Class TableTreeViewer
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- IInputProvider, IInputSelectionProvider, IPostSelectionProvider, ISelectionProvider
- public class TableTreeViewer
- extends AbstractTreeViewer
A concrete viewer based on a SWT TableTree control.
This class is not intended to be subclassed outside the viewer framework.
It is designed to be instantiated with a pre-existing SWT table tree control and configured
with a domain-specific content provider, label provider, element filter (optional),
and element sorter (optional).
Content providers for table tree viewers must implement the ITreeContentProvider
Label providers for table tree viewers must implement either the ITableLabelProvider
or the ILabelProvider interface (see TableTreeViewer.setLabelProvider
for more details).
Constructor Summary
TableTreeViewer(Composite parent)
Creates a table tree viewer on a newly-created table tree control under the given parent.
TableTreeViewer(Composite parent,
int style)
Creates a table tree viewer on a newly-created table tree control under the given parent.
TableTreeViewer(TableTree tree)
Creates a table tree viewer on the given table tree control.
Method Summary
protected void
| addTreeListener(Control c,
TreeListener listener)
Adds the given SWT tree listener to the given SWT control.
| cancelEditing()
Cancels a currently active cell editor.
protected void
| doUpdateItem(Item item,
Object element)
Copies the attributes of the given element into the given SWT item.
| editElement(Object element,
int column)
Starts editing the given element.
| getCellEditors()
Returns the cell editors of this viewer.
| getCellModifier()
Returns the cell modifier of this viewer.
protected Item[]
| getChildren(Widget o)
Returns the SWT child items for the given SWT widget.
| getColumnProperties()
Returns the column properties of this viewer.
| getControl()
Returns the primary control associated with this viewer.
| getElementAt(int index)
Returns the element with the given index from this viewer.
protected boolean
| getExpanded(Item item)
Returns whether the given SWT item is expanded or collapsed.
protected Item
| getItem(int x,
int y)
Returns the item at the given display-relative coordinates, or
null if there is no item at that location.
protected int
| getItemCount(Control widget)
Returns the number of child items of the given SWT control.
protected int
| getItemCount(Item item)
Returns the number of child items of the given SWT item.
protected Item[]
| getItems(Item item)
Returns the child items of the given SWT item.
| getLabelProvider()
The table tree viewer implementation of this Viewer framework
method returns the label provider, which in the case of table tree
viewers will be an instance of either ITableLabelProvider
or ILabelProvider.
protected Item
| getParentItem(Item item)
Returns the parent item of the given item in the tree, or null
if there is parent item.
protected Item[]
| getSelection(Control widget)
Returns all selected items for the given SWT control.
| getTableTree()
Returns this table tree viewer's table tree control.
protected void
| hookControl(Control control)
Adds event listener hooks to the given control.
| isCellEditorActive()
Returns whether there is an active cell editor.
protected Item
| newItem(Widget parent,
int flags,
int ix)
Creates a new item.
protected void
| removeAll(Control widget)
Removes all items from the given control.
| setCellEditors(CellEditor[] editors)
Sets the cell editors of this table viewer.
| setCellModifier(ICellModifier modifier)
Sets the cell modifier of this table viewer.
| setColumnProperties(String[] columnProperties)
Sets the column properties of this table viewer.
protected void
| setExpanded(Item node,
boolean expand)
Sets the expand state of the given item.
| setLabelProvider(IBaseLabelProvider labelProvider)
The table tree viewer implementation of this Viewer framework
method ensures that the given label provider is an instance
of either ITableLabelProvider or ILabelProvider.
protected void
| setSelection(List items)
Sets the selection to the given list of items.
protected void
| showItem(Item item)
Shows the given item.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
add, add, addSelectionListener, addTreeListener, associate, collapseAll, collapseToLevel, createChildren, createTreeItem, disassociate, doFindInputItem, doFindItem, doUpdateItem, expandAll, expandToLevel, expandToLevel, fireTreeCollapsed, fireTreeExpanded, getAutoExpandLevel, getExpandedElements, getExpandedState, getNextItem, getPreviousItem, getRawChildren, getSelectionFromWidget, getVisibleExpandedElements, handleTreeCollapse, handleTreeExpand, indexForElement, inputChanged, internalCollapseToLevel, internalExpand, internalExpandToLevel, internalRefresh, internalRefresh, isExpandable, labelProviderChanged, remove, remove, removeTreeListener, reveal, scrollDown, scrollUp, setAutoExpandLevel, setContentProvider, setExpandedElements, setExpandedState, setSelectionToWidget, updateChildren, updatePlus
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
addDoubleClickListener, addDragSupport, addDropSupport, addFilter, addOpenListener, addPostSelectionChangedListener, assertElementsNotNull, equals, filter, findItem, fireDoubleClick, fireOpen, firePostSelectionChanged, getComparer, getFilteredChildren, getFilters, getRoot, getSelection, getSortedChildren, getSorter, handleDoubleSelect, handleInvalidSelection, handleLabelProviderChanged, handleOpen, handlePostSelect, handleSelect, hasFilters, mapElement, needsRefilter, preservingSelection, refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh, refreshItem, removeDoubleClickListener, removeFilter, removeOpenListener, removePostSelectionChangedListener, resetFilters, setComparer, setInput, setSelection, setSelectionToWidget, setSorter, setUseHashlookup, testFindItem, unmapAllElements, unmapElement, unmapElement, update, update, updateItem, updateSelection, usingElementMap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public TableTreeViewer(TableTree tree)
- Creates a table tree viewer on the given table tree control.
The viewer has no input, no content provider, a default label provider,
no sorter, and no filters.
- Parameters:
- tree - the table tree control
public TableTreeViewer(Composite parent)
- Creates a table tree viewer on a newly-created table tree control under the given parent.
The table tree control is created using the SWT style bits MULTI, H_SCROLL, V_SCROLL, and BORDER.
The viewer has no input, no content provider, a default label provider,
no sorter, and no filters.
- Parameters:
- parent - the parent control
public TableTreeViewer(Composite parent,
int style)
- Creates a table tree viewer on a newly-created table tree control under the given parent.
The table tree control is created using the given SWT style bits.
The viewer has no input, no content provider, a default label provider,
no sorter, and no filters.
- Parameters:
- parent - the parent control
- style - the SWT style bits
protected void addTreeListener(Control c,
TreeListener listener)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Adds the given SWT tree listener to the given SWT control.
- Specified by:
- addTreeListener in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- c - the SWT control
- listener - the SWT tree listener
public void cancelEditing()
- Cancels a currently active cell editor. All changes already done in the cell
editor are lost.
protected void doUpdateItem(Item item,
Object element)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Copies the attributes of the given element into the given SWT item.
- Specified by:
- doUpdateItem in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- item - the SWT item
- element - the element
public void editElement(Object element,
int column)
- Starts editing the given element.
- Parameters:
- element - the element
- column - the column number
public CellEditor[] getCellEditors()
- Returns the cell editors of this viewer.
- Returns:
- the list of cell editors
public ICellModifier getCellModifier()
- Returns the cell modifier of this viewer.
- Returns:
- the cell modifier
protected Item[] getChildren(Widget o)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Returns the SWT child items for the given SWT widget.
- Specified by:
- getChildren in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- o - the widget
- Returns:
- the child items
public Object[] getColumnProperties()
- Returns the column properties of this viewer.
The properties must correspond with the columns of the table control.
They are used to identify the column in a cell modifier.
- Returns:
- the list of column properties
public Control getControl()
- Description copied from class: Viewer
- Returns the primary control associated with this viewer.
- Specified by:
- getControl in class Viewer
- Returns:
- the SWT control which displays this viewer's content
public Object getElementAt(int index)
- Returns the element with the given index from this viewer.
Returns null if the index is out of range.
This method is internal to the framework.
- Parameters:
- index - the zero-based index
- Returns:
- the element at the given index, or null if the
index is out of range
protected boolean getExpanded(Item item)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Returns whether the given SWT item is expanded or collapsed.
- Specified by:
- getExpanded in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- item - the item
- Returns:
- true if the item is considered expanded and
false if collapsed
protected Item getItem(int x,
int y)
- Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
- Returns the item at the given display-relative coordinates, or
null if there is no item at that location.
The default implementation of this method returns null.
- Overrides:
- getItem in class StructuredViewer
- Parameters:
- x - horizontal coordinate
- y - vertical coordinate
- Returns:
- the item, or null if there is no item at the given
protected int getItemCount(Control widget)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Returns the number of child items of the given SWT control.
- Specified by:
- getItemCount in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- widget - the control
- Returns:
- the number of children
protected int getItemCount(Item item)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Returns the number of child items of the given SWT item.
- Specified by:
- getItemCount in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- item - the item
- Returns:
- the number of children
protected Item[] getItems(Item item)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Returns the child items of the given SWT item.
- Specified by:
- getItems in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- item - the item
- Returns:
- the child items
public IBaseLabelProvider getLabelProvider()
- The table tree viewer implementation of this Viewer framework
method returns the label provider, which in the case of table tree
viewers will be an instance of either ITableLabelProvider
or ILabelProvider.
If it is an ITableLabelProvider, then it provides a
separate label text and image for each column. If it is an
ILabelProvider, then it provides only the label text
and image for the first column, and any remaining columns are blank.
- Overrides:
- getLabelProvider in class ContentViewer
- Returns:
- a label provider
protected Item getParentItem(Item item)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Returns the parent item of the given item in the tree, or null
if there is parent item.
- Specified by:
- getParentItem in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- item - the item
- Returns:
- the parent item, or null if none
protected Item[] getSelection(Control widget)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Returns all selected items for the given SWT control.
- Specified by:
- getSelection in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- widget - the control
- Returns:
- the list of selected items
public TableTree getTableTree()
- Returns this table tree viewer's table tree control.
- Returns:
- the table tree control
protected void hookControl(Control control)
- Description copied from class: ContentViewer
- Adds event listener hooks to the given control.
All subclasses must call this method when their control is
first established.
The ContentViewer implementation of this method hooks
dispose events for the given control.
Subclasses may override if they need to add other control hooks;
however, super.hookControl must be invoked.
- Overrides:
- hookControl in class AbstractTreeViewer
public boolean isCellEditorActive()
- Returns whether there is an active cell editor.
- Returns:
- true if there is an active cell editor, and
false otherwise
protected Item newItem(Widget parent,
int flags,
int ix)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Creates a new item.
- Specified by:
- newItem in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- parent - the parent widget
- flags - SWT style bits
- ix - if non-negative, indicates the position to insert the item
into its parent
- Returns:
- the newly-created item
protected void removeAll(Control widget)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Removes all items from the given control.
- Specified by:
- removeAll in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- widget - the control
public void setCellEditors(CellEditor[] editors)
- Sets the cell editors of this table viewer.
- Parameters:
- editors - the list of cell editors
public void setCellModifier(ICellModifier modifier)
- Sets the cell modifier of this table viewer.
- Parameters:
- modifier - the cell modifier
public void setColumnProperties(String[] columnProperties)
- Sets the column properties of this table viewer.
The properties must correspond with the columns of the table control.
They are used to identify the column in a cell modifier.
- Parameters:
- columnProperties - the list of column properties
protected void setExpanded(Item node,
boolean expand)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Sets the expand state of the given item.
- Specified by:
- setExpanded in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- node - the item
- expand - the expand state of the item
public void setLabelProvider(IBaseLabelProvider labelProvider)
- The table tree viewer implementation of this Viewer framework
method ensures that the given label provider is an instance
of either ITableLabelProvider or ILabelProvider.
If it is an ITableLabelProvider, then it provides a
separate label text and image for each column. If it is an
ILabelProvider, then it provides only the label text
and image for the first column, and any remaining columns are blank.
- Overrides:
- setLabelProvider in class ContentViewer
- Parameters:
- labelProvider - the label provider, or null if none
protected void setSelection(List items)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Sets the selection to the given list of items.
- Specified by:
- setSelection in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- items - list of items (element type: org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Item)
protected void showItem(Item item)
- Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
- Shows the given item.
- Specified by:
- showItem in class AbstractTreeViewer
- Parameters:
- item - the item
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