Eclipse Platform Release 3.0 | ||||||||||
The class CompareUI defines the entry point to initiate a configurable compare operation on arbitrary resources. The result of the compare is opened into a compare editor where the details can be browsed and edited in dynamically selected structure and content viewers.
The Compare UI provides a registry for content and structure compare viewers, which is initialized from extensions contributed to extension points declared by this plug-in.
Field Summary | |
Name of the title property of a compare viewer. |
static ImageDescriptor | DESC_CTOOL_NEXT
Image descriptor for the normal icon of the 'Next' tool bar button. |
static ImageDescriptor | DESC_CTOOL_PREV
Image descriptor for the normal icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button. |
static ImageDescriptor | DESC_DTOOL_NEXT
Image descriptor for the disabled icon of the 'Next' tool bar button. |
static ImageDescriptor | DESC_DTOOL_PREV
Image descriptor for the disabled icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button. |
static ImageDescriptor | DESC_ETOOL_NEXT
Image descriptor for the roll-over icon of the 'Next' tool bar button. |
static ImageDescriptor | DESC_ETOOL_PREV
Image descriptor for the roll-over icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button. |
static String | PLUGIN_ID
Compare Plug-in ID (value "org.eclipse.compare"). |
Method Summary | |
static void | addStructureViewerAlias(String type,
String alias)
Adds an alias for the given type. |
static IStreamMerger | createStreamMerger(IContentType type)
Creates a stream merger for the given content type. |
static IStreamMerger | createStreamMerger(String type)
Creates a stream merger for the given file extension. |
static void | disposeOnShutdown(Image image)
Registers the given image for being disposed when this plug-in is shutdown. |
static Viewer | findContentViewer(Viewer oldViewer,
ICompareInput input,
Composite parent,
CompareConfiguration configuration)
Returns a content compare viewer based on an old viewer and an input object. |
static Viewer | findContentViewer(Viewer oldViewer,
Object input,
Composite parent,
CompareConfiguration configuration)
Returns a content compare viewer based on an old viewer and an input object. |
static Viewer | findStructureViewer(Viewer oldViewer,
ICompareInput input,
Composite parent,
CompareConfiguration configuration)
Returns a structure compare viewer based on an old viewer and an input object. |
static Image | getImage(IAdaptable adaptable)
Returns a shared image for the given adaptable. |
static Image | getImage(String type)
Returns a shared image for the given type, or a generic image if none has been registered for the given type. |
static AbstractUIPlugin | getPlugin()
static ResourceBundle | getResourceBundle()
Returns this plug-in's resource bundle. |
static void | openCompareDialog(CompareEditorInput input)
Performs the comparison described by the given input and opens a modal compare dialog on the result. |
static void | openCompareEditor(CompareEditorInput input)
Performs the comparison described by the given input and opens a compare editor on the result in the currently active workbench page. |
static void | openCompareEditorOnPage(CompareEditorInput input,
IWorkbenchPage page)
Performs the comparison described by the given input and opens a compare editor on the result in the given workbench page. |
static void | registerImageDescriptor(String type,
ImageDescriptor descriptor)
Registers an image descriptor for the given type. |
static void | removeAllStructureViewerAliases(String type)
Remove all aliases for the given type. |
static void | reuseCompareEditor(CompareEditorInput input,
IReusableEditor editor)
Performs the comparison described by the given input and shows the result in the given editor. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final String PLUGIN_ID
public static final ImageDescriptor DESC_DTOOL_NEXT
public static final ImageDescriptor DESC_CTOOL_NEXT
public static final ImageDescriptor DESC_ETOOL_NEXT
public static final ImageDescriptor DESC_DTOOL_PREV
public static final ImageDescriptor DESC_CTOOL_PREV
public static final ImageDescriptor DESC_ETOOL_PREV
public static final String COMPARE_VIEWER_TITLE
Method Detail |
public static AbstractUIPlugin getPlugin()
public static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle()
public static void openCompareEditor(CompareEditorInput input)
public static void openCompareEditorOnPage(CompareEditorInput input, IWorkbenchPage page)
public static void reuseCompareEditor(CompareEditorInput input, IReusableEditor editor)
public static void openCompareDialog(CompareEditorInput input)
public static void registerImageDescriptor(String type, ImageDescriptor descriptor)
public static Image getImage(String type)
Note: Images returned from this method will be automatically disposed of when this plug-in shuts down. Callers must not dispose of these images themselves.
public static void disposeOnShutdown(Image image)
public static Image getImage(IAdaptable adaptable)
Note: Images returned from this method will be automatically disposed of when this plug-in shuts down. Callers must not dispose of these images themselves.
public static IStreamMerger createStreamMerger(IContentType type)
public static IStreamMerger createStreamMerger(String type)
public static Viewer findStructureViewer(Viewer oldViewer, ICompareInput input, Composite parent, CompareConfiguration configuration)
public static Viewer findContentViewer(Viewer oldViewer, ICompareInput input, Composite parent, CompareConfiguration configuration)
public static Viewer findContentViewer(Viewer oldViewer, Object input, Composite parent, CompareConfiguration configuration)
public static void addStructureViewerAlias(String type, String alias)
Note: this method is for internal use only. Clients should not call this method.
public static void removeAllStructureViewerAliases(String type)
Note: this method is for internal use only. Clients should not call this method.
Eclipse Platform Release 3.0 | ||||||||||
Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.
Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2004. All rights reserved.