GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the
the previous images should be covered with the background
color before displaying the next image (value is 2).
A source container that computers the default source lookup path
for a launch configuration on each launch using a launch configuration's
associated source path computer.
Command to disable (unconfigure) a feature
Note: This class/interface is part of an interim API that is still under development and expected to
change significantly before reaching stability.
Creates a new event for the given source and selection.
DragDetect -
Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
The drag detect event type (value is 29).
DragEnd -
Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DragSource Event: the drop has successfully completed or has been terminated (such as hitting
the ESC key); perform cleanup such as removing data on a move operation (value is 2000).
DragEnter -
Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the cursor has entered the drop target boundaries (value is 2002).
DragLeave -
Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the cursor has left the drop target boundaries OR the drop
operation has been cancelled (such as by hitting ECS) OR the drop is about to
happen (user has released the mous ebutotn over this target) (value is 2003).
DropTarget Event: the operation being performed has changed usually due to the user
changing the selected modifier keys while dragging (value is 2005).
DragOver -
Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the cursor is over the drop target (value is 2004).
DragSetData -
Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DragSource Event: the data to be dropped is required from the drag source (value is 2001).
This method was added to the ILaunchConfigurationTab interface
in the 3.0 release to allow tabs to distinguish between a tab being deactivated
and saving its attributes to a launch configuration.
Returns an image descriptor that is based on the given descriptor,
but decorated with additional information relating to the state
of the provided object.
Declares that the given file has been successfully deleted from the
local file system, and requests that the corresponding deletion should
now be made to the workspace resource tree.
Declares that the given folder and all its descendents have been
successfully deleted from the local file system, and requests that the
corresponding deletion should now be made to the workspace resource tree.
Declares that the given project's content area in the local file system
has been successfully dealt with in an appropriate manner, and requests
that the corresponding deletion should now be made to the workspace
resource tree.
Saves the current enable/disable state of the given control and its
descendents in the returned object except for the given list of exception
cases; the controls that are saved are also disabled.
The Page implementation of this IPage method
disposes of this page's control (if it has one and it has not already
been disposed). Subclasses may extend.
In dragStart, the doit field determines if the drag and drop operation
should proceed; in dragFinished, the doit field indicates whether
the operation was performed successfully.
doit -
Variable in class
A flag indicating whether the operation should be allowed.
This implementation of dragEnter permits the default
operation defined in event.detailto be performed on the current data type
defined in event.currentDataType.
This implementation of dragOperationChanged permits the default
operation defined in event.detailto be performed on the current data type
defined in event.currentDataType.
This implementation of dragOver permits the default
operation defined in event.detailto be performed on the current data type
defined in event.currentDataType.
Draws a rectangle, based on the specified arguments, which has
the appearance of the platform's focus rectangle if the
platform supports such a notion, and otherwise draws a simple
rectangle in the receiver's foreground color.
This implementation of dropAccept permits the default
operation defined in event.detailto be performed on the current data type
defined in event.currentDataType.