Workbench contribution item (id "viewsShortlist"): A list of views
available to be opened in the window, arranged as a shortlist of
promising views and an "Other" subitem.
Workbench contribution item (id "viewsShowIn"): A list of views
available to be opened in the window, arranged as a list of
alternate views to show the same item currently selected.
Instances of this class implement a Composite that lays out three
children horizontally and allows programmatic control of layout and
border parameters.
This listener interface may be implemented in order to receive
a WindowEvent notification when a window hosting a
Browser needs to be displayed or hidden.
Advises that the caller intends to modify the contents of the given files
in the near future and asks whether modifying all these files would be
Sets the permission of all the ContentReferences Check for the
.permissions contentReference and use it to set the permissions of other