Publish log files

Any errors encountered during the publishing process are written to the following log and trace files.

SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log

Contains any information written to standard output and standard error during store publish. SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log are located in the following directory:

WC_profiledir/logs/ servername



Contains messages from the loading utilities part of the publishing process.

Line or column numbers mentioned in these messages refer to the files store-data-assets.xml, which is created after idresgen utility is run, and store-data-assets-resolved.xml, which is created after the massload utility is run. Line or column numbers mentioned in error messages refer to these input files: store-data-assets.resolved.xml in the case of the massload utility and store-data-assets.xml in the case of idresgen utility.

I5/OS: Contains messages from the loading utilities part of the publishing process. Line or column numbers mentioned in these messages refer to the file store-data-assets-resolved.xml, which is created after the massload utility is run. Line or column numbers mentioned in error messages refer to this input file. messages.txt is located in the following directory:

To configure the messages.txt log file (that is, adjust the log level or other options), edit the following file:

There are two locations of the WCALoggerConfig.xml file. WC_installdir/xml/loader/WCALoggerConfig.xml is used by the loader utilities when run from the command line, and the file WC_installdir/instances/ instance/xml/loader/WCALoggerConfig.xml is used by the loader utilities in the server context, for example during the store publish process. For more information about when use the WCALoggerConfig.xml file from the command line, see Must Gather: WebSphere Commerce Loader Utilities


Contains trace information for the loading utilities and idresgen utility parts of the publishing process. By default, trace.txt is turned off. trace.txt is located in the following directory:

To configure the trace.txt log file (that is, adjust the log level or other options), edit the following file:


Contains messages from the idresgen utility part of the publishing process. Line or column numbers mentioned in messages refer to the input files, for example the store-data-assets.xml file. RESWCSID.txt is located in the following directory:

WC_userdir/instances/ instance/logs

To configure the RESWCSID.txt log file (that is, adjust the log level or other options), edit the following file:

WC_userdir/instances/ instance/xml/loader/WCALoggerConfig.xml


Part of the WAS trace logs. Contains trace information for the publishing process, if the WC_DEVTOOLS trace component is enabled. trace.log is located in the following directory:

where workspace_name is workspace_db2 or workspace_oracle depending on the database you are using.


Related Concepts

Store publish process


Related tasks

Publishing a store archive


Related Reference

Troubleshoot: Publishing a store archive