Create a customer segment
Create a customer segment in Management Center to define a group of customers who share one or more attributes that are relevant to your marketing campaigns. We can then use the customer segment as a target for web and dialog activities, email activities, search rules, and promotions.
Task info
The customer segment properties view in Management Center provides many different attributes we use to define a customer segment. The attributes are organized under tabs. Before we use an attribute to define a customer segment (for example, the Gender and Current age according to supplied birth date attributes), make sure that the store gathers customer data for that attribute. For example, the store might not gather customer data for all the attributes in the Demographics, Address, or Miscellaneous tabs. For B2B stores, this list includes the Accounts tab.Tip: As an alternative to using Management Center, an administrator can create customer segments with the Data Load utility. With this feature, administrators can quickly create and populate a customer segment with members based on a list of customer email addresses. See Loading customer segment members by email address with the Data Load utility.
- Open the Marketing tool.
- From the toolbar, click the arrow on the right side of
Create New; then select Customer Segment. The customer segment properties view displays.
- On the General Properties tab, enter the properties for the customer segment in the following fields:
Property Description Name Enter a name for the customer segment. This name displays in the Customer Segments - List page and identifies the customer segment. When you target a customer segment in a marketing activity or a promotion, we must use this name to identify the customer segment. We cannot change the customer segment name after you save the customer segment for the first time.
Description Enter a description for the customer segment. This description displays in the Customer Segments - List page. Use marketing activities to add or remove customers Select this check box if we are going to use marketing activities to dynamically add customers to or remove customers from this customer segment. This property requires you to create a web or dialog activity that references this customer segment in an Add To or Remove From Customer Segment action element. This check box must be selected for these automatic updates to take place. Allow exports to external applications When selected, the customer segment can be exported to external applications Export all customers in the customer segment When selected, when the customer segment is exported to external applications, all customers in the customer segment are exported, including the customers that have opted out from marketing communications.
- Choose one or more of the following tabs in the customer segment properties view. Then, complete the relevant attributes on each tab. Any attributes that you do not modify are ignored in the definition of the customer segment.
- Customer or Segment tab options
- Registration tab options
- Demographics tab options
- Address tab options
- Purchase Details tab options
- Miscellaneous tab options
- Account tab options (for B2B stores only)
Customer or Segment tab options:
Attribute Description Customer segments Use this option to include customers in this new segment who belong, or do not belong, to one or more existing customer segments. For example, if you have three existing segments, Gold Customers, Silver Customers, and Bronze Customers, we can build a new segment called Gold, Silver, and Bronze Customers. This segment can include customers who belong to any of the 3 existing segments.
- Select one of the following options:
- Customer must belong to one of the customer segments specified below
- Select this option to include customers in this new segment if they belong to at least one of the customer segments you specify.
- Customer must belong to all of the customer segments specified below
- Select this option to include customers in this new segment if they belong to all of the customer segments you specify.
- Customer must not belong to any of the customer segments specified below
- Select this option to exclude customers from this new segment if they belong to any of the customer segments you specify.
- In the Target customer segments table, specify one or more customer segments to define your selection in the Customer segments field. We can enter the customer segment name and click Find and Add. Alternatively, we can click the
Show utilities view icon to open the utilities view, search or browse for the customer segment, and then drag the customer segment into the table.
If you choose other attributes that customers in the specified segment do not possess, then those customers are not included in your new customer segment. For example, if you specify the Female Customers customer segment in this field, and you also specify the Amount spent since registration attribute with a value of
greater than100.00, then only female customers who spent over 100.00 are included in the new customer segment.Included customers Specify existing registered customers who we want to include in this customer segment, even if they do not meet the other criteria that are defined for this segment. We can enter the customer's logon ID, or first name, or last name; then, click Find and Add. Alternatively, we can click the
Show utilities view icon to open the utilities view, search or browse for the customer, and then drag the customer into the table.
Excluded customers Specify existing registered customers who we want to exclude from this customer segment, even though they meet the criteria that are defined for the segment. We can enter the customer's logon ID, or first name, or last name; then, click Find and Add. Alternatively, we can click the
Show utilities view icon to open the utilities view, search or browse for the customer, and then drag the customer into the table.
Registration tab options:
Attribute Description Registration status Select one of the following options:
- Registered
- Select this option to include only registered customers in this segment.
- Unregistered
- Select this option to include only unregistered customers in this segment.
Registration date Select one of the following options
- Registered within the number of days specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who register in a certain time frame. If we select this option, a Number of days field displays, in which we can specify how recently the customer must have registered.
- Registered before the number of days ago specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who registered before a certain time frame. If we select this option, a Number of days field displays, in which we can specify how long ago the customer must have registered.
- Registered before the date specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who registered before a specific date. If we select this option, a Date field displays in which we can enter the target date.
- Registered after the date specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who registered after a particular date. If we select this option, a Date field displays in which we can enter the target date.
- Registered between the dates specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who registered between two dates. If we select this option, Start date and End date fields display in which we can enter the dates to specify the target range.
Note: The date and time are based on the current system time for the machine on which server is installed.
Last registration update Select one of the following options:
- Update must have occurred within the number of days specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who update their registration information within a certain time frame. If we select this option, a Number of days field displays, in which we can specify how recently the target customers changed their registration information.
- Update must have occurred earlier than the number of days ago specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who update their registration information before a certain time frame. If we select this option, a Number of days field displays, in which we can specify how long ago the target customers changed their registration information.
- Update must have occurred before the date specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who update their registration information before a particular date. If we select this option, a Date field displays in which we can enter the target date.
- Update must have occurred after the date specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who update their registration information after a particular date. If we select this option, a Date field displays in which we can enter the target date.
- Update must have occurred between the dates specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who update their registration information between two dates. If we select this option, Start date and End date fields display in which we can enter the dates to specify the target range.
Demographics tab options:
Attribute Description Gender Select Target the genders specified below; then, select the check box corresponding to each gender option to include in this segment. We can select any number of gender options. Current age according to supplied birth date Select one of the following options:
- Current age must be equal to the age specified below
- Select this option to include customers who are exactly the target age. If we select this option, an Age field displays in which we can select the target age.
- Current age must be greater than or equal to the age specified below
- Select this option to include customers who are the target age or older. If we select this option, an Age field displays in which we can select the target age.
- Current age must be less than or equal to the age specified below
- Select this option to include customers who are the target age or younger. If we select this option, an Age field displays in which we can select the target age.
- Current age must be within the range specified below
- Select this option to include customers whose age falls within a target range. If we select this option, Minimum age and Maximum age fields display in which we can select the upper and lower thresholds.
To use this attribute, the site must gather customers' birth dates. Typically, customers can specify their birth date during registration. The server calculates the customer's age from the supplied birth date; therefore, the age will remain accurate over time.
Age group Select Target the age groups specified below; then, select the check box corresponding to each age group to include in this segment. We can select any number of age groups. To use this attribute, the site must gather customers' age ranges. Typically, customers can specify their age range during registration. If a customer specifies their age range today, the age range could become inaccurate over time.
Annual income Select Target the income groups specified below; then, select the check box corresponding to each income group to include in this segment. We can select any number of income groups. Marital status Select Target the marital statuses specified below; then, select the check box corresponding to each marital status group to include in this segment. We can select any number of marital statuses. Children Select one of the following options:
- Number of children must be equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers who have exactly the target number of children. If we select this option, a Number of children field displays in which we can select the target number of children.
- Number of children must be greater than or equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers who have the target number of children, or more. If we select this option, a Number of children field displays in which we can select the target number of children.
- Number of children must be less than or equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers who have the target number of children, or fewer. If we select this option, a Number of children field displays in which we can select the target number of children.
- Number of children must be within the range specified below
- Select this option to include customers who have a number of children that fall within a target range. If we select this option, Minimum number of children and Maximum number of children fields display in which we can select the upper and lower thresholds.
Household size Select one of the following options:
- Household size must be equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers that live in a house that contains exactly the target number of people. If we select this option, a Number of people field displays in which we can select the target number of people.
- Household size must be greater than or equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers that live in a house containing the target number of people, or more. If we select this option, a Number of people field displays in which we can select the target number of people.
- Household size must be less than or equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers that live in a house containing the target number of people, or fewer. If we select this option, a Number of people field displays in which we can select the target number of people.
- Household size must be within the range specified below
- Select this option to include customers that live in a house that contain a number of people that fall within a target range. If we select this option, Minimum number of people and Maximum number of people fields display in which we can select the upper and lower thresholds. Household sizes that are equal to either the minimum or maximum qualify for inclusion.
Address tab options:
Attribute Description City Select one of the following options:
- Customer resides in one of the cities specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who live in specific cities in the segment; then, add one or more city names to the Target cities table.
- Customer does not reside in any of the cities specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who do not live in specified cities in the segment; then, add one or more city names to the Target cities table.
The city name that you add to the table must match the exact name as it is stored in the store database for a customer. Typically, the name is stored as the customer entered it on the store page. In the table, we can add multiple versions of the same city name, for example, New York and NYC, to get more customer matches. The name is not case-sensitive.
State or province Select one of the following options:
- Customer resides in one of the states or provinces specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who live in specific states or provinces in the segment; then, select one or more state or province names in the Target states and provinces table.
- Customer does not reside in any of the states or provinces specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who do not live in specified states or provinces in the segment. Then, select one or more state or province names in the Target states and provinces table.
Country or region Select one of the following options:
- Customer resides in one of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who live in specific countries or regions in the segment; then, select one or more country or region names in the Target countries and regions table.
- Customer does not reside in any of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who do not live in specified countries or regions in the segment. Then, select one or more country or region names in the Target countries and regions table.
ZIP code or postal code Select one of the following options:
- ZIP code or postal code must start with one of the prefixes specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that have specific ZIP codes or postal codes; then, add one or more prefixes to the Target ZIP code and postal code prefixes table.
- ZIP code or postal code must not start with one of the prefixes specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that do not have specific ZIP codes or postal codes; then, add one or more prefixes to the Target ZIP code and postal code prefixes table.
The prefix is a portion of the full ZIP or postal code, as it is stored in the store's database, starting with the first number or letter in the code. For example, if you specify the prefix 90 in the table, the server searches the store's database for all customers who have a ZIP code that starts with 90. The search is not case-sensitive.
Phone number Select one of the following options:
- Phone number must start with one of the prefixes specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who have specific phone number prefixes; then, add one or more prefixes to the Target phone number prefixes table.
- Phone number must not start with any of the prefixes specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who do not have specific phone number prefixes; then, add one or more prefixes to the Target phone number prefixes table.
The prefix is a portion of the full telephone number, as it is stored in the store's database, starting with the first number or character. For example, if you specify the prefix 212 in the table, the server searches the store's database for all customers who have a telephone number that starts with 212. Include only numbers in your entry; do not include spaces or special characters (for example, parentheses and hyphens).
Email address Select one of the following options:
- Email address domain must match one of the domains specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who have specific email address domains; then, specify the domains in the Target email domains table.
- Email address domain must not match any of the domains specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who do not have specific email address domains; then, specify the domains in the Target email domains table.
The domain name is the part of the email address that comes after the @ sign. For example, to include a customer with the email address, add this email address domain to the table:
Purchase Details tab options:
Attribute Description Amount spent since registration Select one of the following options:
- Amount spent must be zero
- Select this option to include customers that have not spent any money at the site.
- Amount spent must be greater than the amount specified below
- Select this option to include customers that have spent a total amount that is greater than a particular target amount. If we select this option, an Amount spent field displays in which we must enter the target amount.
- Amount spent must be less than the amount specified below
- Select this option to include customers that have spent a total amount that is less than a particular target amount. If we select this option, an Amount spent field displays in which we must enter the target amount.
- Amount spent must be within the range specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that have spent an amount that falls within a target range. If we select this option, Minimum amount spent and Maximum amount spent fields display in which we must enter the upper and lower thresholds for the range. Amounts spent that are equal to either the minimum or maximum qualify for inclusion.
Orders Select one of the following options:
- Number of orders must be equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers that have had exactly the target number of fulfilled orders. If we select this option, a Number of orders field displays in which we must enter the target number of fulfilled orders.
- Number of orders must be greater than or equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers that have had either the target number of fulfilled orders, or more. If we select this option, a Number of orders field displays in which we must enter the target number of fulfilled orders.
- Number of orders must be less than or equal to the number specified below
- Select this option to include customers that have had either the target number of fulfilled orders, or fewer. If we select this option, a Number of orders field displays in which we must enter the target number of fulfilled orders.
- Number of orders must be within the range specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that have had a number of fulfilled orders that fall within a target range. If we select this option, Minimum number of orders and Maximum number of orders fields display in which we must enter the upper and lower thresholds for the range. Fulfilled order numbers that are equal to either the minimum or maximum qualify for inclusion.
Last purchase date Select one of the following options:
- Last purchase must have occurred within the number of days specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that placed an order within a certain time frame. If we select this option, a Number of days field displays, in which we can specify how recently the customer last made a purchase.
- Last purchase must have occurred earlier than the number of days ago specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that placed an order before a certain time frame. If we select this option, a Number of days field displays, in which we can specify how long ago the customer must have made a purchase.
- Last purchase must have occurred before the date specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that placed an order before a particular date. If we select this option, a Date field displays in which we can enter the target date.
- Last purchase must have occurred after the date specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that placed an order after a particular date. If we select this option, a Date field displays in which we can enter the target date.
- Last purchase must have occurred between the dates specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that placed an order between 2 dates. If we select this option, Start date and End date fields display in which we can enter the dates to specify the target range.
Miscellaneous tab options:
Attribute Description Last store visit date Select one of the following options:
- Last visit must have occurred within the number of days specified below
- Select this option to include only customers with a last visit date that occurred within a certain time frame. If we select this option, a Number of days field displays, in which we can specify how long ago the customer must made a purchase.
- Last visit must have occurred earlier than the number of days ago specified below
- Select this option to include only customers with a last visit date that occurred before a certain time frame. If we select this option, a Number of days field displays, in which we can specify how long ago the customer must made a purchase.
- Last visit must have occurred before the date specified below
- Select this option to include only customers with a last visit date that occurred before a particular date. If we select this option, a Date field displays, in which we can enter the target date.
- Last visit must have occurred after the date specified below
- Select this option to include only customers with a last visit date that occurred after a particular date. If we select this option, a Date field displays in which we can enter the target date.
- Last visit must have occurred between the dates specified below
- Select this option to include only customers with a last visit date that occurred between two dates. If we select this option, Start date, and End date fields display, in which we can enter the dates to specify the target range.
Job function Select Target the job functions specified below to include only those customers with specific job functions. Then, select the check box for one or more of the job functions listed. Interests Select one of the following options:
- Interests must include one of the interests specified below
- Select this option to include customers who have one or more of the specified interests. If we select this option, a Target interests field displays, in which we can specify the target interests.
- Interests must include all of the interests specified below
- Select this option to include customers who have all of the specified interests. If we select this option, a Target interests field displays, in which we can specify the target interests.
- Interests must not include any of the interests specified below
- Select this option to include customers who do not have any of the specified interests. If we select this option, a Target interests field displays, in which we can specify the target interests.
The interest name that you add to the table must match the exact name as it is stored in the store database for a customer. The name is not case-sensitive.
Company name Select one of the following options:
- Company name must match one of the names specified below
- Select this option to include customers who are employed by a particular company. If we select this option, a Target company names field displays, in which we can specify the target companies.
- Company name must not match any of the names specified below
- Select this option to include customers who are not employed by a particular company. If we select this option, a Target company names field displays, in which we can specify the target companies.
The company name that you add to the table must match the exact name as it is stored in the store database for a customer. The name is case-sensitive.
Currency Select Target the currencies specified below to include only customers who specify and indicated a preferred currency. Then, select the check box for one or more of the store's defined currencies. Language Select Target the languages specified below to include only customers who specify and indicated a preferred language. Then, select the check box for one or more of the store's defined languages. Preferred method of communication Select Target the methods of communication specified below to include only customers who specify a preferred method of communication. Then, select the check box for one or more of the listed communication methods. Account tab options:
Attribute Description Account Select one of the following options:
- Customer must belong to one of the accounts specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who belong to specific accounts in the segment; then, add one or more accounts to the Target accounts table.
- Customer must not belong to any of the accounts specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who do not belong to specific accounts in the segment; then, add one or more accounts to the Target accounts table.
Account size Select Target the account sizes specified below; then, select the check box corresponding to each account size option to include in this segment. We can select any number of options. Account geographical location Select one of the following options:
- Account location is in one of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that belong to accounts in specific geographical locations; then, select one or more locations in the Target geographical locations table.
- Account location is not in any of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that belong to accounts that are not in any of the specified geographical locations; then, select one or more locations in the Target geographical locations table.
The geographical location defines where an account is based.
Account country or region of operation Select one of the following options:
- Operates in one of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who belong to accounts that operate in specific geographical locations; then, select one or more locations in the Target countries and regions of operation table.
- Operates in all of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to include only customers who belong to accounts that operate in all of the specified geographical locations; then, select one or more locations in the Target countries and regions of operation table.
- Does not operate in any of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to exclude customers who belong to accounts that operate in any of the specific geographical locations; then, add one or more locations to the Target countries and regions of operation table.
The country or region of operation defines where an account operates. This location is different from the geographical location in that an account in the United States might operate in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Account industry Select Target the account industries specified below; then, select the check box corresponding to each account industry option to include in this segment. We can select any number of options. Account business Select Target the account businesses specified below; then, select the check box corresponding to each account business option to include in this segment. We can select any number of options. Account sales Select one of the following options:
- Amount spent must be zero
- Select this option to include customers that belong to accounts spend no money.
- Amount spent must be greater than the amount specified below
- Select this option to include customers that belong to accounts that spent an amount greater than some target amount. If we select this option, an Amount spent field displays in which we must enter the target amount.
- Amount spent must be less than the amount specified below
- Select this option to include customers that belong to accounts that spent an amount less than some target amount. If we select this option, an Amount spent field displays in which we must enter the target amount.
- Account spent must be within the range specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that belong to accounts that spent an amount that falls within a target range. If we select this option, Minimum amount spent and Maximum amount spent fields display, in which we must enter the upper and lower thresholds for the range. Amounts spent that are equal to either the minimum or maximum qualify for inclusion.
- Click
Save to save the customer segment, or click Close to close the editor and return to the previous page.
Related concepts
Customer segments
Action: Add To or Remove From Customer Segment
Related tasks
Exporting customer segment information
Related reference
Customer segment attributes