Tutorials > Program model > Web services > Customize Web 2.0 and Web services to support customization of the OrderItem noun using the UserData field
Update the order shopping flow to include the customized code
In this step, you update the order shopping flow to include the customized code.
- Register the new commands
- Open a browser and type the following URL: http://localhost/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp.
- In the input box, enter the following SQL statement to register the new commands:
INSERT INTO CMDREG(STOREENT_ID, INTERFACENAME, CLASSNAME, TARGET) VALUES (0,'com.ibm.commerce.orderitems.commands.ExtendOrderItemProcessCmd', 'com.mycompany.commerce.customization.order.MyExtendOrderItemProcessCmdImpl','Local'); UPDATE CMDREG SET CLASSNAME ='com.mycompany.commerce.customization.order.ExtComposeOrderDetailsCmdImpl' WHERE INTERFACENAME='com.ibm.commerce.order.facade.server.commands.ComposeOrderCmd+IBM_Details';
- Register the new Client API
- In WebSphere Commerce Developer, open the Enterprise Explorer view, and expand Stores > WebContent > WEB-INF.
- Open struts-config-ext.xml.
- Copy the following text into the bottom of the file, before the <struts-config> tag:
<plug-in className="com.ibm.commerce.struts.ComponentPlugIn"> <set-property property="componentId" value="order"/> <set-property property="clientFacadeClassName" value="com.mycompany.commerce.customization.order.MyOrderFacadeClient"/> </plug-in>
- Save and close the file.