Verification Points - Verify expected behavior


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To verify expected behavior occurred during a run, add verification points. An error is reported if the expected behavior did not occur.

You can enable verification points for a specific test, or you can enable globally.

To enable globally...


  1. Specify the expected page title
  2. Specify the expected response code
  3. Specify the expected response size
  4. Specify the expected content


  1. HTTP test editor overview
  2. Define performance requirements in tests
  3. Add an authentication folder
  4. Cookies - How loops affect the state of virtual users
  5. Split a test
  6. Split a test page
  7. Merging test pages
  8. Disable and enable secondary HTTP requests
  9. Reuse tests on different hosts: Server connection variables
  10. Viewing a test in the Protocol Data view
  11. Testing Siebel applications