Specify the expected page title
Page title verification points verify that the primary request for a page returns the expected page title. If the returned title is unexpected, the test log reports a failed verdict event.Although the comparison is case-sensitive, it ignores multiple white-space characters (such as spaces, tabs, and carriage returns).
Specify the expected page title
- Double-click a test
- Right-click test name or a page, and select...
Enable Page Title VPs
Your choice determines whether the verification point is added to all pages in the test or to one page.
- Click the page title to display the editing fields in the Test Element Details area.
- Verify Expected page title field shows the string that you expect to be included in the response.
Although you can change the string, the value listed is what was returned between the <title></title> tags during recording.
To change preferences so that Page Title verification points are set automatically, go to...
Window | Preferences | Test | Test Generation | HTTP Test Generation | Verification Points | HTML Page Title
This changes subsequent tests that you record. Optionally, you can regenerate existing tests with the changed preference.