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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.0


Class AbstractDocument

  extended byorg.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDocument, IDocumentExtension, IDocumentExtension2, IDocumentExtension3, IRepairableDocument

Direct Known Subclasses:
Document, ProjectionDocument

public abstract class AbstractDocument
extends Object
implements IDocument, IDocumentExtension, IDocumentExtension2, IDocumentExtension3, IRepairableDocument

Abstract default implementation of IDocument and its extension interfaces IDocumentExtension, IDocumentExtension2, IDocumentExtension3, as well as IRepairableDocument.

An AbstractDocument supports the following implementation plug-ins:

The document can dynamically change the text store when switching between sequential rewrite mode and normal mode.

This class must be subclassed. Subclasses must configure which implementation plug-ins the document instance should use. Subclasses are not intended to overwrite existing methods.

See Also:
ITextStore, ILineTracker

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension3
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractDocument()
          The default constructor does not perform any configuration but leaves it to the clients who must first initialize the implementation plug-ins and then call completeInitialization.
Method Summary
 void acceptPostNotificationReplaces()
          Tells the receiver to accept calls to registerPostNotificationReplace until ignorePostNotificationReplaces is called.
 void addDocumentListener(IDocumentListener listener)
          Registers the document listener with the document.
 void addDocumentPartitioningListener(IDocumentPartitioningListener listener)
          Registers the document partitioning listener with the document.
 void addPosition(Position position)
          Adds the position to the document's default position category.
 void addPosition(String category, Position position)
          Adds the position to the specified position category of the document.
 void addPositionCategory(String category)
          Adds a new position category to the document.
 void addPositionUpdater(IPositionUpdater updater)
          Appends a new position updater to the document's list of position updaters.
 void addPrenotifiedDocumentListener(IDocumentListener listener)
          Adds the given document listener as one which is notified before those document listeners added with addDocumentListener are notified.
protected  void completeInitialization()
          Initializes document listeners, positions, and position updaters.
 int computeIndexInCategory(String category, int offset)
          Computes the index at which a Position with the specified offset would be inserted into the given category.
protected  int computeIndexInPositionList(List positions, int offset)
          Computes the index in the list of positions at which a position with the given offset would be inserted.
 int computeNumberOfLines(String text)
          Computes the number of lines in the given text.
 ITypedRegion[] computePartitioning(int offset, int length)
          Computes the partitioning of the given document range using the document's partitioner.
 ITypedRegion[] computePartitioning(String partitioning, int offset, int length, boolean includeZeroLengthPartitions)
          Computes the partitioning of the given document range based on the given partitioning type.
 boolean containsPosition(String category, int offset, int length)
          Determines whether a position described by the parameters is managed by this document.
 boolean containsPositionCategory(String category)
          Checks the presence of the specified position category.
protected  void doFireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent event)
          Notifies all listeners about the given document change.
protected  void doFireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent event, boolean firePartitionChange, IRegion partitionChange)
          Deprecated. as of 3.0. Use doFireDocumentChanged2(DocumentEvent) instead; this method will be removed.
protected  void doFireDocumentChanged2(DocumentEvent event)
          Notifies all listeners about the given document change.
protected  void fireDocumentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent event)
          Fires the given document event to all registers document listeners informing them about the forthcoming document manipulation.
protected  void fireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent event)
          Updates the internal document structures and informs all document listeners if listener notification has been enabled.
protected  void fireDocumentPartitioningChanged()
          Deprecated. as of 2.0. Use fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(IRegion) instead.
protected  void fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent event)
          Fires the document partitioning changed notification to all registered document partitioning listeners.
protected  void fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(IRegion region)
          Deprecated. as of 3.0. Use fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent) instead.
 String get()
          Returns this document's complete text.
 String get(int pos, int length)
          Returns this document's text for the specified range.
 char getChar(int pos)
          Returns the character at the given document offset in this document.
 String getContentType(int offset)
          Returns the type of the document partition containing the given offset.
 String getContentType(String partitioning, int offset, boolean preferOpenPartitions)
          Returns the type of the document partition containing the given offset for the given partitioning.
protected  List getDocumentListeners()
          Returns the document's document listeners.
protected  Map getDocumentManagedPositions()
          Returns all positions managed by the document grouped by category.
 IDocumentPartitioner getDocumentPartitioner()
          Returns this document's partitioner.
 IDocumentPartitioner getDocumentPartitioner(String partitioning)
          Returns the partitioner for the given partitioning or null if no partitioner is registered.
protected  List getDocumentPartitioningListeners()
          Returns the document's partitioning listeners .
 String[] getLegalContentTypes()
          Returns the set of legal content types of document partitions.
 String[] getLegalContentTypes(String partitioning)
          Returns the set of legal content types of document partitions for the given partitioning This set can be empty.
 String[] getLegalLineDelimiters()
          Returns the document's legal line delimiters.
 int getLength()
          Returns the number of characters in this document.
 String getLineDelimiter(int line)
          Returns the line delimiter of that line or null if the line is not closed with a line delimiter.
 IRegion getLineInformation(int line)
          Returns a description of the specified line.
 IRegion getLineInformationOfOffset(int offset)
          Returns a description of the line at the given offset.
 int getLineLength(int line)
          Returns the length of the given line including the line's delimiter.
 int getLineOffset(int line)
          Determines the offset of the first character of the given line.
 int getLineOfOffset(int pos)
          Returns the number of the line at which the character of the specified position is located.
 int getNumberOfLines()
          Returns the number of lines in this document
 int getNumberOfLines(int offset, int length)
          Returns the number of lines which are occupied by a given text range.
 ITypedRegion getPartition(int offset)
          Returns the document partition in which the position is located.
 ITypedRegion getPartition(String partitioning, int offset, boolean preferOpenPartitions)
          Returns the document partition of the given partitioning in which the given offset is located.
 String[] getPartitionings()
          Returns the existing partitionings for this document.
 String[] getPositionCategories()
          Returns all position categories of this document.
 Position[] getPositions(String category)
          Returns all positions of the given position category.
 IPositionUpdater[] getPositionUpdaters()
          Returns the list of position updaters attached to the document.
protected  ITextStore getStore()
          Returns the document's text store.
protected  ILineTracker getTracker()
          Returns the document's line tracker.
 void ignorePostNotificationReplaces()
          Tells the receiver to ignore calls to registerPostNotificationReplace until acceptPostNotificationReplaces is called.
 void insertPositionUpdater(IPositionUpdater updater, int index)
          Inserts the position updater at the specified index in the document's list of position updaters.
 void registerPostNotificationReplace(IDocumentListener owner, IDocumentExtension.IReplace replace)
          Callback for document listeners to be used inside documentChanged to register a post notification replace operation on the document notifying them.
 void removeDocumentListener(IDocumentListener listener)
          Removes the listener from the document's list of document listeners.
 void removeDocumentPartitioningListener(IDocumentPartitioningListener listener)
          Removes the listener from this document's list of document partitioning listeners.
 void removePosition(Position position)
          Removes the given position from the document's default position category.
 void removePosition(String category, Position position)
          Removes the given position from the specified position category.
 void removePositionCategory(String category)
          Deletes the position category from the document.
 void removePositionUpdater(IPositionUpdater updater)
          Removes the position updater from the document's list of position updaters.
 void removePrenotifiedDocumentListener(IDocumentListener listener)
          Removes the given document listener from the document's list of pre-notified document listeners.
 void repairLineInformation()
          Repairs the line information of the document implementing this interface.
 void replace(int pos, int length, String text)
          Substitutes the given text for the specified document range.
 void resumeListenerNotification()
          Resumes the notification of document listeners which must previously have been stopped by a call to stopListenerNotification.
 void resumePostNotificationProcessing()
          Resumes the processing of post notification replace operations.
 int search(int startPosition, String findString, boolean forwardSearch, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord)
          Returns the offset of a given search string in the document based on a set of search criteria.
 void set(String text)
          Replaces the content of the document with the given text.
 void setDocumentPartitioner(IDocumentPartitioner partitioner)
          Sets this document's partitioner.
 void setDocumentPartitioner(String partitioning, IDocumentPartitioner partitioner)
          Sets this document's partitioner.
protected  void setLineTracker(ILineTracker tracker)
          Sets the document's line tracker.
protected  void setTextStore(ITextStore store)
          Sets the document's text store.
 void startSequentialRewrite(boolean normalized)
          Tells the document that it is about to be sequentially rewritten.
 void stopListenerNotification()
          Can be called prior to a replace operation.
 void stopPostNotificationProcessing()
          Stops the processing of registered post notification replace operations until resumePostNotificationProcessing is called.
 void stopSequentialRewrite()
          Tells the document that the sequential rewrite has been finished.
protected  void updateDocumentStructures(DocumentEvent event)
          Updates document partitioning and document positions according to the specification given by the document event.
protected  void updatePositions(DocumentEvent event)
          Updates all positions of all categories to the change described by the document event.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail




protected AbstractDocument()

The default constructor does not perform any configuration but leaves it to the clients who must first initialize the implementation plug-ins and then call completeInitialization. Results in the construction of an empty document.

Method Detail




protected ITextStore getStore()

Returns the document's text store. Assumes that the document has been initialized with a text store.

the document's text store




protected ILineTracker getTracker()

Returns the document's line tracker. Assumes that the document has been initialized with a line tracker.

the document's line tracker




protected List getDocumentListeners()

Returns the document's document listeners.

the document's document listeners




protected List getDocumentPartitioningListeners()

Returns the document's partitioning listeners .

the document's partitioning listeners




protected Map getDocumentManagedPositions()

Returns all positions managed by the document grouped by category.

the document's positions




public IDocumentPartitioner getDocumentPartitioner()

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns this document's partitioner.

Use IDocumentExtension3.getDocumentPartitioner(String) when the document supports multiple partitionings. In that case this method is equivalent to:

    IDocumentExtension3 extension= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
    return extension.getDocumentPartitioner(IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING);

Specified by:
getDocumentPartitioner in interface IDocument

this document's partitioner




protected void setTextStore(ITextStore store)

Sets the document's text store. Must be called at the beginning of the constructor.

store - the document's text store




protected void setLineTracker(ILineTracker tracker)

Sets the document's line tracker. Must be called at the beginning of the constructor.

tracker - the document's line tracker




public void setDocumentPartitioner(IDocumentPartitioner partitioner)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Sets this document's partitioner. The caller of this method is responsible for disconnecting the document's old partitioner from the document and to connect the new partitioner to the document. Informs all document partitioning listeners about this change.

Use IDocumentExtension3.setDocumentPartitioner(String, IDocumentPartitioner) when the document supports multiple partitionings. In that case this method is equivalent to:

    IDocumentExtension3 extension= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
    extension.setDocumentPartitioner(IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING, partitioner);

Specified by:
setDocumentPartitioner in interface IDocument

partitioner - the document's new partitioner
See Also:




protected void completeInitialization()

Initializes document listeners, positions, and position updaters. Must be called inside the constructor after the implementation plug-ins have been set.




public void addDocumentListener(IDocumentListener listener)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Registers the document listener with the document. After registration the IDocumentListener is informed about each change of this document. If the listener is already registered nothing happens.

An IDocumentListener may call back to this method when being inside a document notification.

Specified by:
addDocumentListener in interface IDocument

listener - the listener to be registered




public void removeDocumentListener(IDocumentListener listener)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Removes the listener from the document's list of document listeners. If the listener is not registered with the document nothing happens.

An IDocumentListener may call back to this method when being inside a document notification.

Specified by:
removeDocumentListener in interface IDocument

listener - the listener to be removed




public void addPrenotifiedDocumentListener(IDocumentListener listener)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Adds the given document listener as one which is notified before those document listeners added with addDocumentListener are notified. If the given listener is also registered using addDocumentListener it will be notified twice. If the listener is already registered nothing happens.

This method is not for public use.

Specified by:
addPrenotifiedDocumentListener in interface IDocument

listener - the listener to be added as pre-notified document listener
See Also:




public void removePrenotifiedDocumentListener(IDocumentListener listener)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Removes the given document listener from the document's list of pre-notified document listeners. If the listener is not registered with the document nothing happens.

This method is not for public use.

Specified by:
removePrenotifiedDocumentListener in interface IDocument

listener - the listener to be removed
See Also:




public void addDocumentPartitioningListener(IDocumentPartitioningListener listener)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Registers the document partitioning listener with the document. After registration the document partitioning listener is informed about each partition change cause by a document manipulation or by changing the document's partitioner. If a document partitioning listener is also a document listener, the following notification sequence is guaranteed if a document manipulation changes the document partitioning:

If the listener is already registered nothing happens.

An IDocumentPartitioningListener may call back to this method when being inside a document notification.

Specified by:
addDocumentPartitioningListener in interface IDocument

listener - the listener to be added




public void removeDocumentPartitioningListener(IDocumentPartitioningListener listener)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Removes the listener from this document's list of document partitioning listeners. If the listener is not registered with the document nothing happens.

An IDocumentPartitioningListener may call back to this method when being inside a document notification.

Specified by:
removeDocumentPartitioningListener in interface IDocument

listener - the listener to be removed




public void addPosition(String category,
                        Position position)
                 throws BadLocationException,

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Adds the position to the specified position category of the document. A position that has been added to a position category is updated on each change applied to the document. Positions may be added multiple times. The order of the category is maintained.

Specified by:
addPosition in interface IDocument

category - the category to which to add
position - the position to be added
BadPositionCategoryException - if the category is undefined in this document
BadLocationException - if position describes an invalid range in this document




public void addPosition(Position position)
                 throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Adds the position to the document's default position category. This is a convenience method for addPosition(DEFAULT_CATEGORY, position).

Specified by:
addPosition in interface IDocument

position - the position to be added
BadLocationException - if position describes an invalid range in this document




public void addPositionCategory(String category)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Adds a new position category to the document. If the position category already exists nothing happens.

Specified by:
addPositionCategory in interface IDocument

category - the category to be added




public void addPositionUpdater(IPositionUpdater updater)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Appends a new position updater to the document's list of position updaters. Position updaters may be added multiple times.

An IPositionUpdater may call back to this method when being inside a document notification.

Specified by:
addPositionUpdater in interface IDocument

updater - the updater to be added




public boolean containsPosition(String category,
                                int offset,
                                int length)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Determines whether a position described by the parameters is managed by this document.

Specified by:
containsPosition in interface IDocument

category - the category to check
offset - the offset of the position to find
length - the length of the position to find
true if position is found




public boolean containsPositionCategory(String category)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Checks the presence of the specified position category.

Specified by:
containsPositionCategory in interface IDocument

category - the category to check
true if category is defined




protected int computeIndexInPositionList(List positions,
                                         int offset)

Computes the index in the list of positions at which a position with the given offset would be inserted. The position is supposed to become the first in this list of all positions with the same offset.

positions - the list in which the index is computed
offset - the offset for which the index is computed
the computed index
See Also:
IDocument.computeIndexInCategory(String, int)




public int computeIndexInCategory(String category,
                                  int offset)
                           throws BadLocationException,

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Computes the index at which a Position with the specified offset would be inserted into the given category. As the ordering inside a category only depends on the offset, the index must be chosen to be the first of all positions with the same offset.

Specified by:
computeIndexInCategory in interface IDocument

category - the category in which would be added
offset - the position offset to be considered
the index into the category
BadPositionCategoryException - if category is undefined in this document
BadLocationException - if offset is invalid in this document




protected void fireDocumentPartitioningChanged()

Deprecated. as of 2.0. Use fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(IRegion) instead.

Fires the document partitioning changed notification to all registered document partitioning listeners. Uses a robust iterator.




protected void fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(IRegion region)

Deprecated. as of 3.0. Use fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent) instead.

Fires the document partitioning changed notification to all registered document partitioning listeners. Uses a robust iterator.

region - the region in which partitioning has changed
See Also:




protected void fireDocumentPartitioningChanged(DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent event)

Fires the document partitioning changed notification to all registered document partitioning listeners. Uses a robust iterator.

event - the document partitioning changed event
See Also:




protected void fireDocumentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent event)

Fires the given document event to all registers document listeners informing them about the forthcoming document manipulation. Uses a robust iterator.

event - the event to be sent out




protected void updateDocumentStructures(DocumentEvent event)

Updates document partitioning and document positions according to the specification given by the document event.

event - the document event describing the change to which structures must be adapted




protected void doFireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent event)

Notifies all listeners about the given document change. Uses a robust iterator.

Executes all registered post notification replace operation.

event - the event to be sent out.




protected void doFireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent event,
                                     boolean firePartitionChange,
                                     IRegion partitionChange)

Deprecated. as of 3.0. Use doFireDocumentChanged2(DocumentEvent) instead; this method will be removed.

Notifies all listeners about the given document change. Uses a robust iterator.

Executes all registered post notification replace operation.

event - the event to be sent out
firePartitionChange - true if a partition change notification should be sent
partitionChange - the region whose partitioning changed




protected void doFireDocumentChanged2(DocumentEvent event)

Notifies all listeners about the given document change. Uses a robust iterator.

Executes all registered post notification replace operation.

This method will be renamed to doFireDocumentChanged.

event - the event to be sent out




protected void fireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent event)

Updates the internal document structures and informs all document listeners if listener notification has been enabled. Otherwise it remembers the event to be sent to the listeners on resume.

event - the document event to be sent out




public char getChar(int pos)
             throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the character at the given document offset in this document.

Specified by:
getChar in interface IDocument

pos - a document offset
the character at the offset
BadLocationException - if the offset is invalid in this document




public String getContentType(int offset)
                      throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the type of the document partition containing the given offset. This is a convenience method for getPartition(offset).getType().

Use IDocumentExtension3.getContentType(String, int, boolean) when the document supports multiple partitionings. In that case this method is equivalent to:

    IDocumentExtension3 extension= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
    return extension.getContentTypes(IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING, offset, false);

Specified by:
getContentType in interface IDocument

offset - the document offset
the partition type
BadLocationException - if offset is invalid in this document




public String[] getLegalContentTypes()

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the set of legal content types of document partitions. This set can be empty. The set can contain more content types than contained by the result of getPartitioning(0, getLength()).

Use IDocumentExtension3.getLegalContentTypes(String) when the document supports multiple partitionings. In that case this method is equivalent to:

    IDocumentExtension3 extension= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
    return extension.getLegalContentTypes(IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING);

Specified by:
getLegalContentTypes in interface IDocument

the set of legal content types




public int getLength()

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the number of characters in this document.

Specified by:
getLength in interface IDocument

the number of characters in this document




public String getLineDelimiter(int line)
                        throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the line delimiter of that line or null if the line is not closed with a line delimiter.

Specified by:
getLineDelimiter in interface IDocument

line - the line of interest
the line's delimiter or null if line does not have a delimiter
BadLocationException - if the line number is invalid in this document




public String[] getLegalLineDelimiters()

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the document's legal line delimiters.

Specified by:
getLegalLineDelimiters in interface IDocument

the document's legal line delimiters




public int getLineLength(int line)
                  throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the length of the given line including the line's delimiter.

Specified by:
getLineLength in interface IDocument

line - the line of interest
the length of the line
BadLocationException - if the line number is invalid in this document




public int getLineOfOffset(int pos)
                    throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the number of the line at which the character of the specified position is located. The first line has the line number 0. A new line starts directly after a line delimiter. (offset == document length) is a valid argument although there is no corresponding character.

Specified by:
getLineOfOffset in interface IDocument

pos - the document offset
the number of the line
BadLocationException - if the offset is invalid in this document




public int getLineOffset(int line)
                  throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Determines the offset of the first character of the given line.

Specified by:
getLineOffset in interface IDocument

line - the line of interest
the document offset
BadLocationException - if the line number is invalid in this document




public IRegion getLineInformation(int line)
                           throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns a description of the specified line. The line is described by its offset and its length excluding the line's delimiter.

Specified by:
getLineInformation in interface IDocument

line - the line of interest
a line description
BadLocationException - if the line number is invalid in this document




public IRegion getLineInformationOfOffset(int offset)
                                   throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns a description of the line at the given offset. The description contains the offset and the length of the line excluding the line's delimiter.

Specified by:
getLineInformationOfOffset in interface IDocument

offset - the offset whose line should be described
a region describing the line
BadLocationException - if offset is invalid in this document




public int getNumberOfLines()

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the number of lines in this document

Specified by:
getNumberOfLines in interface IDocument

the number of lines in this document




public int getNumberOfLines(int offset,
                            int length)
                     throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the number of lines which are occupied by a given text range.

Specified by:
getNumberOfLines in interface IDocument

offset - the offset of the specified text range
length - the length of the specified text range
the number of lines occupied by the specified range
BadLocationException - if specified range is invalid in this tracker




public int computeNumberOfLines(String text)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Computes the number of lines in the given text. For a given implementer of this interface this method returns the same result as set(text); getNumberOfLines().

Specified by:
computeNumberOfLines in interface IDocument

text - the text whose number of lines should be computed
the number of lines in the given text




public ITypedRegion getPartition(int offset)
                          throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the document partition in which the position is located.

Use IDocumentExtension3.getPartition(String, int, boolean) when the document supports multiple partitionings. In that case this method is equivalent:

    IDocumentExtension3 extension= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
    return extension.getPartition(IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING, offset, false);

Specified by:
getPartition in interface IDocument

offset - the document offset
a specification of the partition
BadLocationException - if offset is invalid in this document




public ITypedRegion[] computePartitioning(int offset,
                                          int length)
                                   throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Computes the partitioning of the given document range using the document's partitioner.

Use IDocumentExtension3.computePartitioning(String, int, int, boolean) when the document supports multiple partitionings. In that case this method is equivalent:

    IDocumentExtension3 extension= (IDocumentExtension3) document;
    return extension.computePartitioning(IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING, offset, length, false);

Specified by:
computePartitioning in interface IDocument

offset - the document offset at which the range starts
length - the length of the document range
a specification of the range's partitioning
BadLocationException - if the range is invalid in this document




public Position[] getPositions(String category)
                        throws BadPositionCategoryException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns all positions of the given position category. The positions are ordered according to the category's order. Manipulating this list does not affect the document, but manipulating the position does affect the document.

Specified by:
getPositions in interface IDocument

category - the category
the list of all positions
BadPositionCategoryException - if category is undefined in this document




public String[] getPositionCategories()

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns all position categories of this document. This includes the default position category.

Specified by:
getPositionCategories in interface IDocument

the document's position categories




public IPositionUpdater[] getPositionUpdaters()

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the list of position updaters attached to the document.

Specified by:
getPositionUpdaters in interface IDocument

the list of position updaters




public String get()

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns this document's complete text.

Specified by:
get in interface IDocument

the document's complete text




public String get(int pos,
                  int length)
           throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns this document's text for the specified range.

Specified by:
get in interface IDocument

pos - the document offset
length - the length of the specified range
the document's text for the specified range
BadLocationException - if the range is invalid in this document




public void insertPositionUpdater(IPositionUpdater updater,
                                  int index)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Inserts the position updater at the specified index in the document's list of position updaters. Positions updaters may be inserted multiple times.

An IPositionUpdater may call back to this method when being inside a document notification.

Specified by:
insertPositionUpdater in interface IDocument

updater - the updater to be inserted
index - the index in the document's updater list




public void removePosition(String category,
                           Position position)
                    throws BadPositionCategoryException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Removes the given position from the specified position category. If the position is not part of the specified category nothing happens. If the position has been added multiple times, only the first occurrence is deleted.

Specified by:
removePosition in interface IDocument

category - the category from which to delete
position - the position to be deleted
BadPositionCategoryException - if category is undefined in this document




public void removePosition(Position position)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Removes the given position from the document's default position category. This is a convenience method for removePosition(DEFAULT_CATEGORY, position).

Specified by:
removePosition in interface IDocument

position - the position to be removed




public void removePositionCategory(String category)
                            throws BadPositionCategoryException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Deletes the position category from the document. All positions in this category are thus deleted as well.

Specified by:
removePositionCategory in interface IDocument

category - the category to be removed
BadPositionCategoryException - if category is undefined in this document




public void removePositionUpdater(IPositionUpdater updater)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Removes the position updater from the document's list of position updaters. If the position updater has multiple occurrences only the first occurrence is removed. If the position updater is not registered with this document, nothing happens.

An IPositionUpdater may call back to this method when being inside a document notification.

Specified by:
removePositionUpdater in interface IDocument

updater - the updater to be removed




public void replace(int pos,
                    int length,
                    String text)
             throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Substitutes the given text for the specified document range. Sends a DocumentEvent to all registered IDocumentListener.

Specified by:
replace in interface IDocument

pos - the document offset
length - the length of the specified range
text - the substitution text
BadLocationException - if the offset is invalid in this document
See Also:
DocumentEvent, IDocumentListener




public void set(String text)

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Replaces the content of the document with the given text. Sends a DocumentEvent to all registered IDocumentListener. This method is a convenience method for replace(0, getLength(), text).

Specified by:
set in interface IDocument

text - the new content of the document
See Also:
DocumentEvent, IDocumentListener




protected void updatePositions(DocumentEvent event)

Updates all positions of all categories to the change described by the document event. All registered document updaters are called in the sequence they have been arranged. Uses a robust iterator.

event - the document event describing the change to which to adapt the positions




public int search(int startPosition,
                  String findString,
                  boolean forwardSearch,
                  boolean caseSensitive,
                  boolean wholeWord)
           throws BadLocationException

Description copied from interface: IDocument
Returns the offset of a given search string in the document based on a set of search criteria.

Specified by:
search in interface IDocument

startPosition - document offset at which search starts
findString - the string to find
forwardSearch - the search direction
caseSensitive - indicates whether lower and upper case should be distinguished
wholeWord - indicates whether the findString should be limited by white spaces as defined by Character.isWhiteSpace
the offset of the first occurrence of findString based on the parameters or -1 if no match is found
BadLocationException - if startOffset is an invalid document offset




public void acceptPostNotificationReplaces()

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension2
Tells the receiver to accept calls to registerPostNotificationReplace until ignorePostNotificationReplaces is called.

Specified by:
acceptPostNotificationReplaces in interface IDocumentExtension2




public void ignorePostNotificationReplaces()

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension2
Tells the receiver to ignore calls to registerPostNotificationReplace until acceptPostNotificationReplaces is called.

Specified by:
ignorePostNotificationReplaces in interface IDocumentExtension2




public void registerPostNotificationReplace(IDocumentListener owner,
                                            IDocumentExtension.IReplace replace)

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension
Callback for document listeners to be used inside documentChanged to register a post notification replace operation on the document notifying them.

Specified by:
registerPostNotificationReplace in interface IDocumentExtension

owner - the owner of the replace operation
replace - the replace operation to be executed




public void stopPostNotificationProcessing()

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension
Stops the processing of registered post notification replace operations until resumePostNotificationProcessing is called.

Specified by:
stopPostNotificationProcessing in interface IDocumentExtension




public void resumePostNotificationProcessing()

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension
Resumes the processing of post notification replace operations. If the queue of registered IDocumentExtension.IReplace objects is not empty, they are immediately processed if the document is not inside a replace operation. If the document is inside a replace operation, they are processed directly after the replace operation has finished.

Specified by:
resumePostNotificationProcessing in interface IDocumentExtension




public void startSequentialRewrite(boolean normalized)

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension
Tells the document that it is about to be sequentially rewritten. That is a sequence of non-overlapping replace operations will be performed on it. The normalize flag indicates whether the rewrite is performed from the start of the document to its end or from an arbitrary start offset.

The document is considered being in sequential rewrite mode as long as stopSequentialRewrite has not been called.

Specified by:
startSequentialRewrite in interface IDocumentExtension

normalized - true if performed from the start to the end of the document




public void stopSequentialRewrite()

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension
Tells the document that the sequential rewrite has been finished. This method has only any effect if startSequentialRewrite has been called before.

Specified by:
stopSequentialRewrite in interface IDocumentExtension




public void resumeListenerNotification()

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension2
Resumes the notification of document listeners which must previously have been stopped by a call to stopListenerNotification.

Specified by:
resumeListenerNotification in interface IDocumentExtension2




public void stopListenerNotification()

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension2
Can be called prior to a replace operation. After the replace resumeListenerNotification must be called. The affect of these calls is that no document listener is notified until resumeListenerNotification is called. This allows clients to update structure before any listener is informed about the change.

Listener notification can only be stopped for a single replace operation. Otherwise, document change notifications will be lost.

Specified by:
stopListenerNotification in interface IDocumentExtension2




public ITypedRegion[] computePartitioning(String partitioning,
                                          int offset,
                                          int length,
                                          boolean includeZeroLengthPartitions)
                                   throws BadLocationException,

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension3
Computes the partitioning of the given document range based on the given partitioning type.

If includeZeroLengthPartitions is true, a zero-length partition of an open partition type (usually the default partition) is included between two closed partitions. If it is false, no zero-length partitions are included.

This is only supported if the connected IDocumentPartitioner supports it, i.e. implements IDocumentPartitionerExtension2. Otherwise, includeZeroLengthPartitions is ignored.

Specified by:
computePartitioning in interface IDocumentExtension3

partitioning - the document's partitioning type
offset - the document offset at which the range starts
length - the length of the document range
includeZeroLengthPartitions - true if zero-length partitions should be returned as part of the computed partitioning
a specification of the range's partitioning
BadLocationException - if the range is invalid in this document$
BadPartitioningException - if partitioning is invalid for this document




public String getContentType(String partitioning,
                             int offset,
                             boolean preferOpenPartitions)
                      throws BadLocationException,

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension3
Returns the type of the document partition containing the given offset for the given partitioning. This is a convenience method for getPartition(partitioning, offset, boolean).getType().

If preferOpenPartitions is true, precedence is given to an open partition ending at offset over a delimited partition starting at offset. If it is false, precedence is given to the partition that does not end at offset.

This is only supported if the connected IDocumentPartitioner supports it, i.e. implements IDocumentPartitionerExtension2. Otherwise, preferOpenPartitions is ignored.

Specified by:
getContentType in interface IDocumentExtension3

partitioning - the partitioning
offset - the document offset
preferOpenPartitions - true if precedence should be given to a open partition ending at offset over a closed partition starting at offset
the partition type
BadPartitioningException - if partitioning is invalid for this document
BadLocationException - if offset is invalid in this document




public IDocumentPartitioner getDocumentPartitioner(String partitioning)

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension3
Returns the partitioner for the given partitioning or null if no partitioner is registered.

Specified by:
getDocumentPartitioner in interface IDocumentExtension3

partitioning - the partitioning for which to set the partitioner
the partitioner for the given partitioning




public String[] getLegalContentTypes(String partitioning)
                              throws BadPartitioningException

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension3
Returns the set of legal content types of document partitions for the given partitioning This set can be empty. The set can contain more content types than contained by the result of getPartitioning(partitioning, 0, getLength()).

Specified by:
getLegalContentTypes in interface IDocumentExtension3

partitioning - the partitioning for which to return the legal content types
the set of legal content types
BadPartitioningException - if partitioning is invalid for this document




public ITypedRegion getPartition(String partitioning,
                                 int offset,
                                 boolean preferOpenPartitions)
                          throws BadLocationException,

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension3
Returns the document partition of the given partitioning in which the given offset is located.

If preferOpenPartitions is true, precedence is given to an open partition ending at offset over a delimited partition starting at offset. If it is false, precedence is given to the partition that does not end at offset.

This is only supported if the connected IDocumentPartitioner supports it, i.e. implements IDocumentPartitionerExtension2. Otherwise, preferOpenPartitions is ignored.

Specified by:
getPartition in interface IDocumentExtension3

partitioning - the partitioning
offset - the document offset
preferOpenPartitions - true if precedence should be given to a open partition ending at offset over a closed partition starting at offset
a specification of the partition
BadPartitioningException - if partitioning is invalid for this document
BadLocationException - if offset is invalid in this document




public String[] getPartitionings()

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension3
Returns the existing partitionings for this document. This includes the default partitioning.

Specified by:
getPartitionings in interface IDocumentExtension3

the existing partitionings for this document




public void setDocumentPartitioner(String partitioning,
                                   IDocumentPartitioner partitioner)

Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension3
Sets this document's partitioner. The caller of this method is responsible for disconnecting the document's old partitioner from the document and to connect the new partitioner to the document. Informs all document partitioning listeners about this change.

Specified by:
setDocumentPartitioner in interface IDocumentExtension3

partitioning - the partitioning for which to set the partitioner
partitioner - the document's new partitioner
See Also:




public void repairLineInformation()

Description copied from interface: IRepairableDocument
Repairs the line information of the document implementing this interface.

Specified by:
repairLineInformation in interface IRepairableDocument



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Release 3.0

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