Buffer (MQBYTExBufferLength) - input
This is a buffer containing the application message data to be sent. Align the buffer on a boundary appropriate to the nature of the data in the message. 4-byte alignment is suitable for most messages (including messages containing MQ header structures), but some messages might require more stringent alignment. For example, a message containing a 64-bit binary integer might require 8-byte alignment.
If Buffer contains character or numeric data, set the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter to the values appropriate to the data; this enables the receiver of the message to convert the data (if necessary) to the character set and encoding used by the receiver.
Note:All the other parameters on the MQPUT1 call must be in the character set and encoding of the local queue manager (given by the CodedCharSetId queue-manager attribute and MQENC_NATIVE).In the C programming language, the parameter is declared as a pointer-to-void; the address of any type of data can be specified as the parameter.
If the BufferLength parameter is zero, Buffer is not referred to; in this case, the parameter address passed by programs written in C or System/390 assembler can be null.