Tutorials > Payments > Develop a payment plug-in

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Step 6: Update the payment system mapping file


In this step, we will define a new payment system named MyPaymentSystem in the payment system mapping file and map it to the payment plug-in.


Payment Service Provider Simulator

Update the payment system mapping file

  1. cd WC_EAR/xml/config/payments/ppc/plugins

  2. Make a backup of PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml.

  3. Open PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml for editing.

  4. Insert the following into the file, right before </Mapper>:

        <PaymentSystemName name="MyPaymentSystem">
            <Mapping paymentConfigurationId="default" 
                <Keyword name="account" 
                         mask ="*" 
                         searchable="true" />

  5. Close the file and save the changes.

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