Tutorials > Content management > Create a content-managed resource > Integrate the new resource
Modify a store JSP page to display the extended description information
This JSP page will use the new data bean to display the extended catalog information.
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, navigate to Stores > WebContent > ConsumerDirect > ShoppingArea > CatalogSection > CategorySubsection.
- Find TopCategoriesDisplay.jsp in the list of JSP files. Double-click the file to open it in the editor.
- Find <wcbase:useBean … and add another wcbase:useBean definition for our databean:
<wcbase:useBean classname="com.mycompany.catalog.databeans.ExtendedCatalogDescriptionDataBean" scope="page"/>
- Find <!-- MAIN CONTENT ENDS HERE --> in the JSP file and add the following text:
GOING TO INSERT EXTENDED INFO HERE:<br/> Front Image:<c:out value="${extcatalogdesc.frontImg}"></c:out><br/> Back Image:<c:out value="${extcatalogdesc.backImg}"></c:out><br/> Side Image:<c:out value="${extcatalogdesc.sideImg}"></c:out><br/> Top Image:<c:out value="${extcatalogdesc.topImg}"></c:out><br/> Last Modified:<c:out value="${extcatalogdesc.lastModified}"></c:out>
- Save the file.