLEvent
SSLFIPSRequired Use only FIPS-certified algorithms for cryptography. SSLFIPSRequired
SSLKeyRepository Location of SSL key repository. Note 1
SSLKeyResetCount SSL key reset count. SSLKeyResetCount
SSLTasks Number of server subtasks for processing SSL calls. Note 1
StatisticsInterval How often to write statistics monitoring data. StatisticsInterval
StartStopEvent Controls whether start and stop events are generated StartStopEvent
SyncPoint Syncpoint availability SyncPoint
TCPChannels Maximum number of current channels or connected clients that use TCP/IP. TCPChannels
TCPKeepAlive Whether to use TCP KEEPALIVE to check other end of connection. TCPKeepAlive
TCPName Name of TCP/IP system that you are using. TCPName
TCPStackType How channel initiator can use TCP/IP addresses. TCPStackType
TraceRouteRecording Controls recording of trace-route information. TraceRouteRecording attribute
TriggerInterval Trigger-message interval TriggerInterval

  1. This attribute cannot be inquired using the MQINQ call, and is not described in this book. See WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface for details of this attribute.

