Testing Siebel applications
When you record a Siebel application, a Siebel-specific test is automatically generated. However, before running this test, install the Siebel Test Automation library and edit the test to use built-in Siebel variables.
- Prerequisites for Siebel testing
To test Siebel applications, the Siebel Test Automation and the Microsoft C++ runtime libraries must be installed on the workbench computer.- Differences between Siebel tests and HTTP tests
Siebel tests precisely designate datapool candidates, include an additional type of data source, and store variables in a proprietary data structure. In addition, page names are created during test generation to help find pages of interest.- Correlating a request value with a built-in Siebel variable
For a Siebel test, you can correlate request values with built-in Siebel variables.
HTTP test editor overview
Related tasks
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