Administration - WebSphere Commerce v6.x


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  1. Enabling Management Center client-side logging and tracing
  2. Predefining the default store name within the Management Center
  3. Organization Administration Console


  4. WebSphere Commerce menus

  6. Extended sites business model

  8. Supply chain business model

  10. Demand chain
  11. Users
  12. Member groups
  13. Organizations
  14. Roles
  15. Registering an e-mail activity template
  16. Processing a bid with the status WF
  17. Publishing business accounts and contracts
  18. Database Cleanup utility
  19. Scheduler
  20. Logging services
  21. Business auditing
  22. Dynamic caching
  23. Message resend
  24. Staging server
  25. Preview behavior
  26. Administration Console


  27. Catalog and marketing attachments
  28. Workspaces
  29. Transforming, loading, and extracting data using the WebSphere Commerce loading utilities
  30. Loading utilities
  31. Product Advisor search-space synchronization
  32. WebSphere Commerce Portal Integration maintenance


  33. Payments
  34. IBM Sales Center for WebSphere Commerce (Windows XP)