Tutorial - WebSphere Commerce V7
- Tutorials
- Program model
- Create new business logic
- Prepare the workspace
- Create a new view
- Create a new controller command
- Use a TypedProperties object to pass information from MyNewControllerCmd to
- Use a data bean to pass information from MyNewControllerCmd to MyNewView
- Parse and validate URL parameters in MyNewControllerCmd
- Create a new task command
- Modify MyNewTaskCmd
- Create a new entity bean
- Integrate the Bonus entity bean with MyNewControllerCmd
- Deploy the bonus points logic
- Create new business logic summary
- Load the completed tutorial code
- Code reference
- MyNewControllerCmd sample code
- MyNewControllerCmdImpl sample code
- MyNewTaskCmd sample code
- MyNewTaskCmdImpl sample code
- BonusDataBean sample code
- MyNewDataBean sample code
- Modify an existing controller command
- Extend the object model and modifying an existing task command
- Create and populating the XORDGIFT table
- Create the OrderGift entity bean
- Integrate the OrderGift entity bean into the shopping flow
- Test the new gift message functionality
- Deploy the gift message functionality
- Extend the object model and modifying an existing task command summary
- Load the completed tutorial code
- Add a finder to an existing entity bean
- Submit orders for testing
- Import the Order bean
- Modify the Java build paths
- Create the new finder
- Generate deploy code and regenerate the OrderAccessBean
- Extend the Orders data bean
- Modify a JSP file to use the new finder
- Test the new finder
- Deploy the new code to a target server
- Summary: Adding a finder to an existing entity bean
- Extend a Struts action
- Prepare the workspace
- Create an action extending BaseAction
- Configure TopCategoriesDisplay to use MyNewAction
- Test the implementation
- Extend a Struts action summary
- Use Struts tags, action forms, and validation
- Prepare the workspace
- Enable back-end logic
- Review the replacement Contact Us JSP page featuring a form
- Create a dynamic action form
- Associate the action form with an action
- Changing the implementation of the Contact Us view
- Test the new implementation of the Contact Us view
- Add the Validator plug-in
- Describe the Validator rules to be used for the HTML form data
- Add the consumer direct store error message properties files as a Struts
- Add custom messages to the consumer direct store error message properties
- Enable the action form to work with the Validator framework
- Update the controller command configuration
- Update MyContactUsDisplay.jsp to display validation error messages
- Test the validation functionality
- Use Struts tags, action forms, and validation summary
- Web services
- Define an inbound Web service
- Prepare the workspace
- Create the XML schema for a Web service
- Create the WSDL document for a Web service
- Map the WSDL document to the WebSphere Commerce Web services framework
- Configure message mapping for the Web service request
- Create a Web service response JSP page
- Register a Web service response JSP page with WebSphere Commerce
- Add caching support for a Web service response JSP page
- Test the Web service
- Define an inbound Web service summary
- Define a User Registration Web Service
- Define the SyncCustomer schema
- Define the WSDL
- Map a WSDL document to the WebSphere Commerce Web Services Framework
- Configure message mapping for a Web service request
- Create a Web service ConfirmBOD responses JSP page
- Register a Web service response JSP page with WebSphere Commerce
- Test Web SyncCustomer service
- Define a User Registration Web service summary
- Create an outbound Web service client for WebSphere Commerce
- Set up the development environment for creating an outbound Web Service
- Generate the MyCompanyMember data objects from the external system WSDL
- Implement the MyCompanyMember client API
- Create a task command to send and receive messages
- Integrate the MyCompanyMember client API with WebSphere Commerce
- Configure the WebSphere Commerce messaging system
- Generate the MyCompanyMemberServices sample user Web service
- Deploy and validating the MyCompanyMember client
- Create an outbound Web service client for WebSphere Commerce summary
- Create a WebSphere Commerce service module (SOI)
- Create the Get TutorialStore service
- Define the TutorialStore noun
- Generate the TutorialStore service module projects
- Generate the SDOs for the TutorialStore noun
- Implement the component facade
- Implement the client library
- Deploy and validating the TutorialStore service module with JUnit
- Create the Get TutorialStore service summary
- Create the Process TutorialStore service
- Modify the TutorialStore service module projects
- Regenerate the SDOs for the TutorialStore noun
- Implement the component facade
- Implement the client library
- Deploy and validating the TutorialStore service module with JUnit
- Create the Process TutorialStore service summary
- Create a new WebSphere Commerce BOD service module
- Define the TutorialStore noun
- Generate the TutorialStore service module projects
- Generate the SDOs for the TutorialStore noun
- Implement the persistence layer for the WebSphere Commerce BOD programming model
- Add language specific exception messages
- Implement Business Object Mediators to transform logical SDOs and physical SDOs
- Configure the data service layer for the TutorialStore service module
- Implement the business logic layer
- Implement the client library
- Implement access control
- Deploy and validating the TutorialStore service module with JUnit
- Summary: Creating a new WebSphere Commerce BOD service module
- Customize Web services and WebSphere Portal to support a new search
- Create the project structure in the WebSphere Commerce development environment
- Changing the code to allow additional search parameters
- Register the new command
- Test the new fetch command
- Create a JSP Snippet to display the price search fields
- Changing SearchDisplay.jsp to use the new search expression
- Add an expression-builder for the new search expression
- Test the new search expression
- Customize Web services and WebSphere Portal to support a new search expression
- Customize Web 2.0 and Web services to support customization of the OrderItem noun using the UserData field
- Prepare the database for the new engraving attributes
- Customize the client library and component facade
- Update the order shopping flow to include the customized code
- Customize the Web 2.0 store to show engraving attributes
- Test the customization
- Summary: Customizing Web 2.0 and Web services to support customization of the OrderItem
- Customize Web 2.0 and Web services to support personalization
- Prepare the database for new engraving attributes
- Create the overlay type
- Create the SDO genmodel file
- Generate the SDO code from the genmodel file
- Use the new SDO to customize the client library and component facade
- Update the order shopping flow
- Customize the store
- Test the customization
- Customize Web 2.0 and Web Services to support personalization of order items
- Create an Atom feed to display recipes in a remote widget
- Define URLs for recipe Atom feeds
- Run a pattern to create the Java classes for the recipe Atom feeds
- Create a feed formatting JSP file for the recipe Atom feed
- Test the recipe Atom feed
- Create a remote widget to display the recipe Atom feed on a social network
- Add a Share link to a store page so that customers can share the recipe widget
- Customize the data load utility
- Create an XML input file
- Create a custom data reader
- Configure the data load utility
- Verify the customization
- Deploy the customized code
- Management Center
- Add new properties to a WebSphere Commerce service using the data service layer
- Customize the WebSphere Commerce schema
- Customize the physical layer to include the new information
- Add query templates to include the new information
- Create an access control policy to secure the new information
- Validate the Catalog customization with JUnit
- Add new fields in the Catalogs tool
- Part 1: Adding language insensitive properties in the Catalogs tool
- Extend the resource bundle and properties files
- Add a new column to the product list view
- Create a new tab for warranty information
- Define combo box values
- Test the customization
- Customize store UI using the getData tag
- Test the customization in the store
- Part 2: Adding a language-sensitive property in the Catalogs tool
- Add product care instructions to the warranty page
- Deploy the customized code
- Customize the Catalogs tool to upload data from custom tables
- Add new search conditions in the advanced search of the Catalogs tool
- Extend the Advanced Search dialog to include extended properties as search
- Extend the controller JSP file to transfer extended search parameters
- Configure parametric search to search on custom data
- Create a new expression builder to override a default expression builder
- Add the extended properties as a column to a list view
- Test the customizations
- Deploy the customized code
- Add a validation rule in the Marketing tool
- Extend simple search in the Catalogs tool
- Configure parametric search for custom data
- Create a new expression builder in the get-data-config.xml file
- Create a new controller JSP file to retrieve and mediate the Management Center object
- Create new resource bundles for custom text strings
- Define the new search definition by extending the wcfSearchDefinition class
- Add the new search definition into the Search Widget in the Catalogs tool
- Test the customizations
- Deploy the customizations
- Summary: Extending simple search in the Catalogs tool
- Create a new promotion type
- Model the runtime promotion XML for the new promotion type
- Plan the user interface customization
- Create new resource bundles for custom text strings
- Create the child object definition for the new promotion type
- Create the object template
- Create the gift reward grid class for the user interface
- Create the promotion properties view for the user interface
- Add the new promotion type to the Promotion Type Selector window
- Register a serialization JSP file
- Create and registering the XSL template
- Test the new promotion type in the Management Center
- Test the new promotion type in the storefront
- Create the Project BOD service module
- Create an extended sites store for the Recipes tool customization
- Define the Project noun
- Define the database schema
- Generate the Project service module projects
- Generate the SDOs for the Project noun
- Implement the persistence layer for the WebSphere Commerce BOD programming model
- Add language specific exception messages
- Implement Business Object Mediators to transform logical SDOs and physical SDOs
- Configure the data service layer for the Project service module
- Implement the business logic layer
- Implement the client library
- Implement access control
- Validate the Project service module with JUnit
- Summary: Creating the Project BOD services module
- Add a Recipes tool to the Management Center
- Create a new user with the Recipe Manager role to access the Recipes tool
- Work with UI text and images for a Management Center object
- Model the Recipe noun to Management Center object definitions
- Define top and organizational objects in the explorer view
- Define primary objects
- Define child objects and reference objects for a primary object
- Define search
- Define views for a Management Center object
- Define a library class for all OpenLaszlo classes
- Define the main Recipes tool definition
- Integrate between the Management Center client and service module
- Retrive Management Center objects by transforming Nouns into XML
- Process Management Center services by transforming URL requests into BODs
- Test the Recipes tool customization
- Summary: Creating a new Recipes tool to the Management Center
- Support extended sites in the Recipes tool
- Create a new relationship for the RecipeTutorial sample store
- Model Management Center object definitions
- Changing Management Center views to display the new objects
- Modify JSP files to display the Management Center objects.
- Test the Recipes tool extended sites customization
- Summary: Supporting extended sites in the Recipes tool
- Modify the storefront to display Recipe information
- Create new expression builders to process Recipe service requests
- Create and registering new storefront JavaServer Pages files
- Modify existing JSPs files to interact with the new Recipe JSP files
- Summary: Modifying the storefront to display Recipe information
- Extend the Recipes tool to support workspaces
- Enable workspace support for the service module
- Enable change control for the noun
- Include change control information in the response of a Get service
- Test the customization
- Summary: Extending the Recipes tool to support workspaces
- Add a new locale for Management Center
- Configure and load bootstrap files
- Include locale information into WebSphere Commerce configuration file
- Create files for the new locale in Management Center
- Test the customization
- Track and displaying the most viewed recipes
- Define a new marketing action to track and display the most viewed recipes
- Create a new Command to capture the recipe view statistics
- Calculate the top viewed recipes from the statistics data
- Create a new Task Command to display the top viewed recipes
- Customize Management Center to support creating a new Web activity for most viewed recipes
- Create an e-Marketing Spot in the storefront to display the most viewed recipes
- Verify the customization in the storefront
- Summary: Tracking and displaying the most viewed recipes
- Content management
- Manage content with workspaces using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
- Manage content with workspaces using the Management Center
- Create a content-managed resource
- Create the new resource
- Create a new table
- Create an entity bean for the new table
- Create entity creation data
- Create new ebjCreate and ejbPostCreate methods
- Create a mapping between the entity bean and the database table
- Enable optimistic locking for the entity bean
- Create an access bean for the new table
- Generate deployment code and regenerating the access bean
- Make the resource content managed
- Specify a managed resource
- Create a resource container
- Create a resource manager
- Register the resource container
- Register the resource manager XML file
- Integrate the new resource
- Run the authoring server update script
- Create the AddExtendedCatalogDescCmd interface
- Create the AddExtendedCatalogDescCmdImpl task command
- Create the UpdateExtendedCatalogDescCmd interface
- Create the UpdateExtendedCatalogDescCmdImpl task command
- Delete a managed resource
- Update existing controller commands
- Create the NavCatExtendedCatalogCreateControllerCmdImpl controller command
- Create NavCatExtendedCatalogUpdateControllerCmdImpl controller command
- Insert SQL for commands into CMDREG table
- Update the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator tool
- Update NavCatCatalogCreateContent.jsp
- Update NavCatCatalogUpdateContent.jsp
- Update the properties file
- Create a new data bean
- Modify a store JSP page to display the extended description information
- Preview the new resource - Testing using WebSphere Commerce Workspaces and Preview
- Log in to the Workspace Administration Tool and create a workspace
- Log in to the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to work on the assigned task
- Preview the new sales catalog in the consumer direct sample store
- Summary of introducing a content managed resource
- Add content managed resources to the Catalog service module
- Sales Center
- Extend a page in an editor
- Determine what extend
- Modify the user interface
- Add tooltip help to the new page
- Add infopop help to the new page
- Test the changes
- Modify the OrderGiftDataBean class
- Send gift information from the server to the client
- Deploy the changes
- Extend a page in an editor - Summary
- Customize the appearance of the IBM Sales Center
- Determine extension points
- Create a new plug-in
- Deploy the assets
- Customize the appearance of the IBM Sales Center summary
- Load the completed tutorial code
- Add a new search option in the IBM Sales Center
- Determine the id of the user interface widget
- Examine the Find Product dialog definition
- Create a new plug-in
- Create a properties file
- Create a set of control widget elements
- Create a gridCompositeDefinition
- Extend the stackCompositeDefinition
- Point to the new search option implementation
- Write code to search for the new search option
- Add the manufacturer part number data to the search result
- Register the new search option code
- Test the new search option changes
- Examine the search result table definition
- Display the new search option in the search result table
- Point to the new table definition
- Test the completed tutorial and view the reply BOD
- Deploy the changes
- Add a new search term: Summary
- Load the completed tutorial code
- Add a column to the order items table
- Create a customer and an order
- Determine the ID of the user interface widget to modify
- Create a new plug-in
- Specify required plug-ins for the new plug-in
- Register custom extension with system configurator
- Create a properties file for the new order items table
- Create a new definition for the user interface widget
- Point to the new widget definition
- Test the user interface changes
- Extend the reply BOD from the WebSphere Commerce Server
- Register the WebSphere Commerce Server Extension
- Verify the customization is successful
- Deploy the changes
- Add an editable column to the Order Items table by creating a new widget manager
- Create two fulfillment centers for the ConsumerDirect store
- Determine the ID of the user interface widget to modify
- Create a custom Sales Center plug-in
- Create a properties file for the new Order Items table
- Create a new definition for the user interface widget
- Point to the new widget definition
- Create the new widget manager for the new editable column
- Determine which BOD is used to communicate from the server to the client
- Create a new class and add code to get the fulfillment list
- Verify the ShowStore BOD
- Extend the request handler on the Sales Center client to read the BOD message
- Verify that the customization for ShowStore is successful
- Determine which BOD is used to store information about the fulfillment center
- Create a new class to extend from the ShowSalesOrder class
- Add the code to the new ExtendedShowSalesOrder class
- Verify the customization code for ExtendedShowSalesOrder
- Deploy the changes
- Customize the Madisons store
- Changing the appearance of the Madisons starter store
- Register a new color in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
- Test the new color registration
- Changing the color
- Test the new color change
- Register a new style in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
- Test the new style registration
- Exchange the positions of the logo and the search area
- Exchange the positions of the advertisements in the right sidebar and the scrolling e-Marketing Spot at the bottom
- Changing the font size
- Test the new style in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
- Add the Recipe tool to the Madisons starter store
- Create and registering the new JSP files to display Recipe information
- Create JavaScript file for adding selected products into shopping cart
- Create recipe quick info widget
- Customize the ConsumerDirect sample store
- Customize the consumer direct sample store using snippets
- Publish a consumer direct sample store
- Create a sales catalog in MyApparelStore
- Create categories in MyApparelSalesCatalog
- Add merchandise to MyApparelSalesCatalog
- Display MyApparelSalesCatalog using a JSP code snippet
- Test MyApparelSalesCatalog
- Create the MyApparelPromotion promotion
- Create the MyApparelSpot e-Marketing Spot
- Display the MyApparelSpot e-Marketing Spot
- Test the MyApparelSpot e-Marketing Spot
- Import and editing the e-mail template
- Register the e-mail template
- Prepare the e-mail content
- Create a customer segment and customer to target with the e-mail activity
- Create an e-mail activity
- Display a catalog entry thumbnail using an object snippet
- Add parameters to send to the object snippet
- Create a new parameter for CatalogEntryThumbnailDisplay.jspf
- Deploy the snippet changes
- Summary of customizing the consumer direct sample store using snippets
- Example: Using JSP code and object snippets
- Add a new Change Flow feature
- Add the new feature to the flow repository
- Add the option to enable or disable the feature to the Change Flow notebook
- Make the feature configurable
- Enable the feature by default in a multiple-site environment
- Add style options
- Define a new style in the style configuration file
- Create the style sheets
- Create new header, footer, and sidebar JSP pages
- Add style features to the feature repository
- Create preview images for the new style
- Add dynamic text
- Add properties to hold and display the dynamic text
- Create a preview page for the location of the text message
- Add a section to the storefront configuration file
- Update the JSP page
- Customize
- Create views for multiple catalogs in a store
- Create sales catalogs
- Create URL references
- Add hypertext links
- Use an ATP catalog
- Enable the store to use available to promise inventory
- Install loading tools
- Load ATP catalog assets
- Add ATP catalog entries to an order
- Examine the results of testing ATP catalog assets for an order
- Source data
- Create a multicultural store
- Configure bootstrap files
- Include language data
- Create files for the new locales
- Group locales by country and store
- Rapid store development and deployment
- Background information
- Update the env batch file
- Run WebSphere Commerce utilities
- Deploy precompiled JSP files to the WebSphere Commerce Server
- Precompile the JSP files
- Package the source and compiled JSP files
- Deploy the precompiled JSP files to the production server
- Tutorial summary
- Migrate members super class references
- Contracts
- Extend the existing contract model
- Create a new business policy
- Register the new terms and conditions object
- Create the enterprise bean
- Create an access bean and deploying
- Update WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to use the new term and condition
- Invoke the new business policy
- Customize a contract (Rebate scenario)
- Import and exporting contracts
- Understand contract XML files
- Import and exporting a contract using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
- Import and exporting a contract using XML files
- HTML Utility for importing and exporting contracts
- Catch shopper address alternatives in the calculation framework
- Canadian tax configuration
- Search
- Search Performance Improvement
- Search performance improvement for Apache Derby
- Search performance improvement: 11-step program for DB2 environment
- Payments
- Configure the SimpleOffline plug-in with two payment methods
- Configure the payment system to use synchronous event
- Create a payment configuration group for the store
- Configure each XML configuration file in the payment configuration group for two payment methods
- Configure the XML configuration files for the payment plug-in controller
- Configure the XML configuration files for the SimpleOffline payment plug-in
- Configure two payment business policies for the store
- Develop a payment plug-in
- Payment Service Provider Simulator
- Import the Payment Service Provider Simulator EAR file into the WebSphere Commerce Developer workspace
- Set up the Payment Service Provider Simulator database
- Configure the virtual host and transport chain of the Payment Service Provider Simulator Web service
- Add the Payment Service Provider Simulator project to the WebSphere Commerce Test Server
- Test the Payment Service Provider Simulator
- Generate the Payment Service Provider Simulator Web service client project
- Add the Payment Service Provider Simulator Web service client project as a utility JAR file to the WebSphere Commerce EAR file
- Step 1: Creating the payment plug-in EJB project
- Step 2: Creating the payment plug-in session bean
- Step 3: Implementing the payment plug-in API methods
- Step 4: Creating the error message properties file
- Step 5: Creating the payment plug-in deployment descriptor file
- Step 6: Updating the payment system mapping file
- Step 7: Updating the payment method configuration files
- Step 8: Deploying and publishing the WebSphere Commerce EAR file
- Step 9: Specifying the merchant configuration properties
- Step 10: Updating the KEYS table
- Step 11: Testing the payment plug-in
- Step 12: Packaging and deploying the payment plug-in from Rational Application Development to WebSphere Commerce Server
- WebSphere Commerce Payments
- Step 1: Accessing the WebSphere Commerce Payments user interface
- Step 2: Creating a WebSphere Commerce Payments merchant and authorizing a cassette
- Step 3: Defining WebSphere Commerce Payments users
- Step 4: Assigning user roles
- Step 5: Creating an account
- Step 6: Creating a brand
- Step 7: Creating orders using the Sample Checkout
- Step 8: Approving orders
- Step 9: Depositing payments
- Step 10: Settling batches
- Step 11: Issuing a credit
- Step 12: Viewing batch totals
- Portal
- Call the TutorialStore service in a portlet
- Add the TutorialStore client library to the MVCPortlet project
- Create a new TutorialStore portlet in the MVCPortlet project
- Add the GetStore portlet JSP file to the MVCPortlet project
- Register a MVCPortlet render to use GetStore portlet JSP
- Test the GetStore portlet
- Summary: Calling the TutorialStore service in a portlet
- Dynamic caching
- Improve WebSphere Commerce performance with dynamic caching
- Set up the dynamic cache environment
- Changing the refresh interval
- Install the cache monitor
- Tutorial: Installing the ESI cache monitor
- Set up the cachespec.xml to full-page cache TopCategoriesDisplay
- Invalidate cache
- Timeout
- Invalidate cache using command invalidation
- Invalidate cache using dynacache API and the CACHEIVL table
- Invalidate cache using dependency trees
- Accept cache identifiers
- Add WebSphere Commerce DC_RequestAttributes
- Accept cache identifiers using method calls into the WebSphere Application
- Accept cache identifiers using cookies
- Accept cache identifiers using method calls into the CommandContext
- Use dynacache's API to not cache
- Use dynacache's API to not cache a full page matching a caching rule
- Use dynacache's API to not cache a fragment on a page
- Configure edge side caching using ESI
- Enable Edge caching
- Cache full pages using ESI caching
- Cache fragments using ESI caching
- Operate dynacache in a production environment
- Tune parameter: Delay Offload Entries Limit
- Tune parameter: delay offload
- Tune parameter: cleanup frequency
- Tune parameter: flush to disk
- Set up cache replication in a clustered environment
- Configure cache monitor in a clustered environment
- Use WebSphere Commerce
- Work with assets in extended sites
- Create a new product in an extended sites store
- Change an asset store product from within an extended sites store
- Change an existing promotion in an extended sites store
- Change an asset store promotion from within an extended sites store
- Preview the changes in the store
- Tutorial: Working with assets in extended sites summary
- Create RFQs
- Create a new RFQ request (buyer: buyer (buy-side))
- Submit and viewing a new RFQ request (buyer)
- Create a new response to an RFQ request (seller)
- Submit and viewing a new RFQ response (seller)
- Close an RFQ request (buyer)
- Evaluate responses (buyer: buyer (buy-side))
- Select an RFQ winner (buyer)
- Complete an RFQ request (buyer)
- Conduct an e-mail campaign