Data Load utility business object mediators

The data load business object mediator converts the business objects into physical objects. Two types of mediators provided with the Data Load utility are the component-based mediator and the table-based mediator. Several component-based mediators are available for catalog, inventory, and price components.

Note: You are also provided with a TableObjectMediator mediator to support loading data directly into a table. For example, we can use the TableObjectMediator mediator to load content related business objects, such as attachments or managed files. To use the TableObjectMediator mediator, we must know the physical table to load data into. You also must know the foreign key relationships, how the keys are generated, and how to resolve the generated keys that are based on the unique index. The column value, which can be retrieved from the business contexts, also must be known. For more information about this table-based mediator, see Data Load utility table-based mediator and builder.

Component-based mediators

Note: When you configure the Data Load utility to use any of the following mediators, we can specify configuration properties to configure how the utility uses the mediator to load data. We can use the following configuration properties to configure any or all mediators within a load operation:

We can also use component-specific and object-specific configuration properties to further configure individual business object mediators. These properties are listed for each component or individual mediator that we can use the property with to configure the load operation. For more information about each configuration property and how the property affects a load operation, see
Data Load utility configuration properties.

Catalog mediators

When we use any of the following catalog component business object mediators, we can use any of the following configuration properties to configure how the mediator loads data. We can use these properties in addition to the properties for use with any business object mediator.

Mediator Description
AttributeDictionaryAttributeMediator Populates attribute dictionary attribute physical objects into the following tables:

Note: If WebSphere Commerce search is enabled, use the AttributeDictionaryAttributeSearchIndexMediator mediator instead of the AttributeDictionaryAttributeMediator. This mediator can load:

  • Attributes separately - one attribute per record. Example:

    Identifier Type Name Description Field1 Footnote UnitOfMeasure
    Color String Color Blue is the most popular
    Size String Size How large? We do not have XXXL

  • Attribute values separately - one attribute value per record. This method is the only way to load the optional columns of ATTRVALDESC such as FIELD1, IMAGE1. Example:

    Identifier ValueIdentifier ValueUsage Sequence Value Field1 Image1
    Color Blue 1 1 Blue blue.gif
    Color Red 1 2 Red red.gif

  • Attributes and values together - one attribute with one or more allowed values per record. Example:

    Identifier Type Name Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4
    Color String Color Red Green Blue
    Size String Size S M L XL

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • allowChangeAttributeType

  • validateAttribute

AttributeDictionaryAttributeFolderRelationshipMediator Writes the relationship between attribute dictionary attributes and attribute folders into the FOLDERITEM database table.
CatalogDescriptionMediator Generates physical objects from catalog description in the Catalog noun. This mediator populates the CATALOGDSC table.
CatalogEntryAssociationMediator Generates physical objects for the catalog entry to catalog entry merchandising association relationships. This mediator populates the MASSOCCECE table.
CatalogEntryAttributeDictionaryAttributeExtendedMediator Writes the relationships between a SKU catalog and attribute dictionary attribute. This mediator populates the CATENTRYATTR table. Multiple attribute and value pairs can be specified vertically per record. Example:

PartNumber Color Size
Shirt-white-small white S
Shirt-white-medium white M
Shirt-blue-medium blue M

The input file must refer to a homogeneous collection of existing SKU items that share a set of attributes. This mediator can automatically create the missing parent table entries using default values.

CatalogEntryAttributeDictionaryAttributeMediator Writes the relationships between a SKU catalog and attribute dictionary attribute. This mediator populates the CATENTRYATTR table.One pair of attribute and value are specified horizontally per record. Example:

PartNumber AttributeIdentifier ValueIdentifier
Shirt-white-small Color white
Shirt-white-small Size S
Tire-CW15 Diameter 15
Tire-CW15 Type Winter
Tire-CW15 Make Canada Tire Company

The input file can refer to a heterogeneous collection of existing SKU items that use diversified attributes. It is assumed that the parent tables ATTR and
ATTRVAL are loaded. When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • shareAssignedAttributeValues

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

CatalogEntryAttributeExtendedMediator Writes non-attribute dictionary attributes physical objects into the following tables:

This mediator can load multiple attribute and value pairs vertically for a SKU item per record. Example:

PartNumber Color Size
Shirt-white-small White S
Shirt-white-medium White M
Shirt-blue-medium Blue M

The input file must contain a homogeneous collection of SKU items that share a set of attributes.

CatalogEntryAttributeMediator Writes non-attribute dictionary attributes physical objects into the following tables:

This mediator can load:

  • Attributes for products separately - one attribute per record. Example:

    PartNumber Type Name Sequence Description Field1 Footnote UnitOfMeasure
    Shirt String Color 1 Blue is most popular
    Shirt String Size 2 How large? No XXXL available

  • Allowed (predefined) attribute values for products separately - one attribute value per record. This method is the only way to load optional columns of ATTRVALUE table such as FIELD1, IMAGE1, ATTACHMENT_ID. Example:

    PartNumber Name ValueSequence Value ValueField1 Image1 AttachmentID
    Shirt Blue 1 Blue blue.gif
    Shirt Red 2 Red red.gif

  • Attributes and allowed values for products together - one attribute with one or more allowed values per record. Example:

    PartNumber Type Name Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4
    Shirt String Color Red Green Blue
    Shirt String Size S M L XL

  • Attribute values for SKU items - one attribute value for a SKU item horizontally per record. Example:

    PartNumber Name Value
    Shirt-white-small Color White
    Shirt-white-small Size S
    Tire-CW15 Diameter 15
    Tire-CW15 Type Winter
    Tire-CW15 Make Canada Tire Company

The input file can contain a heterogeneous collection of SKU items that use diversified attributes.

CatalogEntryCalculationCodeMediator Loads the calculation code information for catalog entries into the CATENCALCD database table. The mediator transforms the calculation code that is in the attributes part of the catalog entry noun into physical objects within the database.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • supportMultipleCalculationCodes

CatalogEntryDescriptionMediator Generates physical objects from catalog entry description in the catalog entry noun. It supports transforming descriptions in multiple languages. This mediator populates the CATENTDESC table.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

  • loadSEO

CatalogEntryDescriptionOverrideMediator Overrides the catalog entry descriptions for catalog entries. The mediator populates the following database tables:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

  • loadSEO

CatalogEntryKitComponentMediator Generates physical objects from parent catalog entry to child kit component relationships. This mediator populates the CATENTREL table.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewOneIsDifferent

CatalogEntryMediator Generates physical objects from the catalog entry noun to create the catalog entry, descriptions, list price, and attributes. This mediator transforms the catalog entry noun to a list of physical objects. The transformed data includes the following objects:

  • Catalog entry base properties

  • Descriptions

  • Catalog entry and store relationships

  • Catalog entry and catalog relationships

  • Catalog entry and catalog group relationships

  • Product and child SKU relationships

  • List prices

  • Attributes

  • Attribute values

This mediator can populate either the classic or attribute dictionary attribute tables. The tables that are updated depend on whether ATTRDICT is initialized, or is going to be initialized for the store that owns the catalog entries.

Note: This mediator supports the mark for delete operation for catalog entries through a configurable property. By default, this property is enabled and the mediator marks for delete catalog entries. We can disable this property by including the following configuration in the <_config:BusinessObjectMediator> element of the business object configuration file:

         <_config:property name="markForDelete" value="false" />

When you disable the property, the mediator physically deletes catalog entries.

  • If you also configure the Data Load utility to load SEO information, any relevant SEO information for the catalog entry is removed when you set the catalog entry to be marked for delete.

  • If the store uses WebSphere Commerce search, the search index rebuilds to remove catalog entries that are marked for delete and to remove the relationships for these catalog entries.

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • createParentProductWhenMissing

  • initAttributeDictionary

  • markForDelete

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • syncSalesCatalogs

  • loadSEO

  • supportMultipleCalculationCodes

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

  • validateAttribute

  • validateCatalogEntry

  • replaceParentMasterCategory

CatalogEntryParentCatalogGroupMediator Generates physical objects from parent catalog group to child catalog entry relationships. This mediator populates the CATGPENREL table.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • syncSalesCatalogs

  • replaceParentMasterCategory

CatalogEntryParentProductMediator Generates physical objects from parent product to child SKU relationships. This mediator populates the CATENTREL table.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

  • validateAttribute

  • validateCatalogEntry

CatalogEntrySEOMediator Transforms the SEOURL and SEOProperties within the catalog entry noun. The mediator populates the following database tables:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • fixSEO

  • loadSEO

CatalogGroupAssociationMediator Transforms the association part of catalog group noun to merchandising association physical objects. This mediator populates the MASSOCGPGP table.
CatalogGroupCalculationCodeMediator Transforms the calculation code information within the catalog group noun into physical objects. This mediator populates the CATGPCALCD database table.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • supportMultipleCalculationCodes

CatalogGroupDescriptionMediator Transforms the description part of catalog group noun into description physical objects. It supports transforming descriptions in multiple languages. This mediator populates the CATGRPDESC table.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • loadSEO

CatalogGroupMediator Transforms catalog group noun to a list of physical objects. The transformed data includes catalog group base properties, store/catalog group relationships, descriptions, parent-child catalog group relationship, and catalog/catalog group relationship. This mediator populates the following tables:

Note: The CatalogGroupMediator mediator supports marking a category for delete through a configurable property. To enable this property, add the following configuration in the <_config:BusinessObjectMediator> element of the business object configuration file:

         <_config:property name="markForDelete" value="true" />

  • If you also configure the Data Load utility to load SEO information, any relevant SEO information for the category is removed when you set the category to be marked for delete.

  • If the store uses WebSphere Commerce search, the search index rebuilds to remove categories that are marked for delete and to remove the relationships for these categories.

When you load category data and the utility generates an SEO URL keyword, the utility can generate a different SEO URL keyword if a duplicate keyword is encountered. When the utility generates an SEO URL keyword for a category, the utility first uses the category name as the SEO URL keyword. If the keyword is already used by another category, the utility generates a different keyword with the category name and identifier. If that keyword is still not unique, the utility then generates a keyword with the category name, identifier, and language ID.
For example, if we are loading data for a category "Shirts", the utility first attempts to generate the SEO keyword "Shirts". If another category already uses this keyword, the utility then attempts to generate a keyword that also includes the category identifier, such as 10001. If this alternate keyword, "Shirts10001", is also used by another category, the utility then includes the language ID, "-1", to generate the keyword, "Shirts10001-1".
For more information about generating SEO URL keywords when duplicate keywords exist, see Creating descriptive storefront URLs when duplicate keywords exist. When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • markForDelete

  • validateDelete

  • syncSalesCatalogs

  • loadSEO

  • supportMultipleCalculationCodes

CatalogGroupRelationshipMediator Transforms the parent catalog group identifier part of catalog group noun to catalog group relationship physical object. This mediator populates the CATGRPREL table. When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • syncSalesCatalogs

CatalogGroupSEOMediator Transforms the SEOURL and SEOProperties information within the catalog group noun. This mediator populates the following database tables:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • loadSEO

CatalogMediator This mediator is used for writing catalog. This mediator populates the following tables:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • initAttributeDictionary

FulfillmentPropertyMediator This mediator transforms the fulfillment property part of catalog entry noun to ATP configuration-related physical objects only when the store (which owns the catalog entry) inventory system is ATP. Nothing is loaded if the inventory system is not ATP. This mediator is used for the delta load of ATP configuration data only. This mediator populates the following tables:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the properties that we can use for any catalog mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • markForDelete

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

Inventory mediators

Mediator Description
ExpectedInventoryDetailMediator Populates the RADETAIL table for stores that adopt the ATP inventory system. To use this mediator, the vendor name and RA creation time is required in the input file to resolve the RA ID.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • markForDelete

ExpectedInventoryMediator Populates the RA and RADETAIL tables for stores that adopt the ATP inventory system. It can also be used to populate the RA table only if no data for RADETAIL is specified in the input file. In other words, there are two options to initially load RA and RADETAIL:

  • Load RA and RADETAIL together in a single input file

  • Load RA and RADETAIL separately. Load RA first by calling the ExpectedInventoryMediator, then load RADETAIL by calling the ExpectedInventoryDetailMediator.

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • markForDelete

InventoryReceiptMediator Populates the RECEIPT and RCPTAVAIL tables for stores that adopt ATP inventory system. However, no data is required in the input file to populate the RCPTAVAIL table.
NonATPInventoryMediator Loads the data into the INVENTORY table for stores that adopt non-ATP inventory system.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • markForDelete

Catalog filter mediators

Mediator Description
CatalogFilterCategorySelectionMediator Populates the CFCATGROUP database table with catalog filter catalog group selection information.
CatalogFilterCatentrySelectionMediator Populates the following database tables with catalog filter catalog entry selection information:

CatalogFilterConditionGroupMediator Populates the CFCONDGRP database table with catalog filter condition group information.
CatalogFilterConditionMediator Populates the CFCOND and CFCONDVAL database tables with catalog filter condition and condition value information.
CatalogFilterMediator Populates the CATFILTER and CATFLTDSC database tables with catalog filter base properties and descriptions.

Price mediators

Mediator Description
DefaultOfferMediator Transforms the price list noun information into a list of physical objects for a store default price list. The transformed data includes offer, offer price, and offer description. To use this mediator, either the part number or the unique ID of the catalog entry is required in the input file. This mediator populates the OFFER and OFFERPRICE database tables.
OfferMediator Transforms the price list noun information into a list of physical objects under the specified price list specified in the input file. The transformed data includes offer, offer price, and offer description. To use this mediator, either the part number or the unique ID of the catalog entry is required in input file. If the price list name and the unique ID are not specified in the input file, the mediator loads the offer data into the default price list of the store. This mediator populates the following database tables:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • markForDelete

PriceListMediator Generates a physical object from the price list noun. The generated data includes the price list. To use this mediator, either the name or the unique ID of price list is required in the input file. This mediator populates the TRADEPOSCN database table.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • markForDelete

Member mediators

Mediator Description
MemberGroupMediator Populates information into the following database tables to create, update, or delete a member group, such as a customer segment.

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • customerSegmentNameIsFileName

  • ignoreNonExistUser

  • replaceAllExistingMembers

MemberGroupDescriptionMediator Populates information into the MBRGRPDESC database table to create, update, or delete descriptive information for a member group in multiple languages.
MemberGroupMemberMediator Populates information into the member group. This works in conjunction with the implicit inclusion rules specified by MBRGRPCOND table. If both implicit and explicit criteria are specified, the following algorithm is used to evaluate if a member belongs to a member group: Explicit exclusion takes first precedence, then explicit inclusion, and then finally implicit inclusion.">MBRGRPMBR database table to create, update, or delete a member in a member group.

This mediator supports resolving member ID based on the email addresses for a user. With this enhancement, you no longer need the logon ID or distinguished name of a user to resolve the ID of a member group member.
We can use the mediator to create a customer segment that contains members based on a list of email addresses. When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • customerSegmentNameIsFileName

  • ignoreNonExistUsers

  • replaceAllExistingMembers

OrganizationAddressBookMediator Populates the ADDRBOOK and ADDRESS database tables to create, update, or delete the address information for an organization member.
OrganizationAttributeValueMediator Loads organization attribute values into the MBRATTRVAL database table.
OrganizationMediator Loads information into the following database tables to create, update, or delete an organization member:

PersonAddressBookMediator Loads information into the ADDRBOOK and ADDRESS database tables to create, update, or delete address information for a person member.
PersonAttributeValueMediator Loads values for the attributes of a person member into the MBRATTRVAL database table.
PersonMediator Loads the following information about a person member into the WebSphere Commerce database:

  • Contact information

  • Demographic data

  • Personal profiles

  • Business profiles

  • Registration information

  • User-organization relationships

  • Address book and address information

This mediator populates the information into the following database tables:

Search index mediators

When we use any of the following business object mediators, we can use the buildSearchIndex configuration property to configure how the utility loads data. By including this property, the utility sends a request for the WebSphere Commerce search index to be rebuilt to include any changes from the data load. We can use this property in addition to the properties for use with any business object mediator.

Mediator Description
AttributeDictionaryAttributeSearchIndexMediator Requests search indexing to occur to index the attribute dictionary attributes that are being loaded.
CatalogEntrySearchIndexMediator Requests search indexing to occur to index the catalog entries that are being loaded. When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • attributeValueValidation

  • supportMultipleValuesForADAttributes

  • validateCatalog

  • deleteSKUFromExistingParentProductWhenNewParentIsDifferent

CatalogGroupRelationshipSearchIndexMediator Requests search indexing to occur to index the categories and catalog entries that are affected by the relationships between categories and catalog entries that are being loaded.
CatalogGroupSearchIndexMediator Requests search indexing to occur to index the categories that are being loaded.

Commerce Composer mediators

Mediator Description
LayoutMediator Populates the PAGELAYOUT and PLTEMPLATEREL database tables with Commerce Composer layout information.
LayoutAssignmentMediator Populates the following database tables with information to assign a Commerce Composer layout to a page:

PageMediator Populates the PLPAGE database table with Commerce Composer page information.
RegisterWidgeDefDescMediator Populates the PLWIDGETDEFDESC database table with information to register and define a Commerce Composer widget.
RegisterWidgeDefMediator Populates the PLWIDGETDEF and PLWIDGETDEFDESC database tables with information to register and define a Commerce Composer widget.
SeoPageDescMediator Populates SEO information for a Commerce Composer page into the SEOPAGEDEFDESC database table.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • loadSEO

SeoPageMediator Populates SEO information for a Commerce Composer page into the following database tables:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • loadSEO

SubscribeWidgetDefinitionMediator Populates the physical object of PLSTOREWIDGET database table from the Widget Definition logical object.
WidgetMediator Populates widget information into the PLWIDGET and PLWIDGETREL database tables.
WidgetNVPMediator Populates widget name-value pair information into the PLWIDGETNVP database table.
WidgetSlotsMediator Populates information into the database to include Commerce Composer widgets within a template slot for a Commerce Composer layout. This mediator populates the PLWIDGETSLOT database table.

Promotion mediators

Mediator Description Populates data into the PX_PROMOTION database table for creating, updating, or deleting promotions.When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • allowDuplicateAdministrativeName Extracts promotion data from the database and converts the extracted logical object into XML. We can use this mediator with the Data Extract utility, which uses the Data Load utility framework and Data Load utility style configuration files.

Marketing mediators

We can use the following mediators with the Data Load utility to create, replace, or delete marketing objects. We cannot use the following mediators to update existing data.

Mediator Description Loads information into the following tables for web, dialog, and email activities, and for search rules:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • replaceAllElements Loads information into the DMCAMPAIGN table for marketing campaigns. Loads information into the following tables for elements of web, dialog, and email activities, and for search rules:

When we use this mediator, we can include the following configuration properties in addition to the configuration properties that we can use for any mediator:

  • replaceAllElements Loads information into the following tables for the marketing element name-value pair (NVP) information: Loads information for marketing content. This mediator loads the information into the following tables for only a specific store language. We can specify this language in the environment configuration file: Loads descriptive information for marketing content in multiple languages. This mediator loads information into the following tables: Loads information for associating attachments with marketing content. This mediator loads the relationship descriptive information in only a specific store language. We can specify this language in the environment configuration file. This mediator loads the information into the following tables: Loads descriptive information in multiple languages for associating attachments with marketing content. This mediator loads the information into the following tables: Loads information for the click action areas for marketing content that includes multiple click actions (image maps). This mediator loads the information into the following tables: Loads name and descriptive information for attachments in a specific store language. We can specify this language in the environment configuration file. This mediator populates information into the following database tables:

Note: The utility does not load any managed files for attachments. If you plan to load attachments that have associated managed files, create the managed files in the target store by using the Assets tool. If you do not create the managed files before you load the attachment information, the load operation can fail. The operation fails since the Data Load utility cannot resolve any unique ID values for the managed files. Loads descriptive information for attachments in multiple languages. This mediator populates information into the following database tables: Loads attachment asset information for the attachments that belong to a store. This mediator loads the information for only a specific default language. We can specify this language in the environment configuration file. This mediator populates information into the following database tables: Loads the attachment asset information in multiple languages. This mediator populates information into the following database tables: Loads information for e-Marketing Spots into the EMSPOT table. Loads information into the following tables for associating default content with e-Marketing Spots: Loads information into the following tables for associating default title content with e-Marketing Spots: