Associating task commands with job commands

In order for the scheduler to properly filter store level jobs, the command that executes the store level job must be associated with a task command. The scheduler uses the task command to check the business logic and determine if the job needs to be run. The CHKARRANG table is used to associate registered job commands and registered task commands.

When an instance is created, several default task commands are registered. For example, the RunAlways command that always enables a job to execute is registered when an instance is created. Any job that does not require the task command checking process can be associated with this command. The Schedule Job window allows you to specify which task command a particular job uses.
To associate task commands with job commands, create entries in the CHKARRANG table using SQL similar to the following

insert into CHKARRANG (chkcmd_id, schcmd_id) values (100, 100)
insert into CHKARRANG (chkcmd_id, schcmd_id) values (101, 100)
insert into CHKARRANG (chkcmd_id, schcmd_id) values (102, 100)


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Registering commands to use as a store level job


Related Reference

Scheduled job states