This table stores the addresses of users or organizations in the WebSphere Commerce system. The addresses can be the members' own addresses or for their friends, associates, or clients, and so on. Some columns here replace columns used in previous versions.

Column Descriptions:

Name Type Description
ADDRESS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Unique reference number, internally generated. This is a primary key, replacing the SASHNBR column in the SHADDR table used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce.
ADDRESSTYPE CHAR (5) The purpose of the address. Valid values are: S ( shipto), B ( billto), and SB (both shipto and billto). If this is unspecified when creating a new address, the business logic will default to SB.
MEMBER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign key to the MEMBER table.
ADDRBOOK_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign key to the ADDRBOOK table for the address book to which this address belongs, replacing the SASHNBR column in the SHADDR table used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce Suite.
ORGUNITNAME VARCHAR (128) Name of the organizational unit to which this address information applies, if this is a business address. See comment on ADDRESS.ORGNAME column.
FIELD3 VARCHAR (64) Customizable.
BILLINGCODE VARCHAR (17) A code to identify the shipping or billing information.
BILLINGCODETYPE CHAR (2) The code designating the system or method of code structure used for billing.
STATUS CHAR (1) Specifies the status of the address. Valid values are P (permanent or current) and T (temporary or historical). This column replaces SAADRFLAG used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce.
ORGNAME VARCHAR (128) If this is a business address, the name of the organization for this address. This is not the name of the organization that owns the address book with this address. This column replaces SAREPCOM used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce.
ISPRIMARY INTEGER A user or organization can have multiple addresses of the same address type (ADDRTYPE column). For example, a user may have multiple shipping addresses. The isPrimary column can be used to mark one of these shipping addresses as being the primary one. This may be useful when populating a drop down list of available shipping addresses as one of them can be chosen as the default option in the drop down list. Valid values are 1 (primary address) or 0 (non-primary address).
LASTNAME VARCHAR (128) Last name of the person to which this address applies, replacing SALNAME used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
PERSONTITLE VARCHAR (50) Title of the person to which this address applies, replacing SATITLE used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite. LDAP uses a length of 50. Valid values are Dr, Prof, Rev, Mr, Mrs, Ms, and N (not provided). The default is N.
FIRSTNAME VARCHAR (128) First name of the person to which this address applies, replacing SAFNAME used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
MIDDLENAME VARCHAR (128) Middle name or initials of the person to which this address applies, replacing SAMNAME used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
BUSINESSTITLE VARCHAR (128) The business title. For example, Manager or Chief Executive Officer. LDAP uses a length of 128 characters for title attribute in ePerson. Compare with the BUCONT.BCTITLE column.
PHONE1 VARCHAR (32) The primary phone number, replacing SAPHONE1 used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
FAX1 VARCHAR (32) The primary fax number 1, replacing SAFAX used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
PHONE2 VARCHAR (32) The secondary phone number, replacing SAPHONE2 used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
ADDRESS1 VARCHAR (256) Address line 1, replacing SAADDR1 used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
FAX2 VARCHAR (32) The secondary fax number.
NICKNAME VARCHAR (254) NOT NULL The nickname or identifier of the address, replacing SANICK used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite. Among all the addresses owned by a member, their nicknames must be unique.
ADDRESS2 VARCHAR (128) Address line 2, replacing SAADDR2 used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
ADDRESS3 VARCHAR (128) Address line 3, replacing SAADDR3 used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
CITY VARCHAR (128) The city, replacing SACITY used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
STATE VARCHAR (128) State or province, replacing SASTATE used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
COUNTRY VARCHAR (128) The country or region, replacing SACNTRY used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
ZIPCODE VARCHAR (40) ZIP or postal code, replacing SAZIPC used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
EMAIL1 VARCHAR (256) The primary e-mail address, replacing SAEMAIL1 used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite. By default, this email address is used for email notifications.
EMAIL2 VARCHAR (256) The secondary e-mail address. By default, it is not used for notifications to the member.
PHONE1TYPE CHAR (3) Phone type for the primary phone number, such as TTY for a teletypewriter for people who have a hearing impairment or PHN for a standard phone. This column replaces SADPHTYP.
PHONE2TYPE CHAR (3) Phone type for the secondary phone number, such as TTY for a teletypewriter for people who have a hearing impairment or PHN for a standard phone. This column replaces SAEPHTYP.
PUBLISHPHONE1 INTEGER Specifies whether or not the primary phone number is listed. Valid values are 1 (listed) or 0 (unlisted).
PUBLISHPHONE2 INTEGER Specifies whether or not the secondary phone number is listed. Valid values are 1 (listed) or 0 (unlisted).
BESTCALLINGTIME CHAR (1) The best time to call, replacing SABTCALL used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite. Valid values are D (daytime) and E (evening).
PACKAGESUPPRESSION INTEGER Specifies whether or not to include package inserts. Valid values are 1 (include) or 0 (do not include).
LASTCREATE TIMESTAMP The date and time the row was created, replacing SASTMP used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite.
OFFICEADDRESS VARCHAR (128) Desktop delivery or office address associated with a shipping address.
SELFADDRESS INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Specifies the address associated with the registration of the user or organization. Valid values are 1 (the address is the registration address) or 0 (the address is not the registration address). A user or organization can have only one permanent self address. An example of an address that is not a self address would be an alternate shipping address or an address of a friend or relative.
FIELD1 VARCHAR (64) Customizable. This column replaces the SAFIELD1 column in the SHADDR table (used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite).
FIELD2 VARCHAR (64) Customizable. This column replaces the SAFIELD2 column in the SHADDR table (used in previous versions of WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Suite).
TAXGEOCODE VARCHAR (254) Tax code based on geographical region, used for integration with Taxware.
SHIPPINGGEOCODE VARCHAR (254) Shipping code based on geographical region. This value is used for integration with Taxware.
MOBILEPHONE1 VARCHAR (32) The primary mobile device number or address of the user, used for SMS text messaging. The number should be stored in this column without the country code. The country code is stored in the MOBILEPHONE1CNTRY column.
MOBILEPHONE1CNTRY VARCHAR (128) The country of the mobile device address. This country is used for country code resolution when sending SMS text messages. This data is required when using MOBILEPHONE1.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


Name Column Names Type
I0000346 LASTNAME Non-Unique Index
I0001521 EMAIL1 Non-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

Constraint Columns Parent Table Parent Columns Type

Referenced By Child Tables:

Constraint Columns Child Table Child Columns Type

Related reference
Member data model
Order data model
Order item data model
Store data model
Suborders data model
Vendor data model