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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.0
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RADIO - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant for radio button behavior (value is 1<<4).
RANGE_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.compare.contentmergeviewer.IDocumentRange
The position category typically used for an IDocumentRange position (value "DocumentRangeCategory").
RATIO_MAX - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout
Maximum acceptable ratio value when adding a view
RATIO_MIN - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout
Minimum acceptable ratio value when adding a view
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant for read-only behavior (value is 1<<3).
READ_ONLY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IResourceActionFilter
An attribute indicating whether the file is read only (value "readOnly").
READ_ONLY_LOCAL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus
Status code constant (value 279) indicating that the file in the file system is marked as read-only.
REBUILD_ALL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants
Deprecated. in 3.0. Use org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDEActionFactory.REBUILD_ALL.getId() instead.
REBUILD_ALL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDEActionFactory
IDE-specific workbench action: Full build.
REBUILD_PROJECT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants
Deprecated. in 3.0. Use org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDEActionFactory.REBUILD_PROJECT.getId() instead.
REBUILD_PROJECT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDEActionFactory
IDE-specific workbench action: Rebuild project.
RECTANGLE_DEFAULT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceConverter
The default-default value for rectangle preferences (the empty rectangle (0,0,0,0)).
REDO - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextOperationTarget
Text operation code for redoing the last undone edit command.
REDO - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Property name for the redo action
REDO - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants
Deprecated. in 3.0. Use ActionFactory.REDO.getId() instead.
REDO - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory
Workbench action (id "redo"): Redo.
REDO - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of standard Redo global action in the Edit menu.
REDO - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IWorkbenchActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the edit redo action.
REDO_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IAbstractTextEditorHelpContextIds
Help context id for the action.
REFERENCE_CYCLE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.variables.VariablesPlugin
Status code indicating a variable reference cycle error.
REFRESH - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants
Deprecated. in 3.0. Use ActionFactory.REFRESH.getId() instead.
REFRESH - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory
Workbench action (id "refresh"): Refresh.
REGISTERED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IBreakpoint
Registered breakpoint marker attribute (value "org.eclipse.debug.core.registered").
REGISTER_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugUIConstants
Identifier for a register group in a menu (value "registerGroup").
REMOVE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.DirtyRegion
Identifies a remove operation.
REMOVED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been removed from its parent.
REMOVED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionDelta
Delta kind constant indicating that an extension has been removed from an extension point.
REMOVED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.search.ui.text.MatchEvent
Constant for a matches being removed.
REMOVED_PHANTOM - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that a phantom resource has been removed from the location of the delta node.
REMOVE_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugView
Action id for a view's remove action.
RENAME - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants
Deprecated. in 3.0. Use ActionFactory.RENAME.getId() instead.
RENAME - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory
Workbench action (id "rename"): Rename.
RENAME - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IWorkbenchActionDefinitionIds
The command identifier for the "rename" action that typically appears in the file menu.
RENDER_GROUP - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugUIConstants
Identifier for a render group in a menu or toolbar(value "renderGroup").
REOPEN_EDITORS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ContributionItemFactory
Workbench contribution item (id "reopenEditors"): A list of recent editors (with inputs) available to be reopened in the window.
REPLACED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the resource has been replaced by another at the same location (i.e., the resource has been deleted and then added).
REQUEST_FAILED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException
Indicates that a request made of manager has failed, or a request made of a debug element has failed on the client side (that is, before the request was sent to the debug target).
RESET_PERSPECTIVE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory
Workbench action (id "resetPerspective"): Resets the current perspective.
RESIZE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
Identifies window resizing as originator of a view port change.
RESIZE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant for resize box trim (value is 1<<4).
RESOLVE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.expressions.ExpressionTagNames
The tag name of the resolve expression (value: resolve)
RESOURCE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILibrary
Deprecated. As of Eclipse 3.0 library types are obsolete. There is no replacement.
RESOURCE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.LibraryModel
Deprecated. Constant string (value "resource") indicating the resource library type.
RESOURCE_EXISTS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus
Status code constant (value 367) indicating a resource unexpectedly exists in the workspace.
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus
Status code constant (value 368) indicating a resource unexpectedly does not exist in the workspace.
RESOURCE_NOT_LINKED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus
Status code constant (value 377) indicating a resource is unexpectedly not a linked resource.
RESOURCE_NOT_LOCAL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus
Status code constant (value 369) indicating a resource unexpectedly does not have content local to the workspace.
RESOURCE_PERSPECTIVE_ID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE
The resource based perspective identifier.
RESOURCE_SYNC_INFO_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.team.core.ITeamStatus
An error occurred trying to obtain the SyncInfo for a single resource.
RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IMarkerActionFilter
An attribute indicating the type of resource associated with the marker (value "resourceType").
RESOURCE_WRONG_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus
Status code constant (value 366) indicating a resource exists in the workspace but is not of the expected type.
RESTORE_CODE_EXIT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.application.IWorkbenchConfigurer
Restore status code indicating that the saved state could not be restored, and that the application must exit immediately without modifying any previously saved workbench state.
RESTORE_CODE_RESET - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.application.IWorkbenchConfigurer
Restore status code indicating that the saved state could not be restored, but that startup should continue with a reset state.
RESULT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction
Property name of an action's success/fail result (value "result").
RESUME - Static variable in class org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugEvent
Resume event kind.
RETRY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
The MessageBox style constant for a RETRY button; valid combinations are ABORT|RETRY|IGNORE, RETRY|CANCEL (value is 1<<10).
RETRY_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants
Button id for a "Retry" button (value 8).
RETRY_LABEL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants
The label for retry buttons.
RETURN_EMERGENCY_CLOSE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI
Return code (value 3) indicating that the workbench was terminated with a call to IWorkbenchConfigurer#emergencyClose.
RETURN_OK - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI
Return code (value 0) indicating that the workbench terminated normally.
RETURN_RESTART - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI
Return code (value 1) indicating that the workbench was terminated with a call to IWorkbench.restart.
RETURN_UNSTARTABLE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI
Return code (value 2) indicating that the workbench failed to start.
REVERT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants
Deprecated. in 3.0. Use ActionFactory.REVERT.getId() instead.
REVERT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory
Workbench action (id "revert"): Revert.
REVERT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of standard Revert global action in the File menu.
REVERT_TO_SAVED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of the action for re-establishing the state after the most recent save operation.
REVERT_TO_SAVED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IWorkbenchActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the file revert action.
REVERT_TO_SAVED_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IAbstractTextEditorHelpContextIds
Help context id for the action.
RGB - class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB.
Instances of this class are descriptions of colors in terms of the primary additive color model (red, green and blue).
RGB(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB
Constructs an instance of this class with the given red, green and blue values.
RGBBlendColorFactory - class org.eclipse.ui.themes.RGBBlendColorFactory.
A resuable IColorFactory that may be used to blend two colors.
RGBBlendColorFactory() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.themes.RGBBlendColorFactory
RIGHT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.RangeDifference
Three-way change constant indicating a change in right.
RIGHT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.Differencer
Three-way change constant (value 8) indicating a change on right side.
RIGHT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ICharacterPairMatcher
Indicates the anchor value "right".
RIGHT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant for align right behavior (value is 1<<17).
RIGHT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout
Relationship constant indicating a part should be placed to the right of its relative.
RIGHT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants
Constant to be used when referring to the right side of the workbench window.
RIGHT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.ColumnLayoutData
Horizontal alignment constant - control will be centered.
RIGHT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.TableWrapData
The control will be right-justified.
RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant for right to left orientation (value is 1<<26).
ROLE_CHECKBUTTON - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_CLIENT_AREA - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_COMBOBOX - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_DIALOG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_LABEL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_LINK - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_LIST - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_LISTITEM - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_MENU - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_MENUBAR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_MENUITEM - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_PROGRESSBAR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_PUSHBUTTON - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_RADIOBUTTON - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_SCROLLBAR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_SLIDER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TABFOLDER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TABITEM - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TABLE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TABLECELL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TABLECOLUMN - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TABLECOLUMNHEADER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TABLEROWHEADER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TEXT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TOOLBAR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TREE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_TREEITEM - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROLE_WINDOW - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
ROMAN - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Input Method Editor style constant for romanicized input behavior (value is 1<<5).
ROOT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Type constant (bit mask value 8) which identifies the root resource.
ROOT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path
Constant value containing the root path with no device.
ROOTS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizeScope
Property used to indicate when the roots of the scope have changed.
ROOT_ADDED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.team.core.subscribers.ISubscriberChangeEvent
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that a team provider has been configured on the resource.
ROOT_REMOVED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.team.core.subscribers.ISubscriberChangeEvent
Delta kind constant (bit mask) indicating that a team provider has been de-configured on the resource.
RTFTransfer - class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.RTFTransfer.
The class RTFTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting text in RTF format represented as a java String to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.
RULER_CLICK - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of the ruler action performed when clicking the editor's vertical ruler.
RULER_DOUBLE_CLICK - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of the ruler action performed when double clicking the editor's vertical ruler.
RULER_MANAGE_BOOKMARKS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of the ruler action to manage bookmarks.
RULER_MANAGE_TASKS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of the ruler action to manage tasks.
RULE_COMPATIBLE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.update.core.IUpdateConstants
Dependency can be satisfied only with plug-in version that is compatible with the specified version (either is equivalent, or greater minor identifier (but same major identifier)).
RULE_EQUIVALENT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.update.core.IUpdateConstants
Dependency can be satisfied only with plug-in version that is equivalent to the specified version (same major and minor version identifier, greater than or equal service identifier).
RULE_GREATER_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.update.core.IUpdateConstants
Dependency can be satisfied only with plug-in version that is greater or equal to the specified version.
RULE_NONE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.update.core.IUpdateConstants
No matching rule specified
RULE_PERFECT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.update.core.IUpdateConstants
Dependency can be satisfied only with plug-in version matching exactly the specified version.
RULE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.update.core.IUpdateConstants
Dependency can be satisfied only if the required identifier is a prefix of the specified identifier.
RUNNING - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job
Job state code (value 4) indicating that a job is currently running
RUN_MODE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
A launch in a normal, non-debug mode(value "run").
RadioGroupFieldEditor - class org.eclipse.jface.preference.RadioGroupFieldEditor.
A field editor for an enumeration type preference.
RadioGroupFieldEditor() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.preference.RadioGroupFieldEditor
Creates a new radio group field editor
RadioGroupFieldEditor(String, String, int, String[][], Composite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.preference.RadioGroupFieldEditor
Creates a radio group field editor.
RadioGroupFieldEditor(String, String, int, String[][], Composite, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.preference.RadioGroupFieldEditor
Creates a radio group field editor.
RangeDifference - class org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.RangeDifference.
Description of a change between two or three ranges of comparable entities.
RangeDifferencer - class org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.RangeDifferencer.
A RangeDifferencer finds the differences between two or three IRangeComparators.
RangeMarker - class org.eclipse.text.edits.RangeMarker.
A range marker can be used to track positions when executing text edits.
RangeMarker(int, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.text.edits.RangeMarker
Creates a new range marker for the given offset and length.
ReadOnlyStateChecker - class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ReadOnlyStateChecker.
The ReadOnlyStateChecker is a helper class that takes a set of resource some of which may be read only and queries the user as to whether or not they wish to continue the operation on it.
ReadOnlyStateChecker(Shell, String, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ReadOnlyStateChecker
Create a new checker that parents the dialog off of parent using the supplied title and message.
Reconciler - class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.Reconciler.
Standard implementation of IReconciler.
Reconciler() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.Reconciler
Creates a new reconciler with the following configuration: it is an incremental reconciler with a standard delay of 500 milli-seconds.
Rectangle - class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle.
Instances of this class represent rectangular areas in an (x, y) coordinate system.
Rectangle(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle
Construct a new instance of this class given the x, y, width and height values.
RefactorActionGroup - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.RefactorActionGroup.
This is the action group for refactor actions, including global action handlers for copy, paste and delete.
RefactorActionGroup(IResourceNavigator) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.RefactorActionGroup
ReferenceProviderDescriptor - class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff.ReferenceProviderDescriptor.
Describes an extension to the quickdiff.referenceprovider extension point.
ReferenceProviderDescriptor(IConfigurationElement) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff.ReferenceProviderDescriptor
Creates a new descriptor for element.
RefreshAction - class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RefreshAction.
Standard action for refreshing the workspace from the local file system for the selected resources and all of their descendents.
RefreshAction(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RefreshAction
Creates a new action.
RefreshProvider - class org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh.RefreshProvider.
The abstract base class for all auto-refresh providers.
RefreshProvider() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh.RefreshProvider
RefreshTab - class org.eclipse.debug.ui.RefreshTab.
A launch configuration tab which allows the user to specify which resources should be refreshed when the launch terminates.
RefreshTab() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.RefreshTab
Region - class org.eclipse.jface.text.Region.
The default implementation of the IRegion interface.
Region(int, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.Region
Create a new region.
Region - class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Region.
Instances of this class represent areas of an x-y coordinate system that are aggregates of the areas covered by a number of rectangles.
Region() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Region
Constructs a new empty region.
Region(Device) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Region
Constructs a new empty region.
Release() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite
Release() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite
RemoveAllEvent - class org.eclipse.search.ui.text.RemoveAllEvent.
An event indicating that all matches have been removed from a AbstractTextSearchResult.
RemoveAllEvent(ISearchResult) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.search.ui.text.RemoveAllEvent
A constructor
RemoveSiteCommand - class org.eclipse.update.standalone.RemoveSiteCommand.
Command to remove a product extension site.
RemoveSiteCommand(String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.update.standalone.RemoveSiteCommand
RenameResourceAction - class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RenameResourceAction.
Standard action for renaming the selected resources.
RenameResourceAction(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RenameResourceAction
Creates a new action.
RenameResourceAction(Shell, Tree) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RenameResourceAction
Creates a new action.
ReplaceEdit - class org.eclipse.text.edits.ReplaceEdit.
Text edit to replace a range in a document with a different string.
ReplaceEdit(int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.text.edits.ReplaceEdit
Constructs a new replace edit.
RepositoryProvider - class org.eclipse.team.core.RepositoryProvider.
A concrete subclass of RepositoryProvider is created for each project that is associated with a repository provider.
RepositoryProvider() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.team.core.RepositoryProvider
Default constructor required for the resources plugin to instantiate this class from the nature extension definition.
RepositoryProviderType - class org.eclipse.team.core.RepositoryProviderType.
This class represents provisional API.
RepositoryProviderType() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.team.core.RepositoryProviderType
Resize - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
The resize event type (value is 11).
ResourceAction - class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceAction.
An action which configures its label, image, tooltip, and description from a resource bundle using known keys.
ResourceAction(ResourceBundle, String, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceAction
Creates a new action that configures itself from the given resource bundle.
ResourceAction(ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceAction
Creates a new action that configures itself from the given resource bundle.
ResourceListSelectionDialog - class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ResourceListSelectionDialog.
Shows a list of resources to the user with a text entry field for a string pattern used to filter the list of resources.
ResourceListSelectionDialog(Shell, IResource[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ResourceListSelectionDialog
Creates a new instance of the class.
ResourceListSelectionDialog(Shell, IContainer, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ResourceListSelectionDialog
Creates a new instance of the class.
ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel - class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel.
A marker annotation model whose underlying source of markers is a resource in the workspace.
ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel(IResource) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel
Creates a marker annotation model with the given resource as the source of the markers.
ResourceMarkerAnnotationModelFactory - class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceMarkerAnnotationModelFactory.
An annotation model factory for resource marker annotation models.
ResourceMarkerAnnotationModelFactory() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceMarkerAnnotationModelFactory
ResourceNavigator - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigator.
Implements the Resource Navigator view.
ResourceNavigator() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigator
Constructs a new resource navigator view.
ResourceNavigatorAction - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorAction.
Superclass of all actions provided by the resource navigator.
ResourceNavigatorAction(IResourceNavigator, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorAction
Creates a new instance of the class.
ResourceNavigatorActionGroup - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorActionGroup.
This is the action group for all the resource navigator actions.
ResourceNavigatorActionGroup(IResourceNavigator) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorActionGroup
Constructs a new navigator action group and creates its actions.
ResourceNavigatorMessages - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorMessages.
Utility class which helps managing messages
ResourceNavigatorMoveAction - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorMoveAction.
The ResourceNavigatorMoveAction is a resource move that aso updates the navigator to show the result of the move.
ResourceNavigatorMoveAction(Shell, StructuredViewer) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorMoveAction
Create a ResourceNavigatorMoveAction and use the supplied viewer to update the UI.
ResourceNavigatorRenameAction - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorRenameAction.
The ResourceNavigatorRenameAction is the rename action used by the ResourceNavigator that also allows updating after rename.
ResourceNavigatorRenameAction(Shell, TreeViewer) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorRenameAction
Create a ResourceNavigatorRenameAction and use the tree of the supplied viewer for editing.
ResourceNode - class org.eclipse.compare.ResourceNode.
A ResourceNode wrappers an IResources so that it can be used as input for the differencing engine (interfaces IStructureComparator and ITypedElement) and the ReplaceWithEditionDialog (interfaces ITypedElement and IModificationDate).
ResourceNode(IResource) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.compare.ResourceNode
Creates a ResourceNode for the given resource.
ResourcePatternFilter - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourcePatternFilter.
Filter used to determine whether resources are to be shown or not.
ResourcePatternFilter() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourcePatternFilter
Creates a new resource pattern filter.
ResourcePropertySource - class org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.ResourcePropertySource.
A Resource property source.
ResourcePropertySource(IResource) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.ResourcePropertySource
Creates a PropertySource and stores its IResource
ResourceRegistry - class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceRegistry.
Abstract baseclass for various JFace registries.
ResourceRegistry() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceRegistry
ResourceRuleFactory - class org.eclipse.core.resources.team.ResourceRuleFactory.
Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory.
ResourceRuleFactory() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.resources.team.ResourceRuleFactory
Creates a new default resource rule factory.
ResourceScope - class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ResourceScope.
A synchronize scope whose roots are a set of resources.
ResourceScope(IResource[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ResourceScope
Create the resource scope for the given resources
ResourceScope(IMemento) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ResourceScope
Create this scope from it's previously saved state
ResourceSelectionDialog - class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ResourceSelectionDialog.
A standard resource selection dialog which solicits a list of resources from the user.
ResourceSelectionDialog(Shell, IAdaptable, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ResourceSelectionDialog
Creates a resource selection dialog rooted at the given element.
ResourceSelectionUtil - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceSelectionUtil.
Provides utilities for checking the validity of selections.
ResourceSorter - class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceSorter.
Sorter for viewers that display items of type IResource.
ResourceSorter(int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceSorter
Creates a resource sorter that will use the given sort criteria.
ResourceTransfer - class org.eclipse.ui.part.ResourceTransfer.
The ResourceTransfer class is used to transfer an array of IResourcess from one part to another in a drag and drop operation or a cut, copy, paste action.
ResourceTransfer - class org.eclipse.ui.part.ResourceTransfer.
The ResourceTransfer class is used to transfer an array of IResourcess from one part to another in a drag and drop operation or a cut, copy, paste action.
ResourceVariantByteStore - class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ResourceVariantByteStore.
The purpose of a ResourceVariantByteStore is to support the caching of the synchronization bytes for the resource variants that represent a resource line-up of interest such as a version, baseline or branch.
ResourceVariantByteStore() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ResourceVariantByteStore
ResourceVariantTree - class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ResourceVariantTree.
Provides caching for a AbstractResourceVariantTree using a ResourceVariantByteStore.
ResourceVariantTree(ResourceVariantByteStore) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ResourceVariantTree
Create a resource variant tree that uses the provided byte store to cache the resource variant bytes.
ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber - class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber.
A specialization of Subscriber that uses IResourceVariantTree objects to manage the base (for three-way) and remote trees.
ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber
ResourceWorkingSetFilter - class org.eclipse.ui.ResourceWorkingSetFilter.
A resource working set filter filters resources from a view that are neither a parent nor children of a working set element.
ResourceWorkingSetFilter() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.ResourceWorkingSetFilter
ResourcesPlugin - class org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin.
The plug-in runtime class for the Resources plug-in.
ResourcesPlugin(IPluginDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin
Constructs an instance of this plug-in runtime class.
RetargetAction - class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RetargetAction.
A RetargetAction tracks the active part in the workbench.
RetargetAction(String, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RetargetAction
Constructs a RetargetAction with the given action id and text.
RetargetAction(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RetargetAction
Constructs a RetargetAction with the given action id, text and style.
RetargetTextEditorAction - class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RetargetTextEditorAction.
Action used by an editor action bar contributor to establish placeholders in menus or action bars which can be retargeted to dynamically changing actions, for example, those which come from the active editor.
RetargetTextEditorAction(ResourceBundle, String, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RetargetTextEditorAction
Creates a new action.
RetargetTextEditorAction(ResourceBundle, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RetargetTextEditorAction
Creates a new action.
RetargetTextEditorAction(ResourceBundle, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RetargetTextEditorAction
Creates a new action.
RetargetTextEditorAction(ResourceBundle, String, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RetargetTextEditorAction
Creates a new action.
RevertToSavedAction - class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RevertToSavedAction.
Action for abandoning changes made in the text editor since the last save operation.
RevertToSavedAction(ResourceBundle, String, ITextEditor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RevertToSavedAction
Creates a new action for the given text editor.
RowData - class org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowData.
Each control controlled by a RowLayout can have its initial width and height specified by setting a RowData object into the control.
RowData() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowData
RowData(int, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowData
RowData(Point) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowData
RowLayout - class org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout.
Instances of this class determine the size and position of the children of a Composite by placing them either in horizontal rows or vertical columns within the parent Composite.
RowLayout() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout
Constructs a new instance of this class.
RowLayout(int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout
Constructs a new instance of this class given the type.
RuleBasedDamagerRepairer - class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedDamagerRepairer.
Deprecated. use DefaultDamagerRepairer
RuleBasedDamagerRepairer(RuleBasedScanner, TextAttribute) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedDamagerRepairer
Deprecated. use RuleBasedDamagerRepairer(RuleBasedScanner) instead
RuleBasedDamagerRepairer(RuleBasedScanner) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedDamagerRepairer
Deprecated. Creates a damager/repairer that uses the given scanner.
RuleBasedPartitionScanner - class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedPartitionScanner.
Scanner that exclusively uses predicate rules.
RuleBasedPartitionScanner() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedPartitionScanner
RuleBasedPartitioner - class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedPartitioner.
Deprecated. use DefaultPartitioner instead
RuleBasedPartitioner(RuleBasedScanner, String[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedPartitioner
Deprecated. Creates a new partitioner that uses the given scanner and may return partitions of the given legal content types.
RuleBasedScanner - class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedScanner.
A generic scanner which can be "programmed" with a sequence of rules.
RuleBasedScanner() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedScanner
Creates a new rule based scanner which does not have any rule.
RunAction - class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RunAction.
Action to launch the last launch configuration that was successfully launched, in run mode.
RunAction() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RunAction
RunToLineActionDelegate - class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RunToLineActionDelegate.
A run to line action that can be contributed to a an editor.
RunToLineActionDelegate() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RunToLineActionDelegate
RuntimeProcess - class org.eclipse.debug.core.model.RuntimeProcess.
Standard implementation of an IProcess that wrappers a system process (java.lang.Process).
RuntimeProcess(ILaunch, Process, String, Map) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.core.model.RuntimeProcess
Constructs a RuntimeProcess on the given system process with the given name, adding this process to the given launch.
rangesEqual(int, IRangeComparator, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.IRangeComparator
Returns whether the comparable entity given by the first index matches an entity specified by the other IRangeComparator and index.
read() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.BufferedRuleBasedScanner
read() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.ICharacterScanner
Returns the next character or EOF if end of file has been reached
read() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedScanner
read(Reader) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.persistence.TemplateReaderWriter
Reads templates from a reader and returns them.
read(Reader, ResourceBundle) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.persistence.TemplateReaderWriter
Reads templates from a stream and adds them to the templates.
read(InputStream, ResourceBundle) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.persistence.TemplateReaderWriter
Reads templates from a stream and adds them to the templates.
readAndDispatch() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
Reads an event from the operating system's event queue, dispatches it appropriately, and returns true if there is potentially more work to do, or false if the caller can sleep until another event is placed on the event queue.
readFontData(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceConverter
Reads the supplied string and returns its corresponding FontData.
readPreferences(InputStream) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IPreferencesService
Read from the given input stream and create a node hierarchy representing the preferences and their values.
readUTF8BOM(IFile, String, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider
Deprecated. as of 3.0 this method is no longer in use and does nothing
reconcile(IRegion) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.AbstractReconcileStep
reconcile(DirtyRegion, IRegion) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.AbstractReconcileStep
reconcile(DirtyRegion, IRegion) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconcileStep
Activates incremental reconciling of the specified dirty region.
reconcile(IRegion) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconcileStep
Activates non-incremental reconciling.
reconcile(DirtyRegion, IRegion) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconcilingStrategy
Activates incremental reconciling of the specified dirty region.
reconcile(IRegion) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.IReconcilingStrategy
Activates non-incremental reconciling.
reconcileModel(DirtyRegion, IRegion) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.AbstractReconcileStep
Reconciles the model of this reconcile step.
reconcilerDocumentChanged(IDocument) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.AbstractReconciler
Hook called when the document whose contents should be reconciled has been changed, i.e., the input document of the text viewer this reconciler is installed on.
reconcilerDocumentChanged(IDocument) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.MonoReconciler
reconcilerDocumentChanged(IDocument) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.Reconciler
reconcilerReset() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.AbstractReconciler
Hook that is called after the reconciler thread has been reset.
recursive - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.SelectionEnabler.SelectionClass
red - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB
the red component of the RGB
redMask - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.PaletteData
the red mask for a direct palette
redShift - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.PaletteData
the red shift for a direct palette
redo() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultUndoManager
redo() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IUndoManager
Repeats the most recently rolled back text change.
redoable() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultUndoManager
redoable() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IUndoManager
Returns whether at least one text change can be repeated.
redraw() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationRulerColumn
redraw() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ChangeRulerColumn
redraw() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IVerticalRulerColumn
Redraws this column.
redraw() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.LineNumberRulerColumn
redraw() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
redraw(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
redraw() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Causes the entire bounds of the receiver to be marked as needing to be redrawn.
redraw(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Causes the rectangular area of the receiver specified by the arguments to be marked as needing to be redrawn.
redraw() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Causes the entire bounds of the receiver to be marked as needing to be redrawn.
redraw(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Causes the rectangular area of the receiver specified by the arguments to be marked as needing to be redrawn.
redrawRange(int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Redraws the specified text range.
redraws() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
Returns whether this viewer redraws itself.
refactorGroup - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.MainActionGroup
reflow(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.forms.IManagedForm
Reflows the form as a result of the layout change.
reflow(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.ManagedForm
Reflows the form as a result of a layout change.
reflow(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.ScrolledForm
Recomputes the body layout and form scroll bars.
reflow() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.Section
reflow(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.SharedScrolledComposite
Recomputes the body layout and the scroll bars.
reflow(IIntroContentProvider, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.intro.config.IIntroContentProviderSite
This method will be called when the IIntroContentProvider is notified that its content has become stale.
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.contentmergeviewer.ContentMergeViewer
refresh(IResource) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh.IRefreshResult
Requests that the provided resource be refreshed.
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.CoolBarManager
Synchronizes the visual order of the cool items in the control with this manager's internal data structures.
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
refresh(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Refreshes this viewer with information freshly obtained from this viewer's model.
refresh(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Refreshes this viewer starting with the given element.
refresh(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Refreshes this viewer starting with the given element.
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer
Refreshes this viewer completely with information freshly obtained from this viewer's model.
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
Refresh the current page.
refresh(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.subscribers.Subscriber
Refreshes the resource hierarchy from the given resources and their children (to the specified depth) from the corresponding resources in the remote location.
refresh(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.AbstractResourceVariantTree
Refreshes the resource variant tree for the specified resources and possibly their descendants, depending on the depth.
refresh(IResource, int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.AbstractResourceVariantTree
Helper method invoked from refresh(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor monitor) for each resource.
refresh(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.core.variants.IResourceVariantTree
Refreshes the resource variant tree for the specified resources and possibly their descendants, depending on the depth.
refresh(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ResourceVariantTreeSubscriber
refresh(IResource[], String, String, IWorkbenchSite) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SubscriberParticipant
Refresh a participant in the background the result of the refresh are shown in the progress view.
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.AbstractFormPart
Refreshes the section after becoming stale (falling behind data in the model).
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.DetailsPart
Refreshes the current page.
refresh() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.forms.IFormPart
Refreshes the part completely from the information freshly obtained from the model.
refresh() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.forms.IManagedForm
Refreshes the form by refreshing every part that is stale.
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.ManagedForm
Refreshes the form by refreshes all the stale parts.
refresh() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.PropertySheetPage
Updates the model for the viewer.
refresh() - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configurator.IPlatformConfiguration
Called to refresh the configuration information.
refreshAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RefreshAction
Refreshes the entire workspace.
refreshFile(IFile) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider
Refreshes the given file resource.
refreshFile(IFile, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider
Refreshes the given file resource.
refreshHyperlinkColors() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormToolkit
Refreshes the hyperlink colors by loading from JFace settings.
refreshInDialog(Shell, IResource[], String, String, ISynchronizePageConfiguration, IWorkbenchSite) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SubscriberParticipant
Refresh this participants synchronization state and displays the result in a model dialog.
refreshItem(Widget, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Refreshes the given TableItem with the given element.
refreshLocal(int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Refreshes the resource hierarchy from this resource and its children (to the specified depth) relative to the local file system.
refreshNow(IResource[], String, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SubscriberParticipant
Refresh a participant.
refreshPluginActions() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin
Refreshes the actions for the plugin.
refreshResources(ILaunchConfiguration, IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.RefreshTab
Refreshes the resources as specified by the given launch configuration.
refreshRule(IResource) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceRuleFactory
Returns the scheduling rule that is required for performing refreshLocal on a resource.
refreshRule(IResource) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.resources.team.ResourceRuleFactory
Default implementation of IResourceRuleFactory#refreshRule.
refreshValidState() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditor
Refreshes this field editor's valid state after a value change and fires an IS_VALID property change event if warranted.
refreshValidState() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.StringFieldEditor
registerAction(IAction) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IKeyBindingService
Registers an action with the key binding service.
registerAdapters(IAdapterFactory, Class) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdapterManager
Registers the given adapter factory as extending objects of the given type.
registerBundleGroupProvider(IBundleGroupProvider) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform
Registers the given bundle group provider with the platform
registerContextMenu(String, MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartSite
Registers a pop-up menu with a particular id for extension.
registerContextMenu(MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartSite
Registers a pop-up menu with the default id for extension.
registerContextMenu(String, MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.part.IPageSite
Registers a pop-up menu with a particular id for extension.
registerContextMenu(String, MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.part.IPageSite
Registers a pop-up menu with a particular id for extension.
registerContextMenu(String, MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorSite
The MultiPageEditorSite implementation of this IWorkbenchPartSite method forwards to the multi-page editor for registration.
registerContextMenu(MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorSite
The MultiPageEditorSite implementation of this IWorkbenchPartSite method forwards to the multi-page editor for registration.
registerContextMenu(String, MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorSite
The MultiPageEditorSite implementation of this IWorkbenchPartSite method forwards to the multi-page editor for registration.
registerContextMenu(MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorSite
The MultiPageEditorSite implementation of this IWorkbenchPartSite method forwards to the multi-page editor for registration.
registerContextMenu(String, MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageSite
registerContextMenu(String, MenuManager, ISelectionProvider) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageSite
registerGlobalAction(IAction) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.application.IActionBarConfigurer
Register the action as a global action with a workbench window.
registerIconForFamily(ImageDescriptor, Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.progress.IProgressService
Register the ImageDescriptor to be the icon used for all jobs that belong to family within the workbench.
registerImageDescriptor(String, ImageDescriptor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareUI
Registers an image descriptor for the given type.
registerPage(Object, IDetailsPage) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.DetailsPart
Registers the details page to be used for all the objects of the provided object class.
registerPage(Object, Control) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.ScrolledPageBook
Registers a page under the privided key to be managed by the page book.
registerPages(DetailsPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.MasterDetailsBlock
Implement this method to statically register pages for the expected object types.
registerPartListener() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractDebugView
Creates and registers a part listener with this event handler's page, if one does not already exist.
registerPostNotificationReplace(IDocumentListener, IDocumentExtension.IReplace) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
registerPostNotificationReplace(IDocumentListener, IDocumentExtension.IReplace) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension
Callback for document listeners to be used inside documentChanged to register a post notification replace operation on the document notifying them.
registerPostNotificationReplace(IDocumentListener, IDocumentExtension.IReplace) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.projection.ProjectionDocument
registerShell(Shell, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IWorkbenchContextSupport
Registers a shell to automatically promote or demote some basic types of contexts.
registerType(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer
Registers a name for a data type and returns the associated unique identifier.
registryChanged(IRegistryChangeEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IRegistryChangeListener
Notifies this listener that some registry changes are happening, or have already happened.
registryChanged(IRegistryChangeEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.intro.config.CustomizableIntroPart
Support dynamic awarness.
reinitialize(IDocument) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IPersistableAnnotationModel
Forces this annotation model to re-initialize from the persistent state.
reinitialize(IDocument) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
reinitializeProjection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionViewer
Forces this viewer to throw away any old state and to initialize its content from its projection annotation model.
rejectNodes(FastSyncInfoFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet
Removes all nodes from this set that match the given filter leaving those that do not match the filter.
relayout(ToolBar, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ToolBarManager
Re-lays out the tool bar.
release() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.resources.WorkspaceLock
Deprecated. Releases this lock allowing others to acquire it.
release() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.ILock
Releases this lock.
release() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Device
Releases any internal resources back to the operating system and clears all fields except the device handle.
release() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.printing.Printer
Releases any internal state prior to destroying this printer.
release() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
Releases any internal resources back to the operating system and clears all fields except the device handle.
releaseObjectInterfaces() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite
releaseObjectInterfaces() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite
releaseState() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.INavigationLocation
Release any state kept by this location.
releaseState() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.NavigationLocation
May be extended by clients.
releaseState() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextSelectionNavigationLocation
Releases the state of this location.
releaseSynchronizationContext(IPath) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferManager
The caller no longer requests the synchronization context for the file buffer managed for the given location.
releaseWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IWidgetTokenOwner
The given token keeper releases the token to this token owner.
releaseWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
rememberSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewer
Remembers and returns the current selection.
rememberSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Remembers the current selection of this editor.
remove(IDiffElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.DiffContainer
Removes the given child (non-recursively) from this container.
remove(QualifiedName) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.ISynchronizer
Removes the named synchronization partner from this synchronizer's registry.
remove(IUpdate) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractDebugView
remove(IUpdate) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugView
Removes the given IUpdate from this view's collection of updatable objects.
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionManager
remove(IContributionItem) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionManager
remove(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionManager
Removes and returns the contribution item with the given id from this manager.
remove(IContributionItem) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionManager
Removes the given contribution item from the contribution items known to this manager.
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubContributionManager
remove(IContributionItem) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubContributionManager
remove(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceNode
Removes the subnode of this preference node with the given node id.
remove(IPreferenceNode) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceNode
Removes the given preference node from the list of subnodes (immediate children) of this node.
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceManager
Removes the prefernece node at the given path.
remove(IPreferenceNode) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceManager
Removes the given prefreence node if it is managed by this contribution manager.
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceNode
remove(IPreferenceNode) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceNode
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageRegistry
Removes an image from this registry.
remove(Annotation) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.AnnotationBag
Removes the given annotation from the annotation bag.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList
Removes the given listener from this list.
remove(Object[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractListViewer
Removes the given elements from this list viewer.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractListViewer
Removes the given element from this list viewer.
remove(Object[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
Removes the given elements from this viewer.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
Removes the given element from the viewer.
remove(Object[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
Removes the given elements from this table viewer.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
Removes the given element from this table viewer.
remove(Window) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.window.WindowManager
Removes the given window from the set of windows managed by this window manager.
remove(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
Removes an item at an index.
remove(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
Removes a range of items.
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
Removes an item.
remove(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Removes the item from the receiver's list at the given zero-relative index.
remove(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Removes the items from the receiver's list which are between the given zero-relative start and end indices (inclusive).
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Searches the receiver's list starting at the first item until an item is found that is equal to the argument, and removes that item from the list.
remove(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Removes the items from the receiver at the given zero-relative indices.
remove(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Removes the item from the receiver at the given zero-relative index.
remove(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Removes the items from the receiver which are between the given zero-relative start and end indices (inclusive).
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Searches the receiver's list starting at the first item until an item is found that is equal to the argument, and removes that item from the list.
remove(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Removes the items from the receiver's list at the given zero-relative indices.
remove(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Removes the item from the receiver at the given zero-relative index.
remove(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Removes the items from the receiver which are between the given zero-relative start and end indices (inclusive).
remove(IResource) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet
Remove the given local resource from the set.
remove(IResource) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoTree
remove(IResource, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoTree
Remove from this set the SyncInfo for the given resource and any of its descendants within the specified depth.
remove(IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.AdaptableList
Removes the given adaptable object from this list.
remove(IFeature, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configuration.IConfiguredSite
Remove (uninstall) the specified feature from this site
remove(IFeature, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.core.ISite
Removes (uninstalls) the specified feature from this site.
remove(IFeature, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.Site
Remove (uninstall) the specified feature from this site.
removeAcceleratorText(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.Action
Convenience method for removing any optional accelerator text from the given string.
removeAccessibleControlListener(AccessibleControlListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.Accessible
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notifed when an accessible client asks for custom control specific information.
removeAccessibleListener(AccessibleListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.Accessible
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notifed when an accessible client asks for certain strings, such as name, description, help, or keyboard shortcut.
removeAccessibleTextListener(AccessibleTextListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.Accessible
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notifed when an accessible client asks for custom text control specific information.
removeActionActivationCode(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
removeActionActivationCode(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor
Removes any installed activation code for the specified action.
removeActionContribution(SynchronizePageActionGroup) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizePageConfiguration
Remove a previously registered action group.
removeActivityListener(IActivityListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.activities.IActivity
Removes an instance of IActivityListener listening for changes to properties of this instance.
removeActivityManagerListener(IActivityManagerListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.activities.IActivityManager
Removes an instance of IActivityManagerListener listening for changes to properties of this instance.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionManager
removeAll() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionManager
Removes all contribution items from this manager.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubContributionManager
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubMenuManager
Remove all contribution items.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceManager
Removes all contribution nodes known to this manager.
removeAll(Control) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
Removes all items from the given control.
removeAll(Control) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableTreeViewer
removeAll(Control) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.text.AbstractTextSearchResult
Removes all matches from this search result.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
Removes all items.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableTree
Removes all items.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Removes all of the items from the receiver's list.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Removes all of the items from the receiver.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Removes all of the items from the receiver.
removeAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree
Removes all of the items from the receiver.
removeAll(IResource[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet
Remove all the given resources from the set.
removeAllAnnotationTypes() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter
Clears the list of annotation types whose annotations are painted by this painter.
removeAllAnnotations() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
removeAllAnnotations(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
Removes all annotations from the annotation model.
removeAllAnnotations() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension
Removes all annotations from this annotation model.
removeAllResolvers() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateContextType
Removes all template variables from the context type.
removeAllStructureViewerAliases(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareUI
Remove all aliases for the given type.
removeAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
removeAnnotation(Annotation, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
Removes the given annotation from the annotation model.
removeAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel
Removes the given annotation from the model.
removeAnnotationModel(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
removeAnnotationModel(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension
Removes and returns the attached IAnnotationModel for key.
removeAnnotationModelListener(IAnnotationModelListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
removeAnnotationModelListener(IAnnotationModelListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel
Removes the listener from the model's list of annotation model listeners.
removeAnnotationType(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter
Removes the given annotation type from the list of annotation types whose annotations are painted by this painter.
removeAnnotationType(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationRulerColumn
Removes the given annotation type from this annotation ruler column.
removeAnnotationType(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IOverviewRuler
Removes the given annotation type from this overview ruler.
removeAnnotationType(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.OverviewRuler
removeAnnotations(IEditorPart, IThread) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugEditorPresentation
Removes any debug related annotations from the given editor.
removeAnnotations(List, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
Removes the given annotations from this model.
removeAnnotations(List, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
removeArchiveReferenceModel(ArchiveReferenceModel) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.SiteModel
Removes an archive reference model from site.
removeArmListener(ArmListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the arm events are generated for the control.
removeAutoEditStrategy(IAutoEditStrategy, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewerExtension2
Removes the first occurrence of the given auto edit strategy in the list of strategies registered under the specified content type.
removeAutoEditStrategy(IAutoEditStrategy, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
removeBidiSegmentListener(BidiSegmentListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Removes the specified bidirectional segment listener.
removeBreakpoint(IBreakpoint, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager
Removes the given breakpoint from the breakpoint manager, deletes the marker associated with the breakpoint if the delete flag is true, and notifies all registered listeners.
removeBreakpointListener(IBreakpointListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager
Removes the given listener from the collection of registered breakpoint listeners.
removeBreakpointListener(IBreakpointsListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager
Removes the given listener from the collection of registered breakpoint listeners.
removeBreakpointManagerListener(IBreakpointManagerListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager
Removes the given listener from the collection of registered breakpoint manager listeners.
removeBreakpoints(IBreakpoint[], boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager
Removes the given breakpoints from the breakpoint manager, deletes the markers associated with the breakpoints if the delete flag is true, and notifies all registered listeners.
removeCTabFolder2Listener(CTabFolder2Listener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder
Removes the listener.
removeCTabFolderListener(CTabFolderListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder
Deprecated. see removeCTabFolderCloseListener(CTabFolderListener)
removeCategoryListener(ICategoryListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.activities.ICategory
Removes an instance of ICategoryListener listening for changes to properties of this instance.
removeCategoryListener(ICategoryListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.ICategory
Unregisters an instance of ICategoryListener listening for changes to attributes of this instance.
removeCategoryModel(CategoryModel) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.SiteModel
Removes a category model from site.
removeCategoryName(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.SiteFeatureReferenceModel
Removes the name of a categorys this feature belongs to.
removeCellEditor(CellEditor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.CellEditorActionHandler
Removes a CellEditor from the handler so that the Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Find Undo, and Redo actions are no longer redirected to it.
removeCellEditor(CellEditor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.CellEditorActionHandler
Removes a CellEditor from the handler so that the Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Find Undo, and Redo actions are no longer redirected to it.
removeChangeListener(IPathVariableChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IPathVariableManager
Removes the given path variable change listener from the listeners list.
removeCheckStateListener(ICheckStateListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxTableViewer
removeCheckStateListener(ICheckStateListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxTreeViewer
removeCheckStateListener(ICheckStateListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ICheckable
Removes the given check state listener from this viewer.
removeChild(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit
Removes the edit specified by the given index from the list of children.
removeChild(TextEdit) - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit
Removes the first occurrence of the given child from the list of children.
removeChildren() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit
Removes all child edits from and returns them.
removeCloseWindowListener(CloseWindowListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
Removes the listener.
removeCommandListener(ICommandListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.ICommand
Unregisters an instance of ICommandListener listening for changes to attributes of this instance.
removeCommandManagerListener(ICommandManagerListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.ICommandManager
Unregisters an instance of ICommandManagerListener listening for changes to attributes of this instance.
removeCompareInputChangeListener(ICompareInputChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.DiffNode
Unregisters a ICompareInput listener.
removeCompareInputChangeListener(ICompareInputChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.ICompareInput
Unregisters the given listener.
removeConfiguredSite(IConfiguredSite) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configuration.IInstallConfiguration
Removes the specified site from this configuration.
removeConfiguredSiteChangedListener(IConfiguredSiteChangedListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configuration.IConfiguredSite
Removes a change listener from the configured site.
removeConflictingNodes() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet
Removes all conflicting nodes from this set.
removeConsoleListener(IConsoleListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleManager
Deregisters the given listener for console notifications.
removeConsoles(IConsole[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleManager
Removes the given consoles from the console manager.
removeContentChangeListener(IContentChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.BufferedContent
removeContentChangeListener(IContentChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.compare.IContentChangeNotifier
Removes the given content changed listener from this notifier.
removeContentTypeChangeListener(IContentTypeManager.IContentTypeChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentTypeManager
De-register the given listener from receiving notification of content type changes.
removeContextListener(IContextListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContext
Unregisters an instance of IContextListener listening for changes to properties of this instance.
removeContextManagerListener(IContextManagerListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextManager
Unregisters an instance of IContextManagerListener listening for changes to properties of this instance.
removeControlListener(ControlListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is moved or resized.
removeControlListener(ControlListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is moved or resized.
removeControlListener(ControlListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tracker
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is moved or resized.
removeDebugEventFilter(IDebugEventFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin
Removes the given debug event filter from the registered event filters.
removeDebugEventListener(IDebugEventSetListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin
Removes the given listener from the collection of registered debug event listeners.
removeDebugTarget(IDebugTarget) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunch
Removes the given debug target from this launch.
removeDebugTarget(IDebugTarget) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.Launch
removeDecorator(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.CompositeRuler
Removes the decorator in the specified slot from this composite ruler.
removeDecorator(IVerticalRulerColumn) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.CompositeRuler
Removes the given decorator from the composite ruler.
removeDiscoverySiteEntryModel(URLEntryModel) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.FeatureModel
Removes an update site reference.
removeDisposeListener(DisposeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
removeDisposeListener(DisposeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IInformationControl
Removes the given listeners from the list of dispose listeners.
removeDisposeListener(DisposeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notifed when the widget is disposed.
removeDocumentListener(IDocumentListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
removeDocumentListener(IDocumentListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Removes the listener from the document's list of document listeners.
removeDocumentPartitioners(IDocument) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextUtilities
Removes all connected document partitioners from the given document and stores them under their partitioning name in a map.
removeDocumentPartitioningListener(IDocumentPartitioningListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
removeDocumentPartitioningListener(IDocumentPartitioningListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Removes the listener from this document's list of document partitioning listeners.
removeDoubleClickListener(IDoubleClickListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareViewerSwitchingPane
removeDoubleClickListener(IDoubleClickListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Removes the given double-click listener from this viewer.
removeDragListener(DragSourceListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when a drag and drop operation is in progress.
removeDragListener(Control, Listener) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.presentations.PresentationUtil
Removes a drag listener that was previously attached using addDragListener
removeDragSourceListener(TransferDragSourceListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDragAdapter
Removes the given TransferDragSourceListener.
removeDropListener(DropTargetListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when a drag and drop operation is in progress.
removeDropTargetListener(TransferDropTargetListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter
Removes the given TransferDropTargetListener.
removeElementStateListener(IElementStateListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.ForwardingDocumentProvider
removeElementStateListener(IElementStateListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider.NullProvider
removeElementStateListener(IElementStateListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider
removeElementStateListener(IElementStateListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
removeElementStateListener(IElementStateListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider
Removes the given element state listener from this document provider.
removeEnabledSubmission(EnabledSubmission) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IWorkbenchContextSupport
Removes a single enabled submission from consideration.
removeEnabledSubmissions(Collection) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IWorkbenchContextSupport
Removes a collection of enabled submissions from consideration.
removeEventListener(int, OleListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite
Removes the listener.
removeEventListener(OleAutomation, GUID, int, OleListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite
Deprecated. - use OleControlSite.removeEventListener(OleAutomation, int, OleListener)
removeEventListener(OleAutomation, int, OleListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite
Removes the listener.
removeExpansionListener(IExpansionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.ExpandableComposite
Removes the expansion listener.
removeExpression(IExpression) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IExpressionManager
Removes the given expression from the expression manager, and notifies all registered listeners.
removeExpressionListener(IExpressionListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IExpressionManager
Removes the given listener from the collection of registered expression listeners.
removeExpressionListener(IExpressionsListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IExpressionManager
Removes the given listener from the collection of registered expression listeners.
removeExpressions(IExpression[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IExpressionManager
Removes the given expressions from the collection of registered expressions in the workspace and notifies all registered listeners.
removeExtendedModifyListener(ExtendedModifyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Removes the specified extended modify listener.
removeFeatureFromCache(URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.Site
removeFeatureReferenceModel(FeatureReferenceModel) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.SiteModel
Removes a feature reference model from site.
removeFileBufferListener(IFileBufferListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferManager
Removes the given listener from the list of file buffer listeners.
removeFileExtension() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath
Returns a new path which is the same as this path but with the file extension removed.
removeFileExtension() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path
removeFileSpec(String, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType
Removes a user-defined file specification from this content type.
removeFilter(ViewerFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Removes the given filter from this viewer, and triggers refiltering and resorting of the elements if required.
removeFilter(int, Listener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notifed when an event of the given type occurs anywhere in this display.
removeFilter(IUpdateSearchFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.search.UpdateSearchRequest
Removes the filter from this request.
removeFirstSegments(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath
Returns a copy of this path with the given number of segments removed from the beginning.
removeFirstSegments(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IInformationControl
Removes the given listeners from the list of focus listeners.
removeFocusListener(FocusListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control gains or loses focus.
removeFolder(FileSystemElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.FileSystemElement
Removes a sub-folder from this file system element.
removeFragment(String, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginRegistryModel
Deprecated. Removes the fragment with id and version if it exists in this registry.
removeFragments(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginRegistryModel
Deprecated. Removes all versions of the identified plug-in fragment from this registry.
removeFromCancelComponent(Control) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.ProgressMonitorPart
Detach the progress monitor part from the given cancel component
removeFromPreservedConfigurations(IInstallConfiguration) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configuration.ILocalSite
Removes the specified configuration from the list of previously saved configurations.
removeHandlerListener(IHandlerListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.commands.AbstractHandler
removeHandlerListener(IHandlerListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.IHandler
Unregisters an instance of IPropertyListener listening for changes to properties of this instance.
removeHandlerSubmission(HandlerSubmission) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.IWorkbenchCommandSupport
Removes a single handler submission from consideration by the workbench.
removeHandlerSubmissions(Collection) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.IWorkbenchCommandSupport
Removes a single handler submission from consideration by the workbench.
removeHeaderAnnotationType(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IOverviewRuler
Removes the given annotation type from the header of this ruler.
removeHeaderAnnotationType(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.OverviewRuler
removeHelpListener(HelpListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer
Removes the given help listener from this viewer.
removeHelpListener(HelpListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the help events are generated for the control.
removeHelpListener(HelpListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the help events are generated for the control.
removeHelpListener(HelpListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the help events are generated for the control.
removeHighlightAnnotationType(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter
Removes the given annotation type from the list of annotation types whose annotations are highlighted by this painter.
removeHyperlinkListener(IHyperlinkListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.AbstractHyperlink
Removes the event listener from this hyperlink.
removeHyperlinkListener(IHyperlinkListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormText
Removes the hyperlink listener.
removeIdentifierListener(IIdentifierListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.activities.IIdentifier
Removes an instance of IIdentifierListener listening for changes to properties of this instance.
removeImageLoaderListener(ImageLoaderListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.ImageLoader
Removes a listener that was receiving image loader events.
removeImportModel(ImportModel) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.FeatureModel
Removes a plug-in dependency entry.
removeIncomingNodes() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet
Removes all incoming nodes from this set.
removeInfoListener(ILocalSystemInfoListener) - Static method in class org.eclipse.update.configuration.LocalSystemInfo
Remove local system change listener
removeInstallConfigurationChangedListener(IInstallConfigurationChangedListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configuration.IInstallConfiguration
Removes a configuration change listener.
removeJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.IJobManager
Removes a job listener from the job manager.
removeJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job
Removes a job listener from this job.
removeKeyBindingService(IWorkbenchSite) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.INestableKeyBindingService
Removes a nested key binding service from this key binding service.
removeKeyConfigurationListener(IKeyConfigurationListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.IKeyConfiguration
Unregisters an instance of IKeyConfigurationListener listening for changes to attributes of this instance.
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.AbstractControlContentAssistSubjectAdapter
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.IContentAssistSubjectControl
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when keys are pressed and released on the system keyboard.
removeKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when keys are pressed and released on the system keyboard.
removeLastSegments(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath
Returns a copy of this path with the given number of segments removed from the end.
removeLastSegments(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path
removeLaunch(ILaunch) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
Removes the specified launch and notifies listeners.
removeLaunchConfigurationListener(ILaunchConfigurationListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
Removes the given launch configuration listener from the list of listeners notified when a launch configuration is added, removed, or changed.
removeLaunchListener(ILaunchListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
Removes the given listener from the collection of registered launch listeners.
removeLaunchListener(ILaunchesListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
Removes the given listener from the collection of registered launch listeners.
removeLaunches(ILaunch[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
Removes the specified launch objects and notifies listeners.
removeLineBackgroundListener(LineBackgroundListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Removes the specified line background listener.
removeLineStyleListener(LineStyleListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Removes the specified line style listener.
removeLinkingListener(ILinkedModeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.link.LinkedModeModel
Removes listener from the set of listeners that are informed upon state changes.
removeListener(IStreamListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IStreamMonitor
Removes the given listener from this stream monitor's registered listeners.
removeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ColorSelector
Removes the given listener from this ColorSelector.
removeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceRegistry
Removes the given listener from this registry.
removeListener(ICellEditorListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Removes the given listener from this cell editor.
removeListener(ILabelProviderListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecoratingLabelProvider
The DecoratingLabelProvider implementation of this IBaseLabelProvider method removes the listener from both the nested label provider and the label decorator.
removeListener(ILabelProviderListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IBaseLabelProvider
Removes a listener to this label provider.
removeListener(ILabelProviderListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider
removeListener(ISearchResultListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.search.ui.ISearchResult
Removes a ISearchResultChangedListener.
removeListener(ISearchResultListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.text.AbstractTextSearchResult
Removes a ISearchResultChangedListener. Has no effect when the listener hasn't previously been added.
removeListener(int, Listener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notifed when an event of the given type occurs.
removeListener(int, Listener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notifed when an event of the given type occurs.
removeListener(int, SWTEventListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notifed when an event of the given type occurs.
removeListener(ISubscriberChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.subscribers.Subscriber
Removes a listener previously registered with this team subscriber.
removeListener(ISynchronizerChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ThreeWaySynchronizer
Removes a listener previously registered with this synchronizer.
removeLocalFile(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.update.core.Utilities
Removes the specified key from the local file map.
removeLocalSiteChangedListener(ILocalSiteChangedListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configuration.ILocalSite
Removes a site listener
removeLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
Removes the listener.
removeLogListener(ILogListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog
Removes the given log listener to this log.
removeLogListener(ILogListener) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform
Removes the indicated (identical) log listener from the notification list of the platform.
removeMarkerAnnotation(IMarker) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
Removes the annotation corresponding to the given marker.
removeMarkerUpdater(IMarkerUpdater) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
Removes the given marker updater from this annotation model.
removeMarkers(List) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerRulerAction
Removes the given markers.
removeMasterDocumentRange(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.projection.ProjectionDocument
Ensures that the given range of the master document is not part of this projection document.
removeMatch(Match) - Method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.text.AbstractTextSearchResult
Removes the given match from this search result.
removeMatches(Match[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.text.AbstractTextSearchResult
Removes the given matches from this search result.
removeMenuListener(IMenuListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuManager
Removes the given menu listener from this menu.
removeMenuListener(IMenuListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager
removeMenuListener(IMenuListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubMenuManager
removeMenuListener(MenuListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the menu events are generated for the control.
removeMnemonics(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.Action
Convenience method for removing any mnemonics from the given string.
removeModifyListener(ModifyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
Removes the listener.
removeModifyListener(ModifyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Removes the specified modify listener.
removeModifyListener(ModifyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's text is modified.
removeModifyListener(ModifyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's text is modified.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.VerticalRuler
Deprecated. will be removed
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when mouse buttons are pressed and released.
removeMouseMoveListener(MouseMoveListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the mouse moves.
removeMouseTrackListener(MouseTrackListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the mouse passes or hovers over controls.
removeNode() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences
Remove this node from the preference hierarchy.
removeNodeChangeListener(IEclipsePreferences.INodeChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences
De-register the given listener from receiving event change notifications for this node.
removeNonPluginEntryModel(NonPluginEntryModel) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.FeatureModel
Removes a non-plug-in data reference.
removeOpenListener(IOpenListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareViewerSwitchingPane
removeOpenListener(IOpenEventListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy
Removes an IOpenEventListener to the collection of openEventListeners
removeOpenListener(IOpenListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Removes the given open listener from this viewer.
removeOpenWindowListener(OpenWindowListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
Removes the listener.
removeOutgoingNodes() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet
Removes all outgoing nodes from this set.
removePage(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormEditor
Overrides the superclass to remove the page from the page table.
removePage(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.ScrolledPageBook
Removes the page under the provided key from the page book.
removePage(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.ScrolledPageBook
Removes the page under the provided key from the page book.
removePage(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart
Removes the page with the given index from this multi-page editor.
removePage(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart
Removes the page with the given index from this multi-page editor.
removePageListener(IPageListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPageService
Removes the given page listener.
removePaintListener(PaintListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver needs to be painted.
removePainter(IPainter) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewerExtension2
Removes the given painter from this viewer.
removePainter(IPainter) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.PaintManager
Removes the given painter from the list of painters managed by this paint manager.
removePainter(IPainter) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
Removes the given painter from this viewer.
removePart(IFormPart) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.forms.IManagedForm
Removes the part from the form.
removePart(IFormPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.ManagedForm
Remove the part from this form.
removePart(IPresentablePart) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.presentations.StackPresentation
Removes the given part from the stack.
removePartListener(IPartListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPartService
Removes the given part listener.
removePartListener(IPartListener2) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPartService
Removes the given part listener.
removeParticipants(ISourceLookupParticipant[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.AbstractSourceLookupDirector
removeParticipants(ISourceLookupParticipant[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.ISourceLookupDirector
Removes the given source lookup participants from this director.
removePendingOperation(IOperation) - Static method in class org.eclipse.update.operations.OperationsManager
Unregister a pending operation.
removePerspectiveListener(IPerspectiveListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPageService
Removes the given page's perspective listener.
removePlugin(String, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginRegistryModel
Deprecated. Removes the plug-in with id and version if it exists in this registry.
removePluginEntryModel(PluginEntryModel) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.FeatureModel
Removes a plug-in reference.
removePlugins(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginRegistryModel
Deprecated. Removes all versions of the given plug-in from this registry.
removePosition(String, Position) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
removePosition(Position) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
removePosition(Position) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Removes the given position from the document's default position category.
removePosition(String, Position) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Removes the given position from the specified position category.
removePosition(IDocument, Position) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
Removes the given position from the default position category of the given document.
removePositionCategory(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
removePositionCategory(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Deletes the position category from the document.
removePositionUpdater(IPositionUpdater) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
removePositionUpdater(IPositionUpdater) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Removes the position updater from the document's list of position updaters.
removePostSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
removePostSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IPostSelectionProvider
Removes the given listener for post selection changes from this selection provider.
removePostSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
removePostSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy
Removes an SelectionListener to the collection of selectionEventListeners
removePostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService
Removes the given post selection listener.
removePostSelectionListener(String, ISelectionListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService
Removes the given part-specific post selection listener.
removePreferenceChangeListener(IEclipsePreferences.IPreferenceChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences
De-register the given listner from receiving notification of preference changes to this node.
removePrenotifiedDocumentListener(IDocumentListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
removePrenotifiedDocumentListener(IDocumentListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Removes the given document listener from the document's list of pre-notified document listeners.
removeProcess(IProcess) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunch
Removes the given process from this launch.
removeProcess(IProcess) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.Launch
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
Removes the listener.
removeProjectionListener(IProjectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionViewer
Removes the given listener from this viewer.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareConfiguration
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareEditorInput
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.compare.IPropertyChangeNotifier
Removes the given content change listener from this notifier.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.contentmergeviewer.ContentMergeViewer
removePropertyChangeListener(Preferences.IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences
Removes the given listener from this preference object.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.Action
removePropertyChangeListener(String, IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.ExternalActionManager.ICallback
Removes a listener from the object referenced by identifier.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction
Removes the given listener from this action.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore
Removes the given listener from this preference store.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceStore
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Removes the given property change listener from this cell editor.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Static method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.TeamUI
Deregister as a Team property changes.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.AbstractSynchronizeParticipant
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.AbstractSynchronizeScope
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizeModelElement
Removes the given property change listener from this model element.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizePageConfiguration
Remove the registered change listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizeParticipant
Removes the given property listener from this synchronize participant.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizeScope
Remove a propety change listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage
Deprecated. individual views should store a working set if needed and register a property change listener directly with the working set manager to receive notification when the view working set is removed.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkingSetManager
Removes the property change listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.SubActionBars
Removes the given property change listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.AbstractConsole
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsole
Removes the given property listener from this console page.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ChainedPreferenceStore
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextNavigationAction
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.themes.ITheme
Removes a property listener from the theme.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.themes.IThemeManager
Removes a property listener from the workbench.
removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist.FrameList
Removes a property change listener.
removePropertyListener(int, OleListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite
Removes the listener.
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.SaveablePartAdapter
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IEditorRegistry
Removes the given property listener from this registry.
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart
Removes the given property listener from this workbench part.
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartReference
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.intro.IIntroPart
Removes the given property listener from this intro part.
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.IntroPart
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.IntroPart
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.WorkbenchPart
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.WorkbenchPart
removePropertyListener(IPropertyListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.presentations.IPresentablePart
Remove a listener that was previously added using addPropertyListener.
removePropertySheetEntryListener(IPropertySheetEntryListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.IPropertySheetEntry
Removes the given listener from this entry's collection of listeners.
removePropertySheetEntryListener(IPropertySheetEntryListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.PropertySheetEntry
removeQueryListener(IQueryListener) - Static method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.NewSearchUI
Removes the given query listener.
removeRangeIndication() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer
Removes the viewer's range indication.
removeRangeIndication() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewer
removeRegistryChangeListener(IRegistryChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry
Removes the given registry change listener from this registry.
removeRemoteBytes(IResource) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ThreeWaySynchronizer
Remove the remote bytes associated with the resource.
removeResolver(TemplateVariableResolver) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateContextType
Removes a template variable from the context type.
removeResourceChangeListener(IResourceChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace
Removes the given resource change listener from this workspace.
removeRulerContextMenuListener(IMenuListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
removeRulerContextMenuListener(IMenuListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorExtension
Removes a ruler context menu listener from the editor.
removeSaveParticipant(Plugin) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace
Removes the workspace save participant for the given plug-in from this workspace.
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareViewerSwitchingPane
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider
Removes the given selection change listener from this selection provider.
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageSelectionProvider
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageSelectionProvider
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.SelectionProvider
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.SelectionProvider
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.ContentOutline
removeSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.ContentOutlinePage
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.ComboContentAssistSubjectAdapter
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.IContentAssistSubjectControl
Removes the specified selection listener.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.TextContentAssistSubjectAdapter
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy
Removes an SelectionListener to the collection of selectionEventListeners
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
Removes the listener.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder
Removes the listener.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Removes the specified selection listener.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableCursor
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's selection changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableTree
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's selection changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is selected.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's selection changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.CoolItem
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners that will be notified when the control is selected.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's selection changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is selected.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Sash
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is selected.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Scale
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's value changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ScrollBar
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's value changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Slider
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's value changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TabFolder
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's selection changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's selection changes.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is selected.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is selected.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is selected.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TrayItem
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver is selected.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the receiver's selection changes.
removeSelectionListener(ISelectionListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService
Removes the given selection listener.
removeSelectionListener(String, ISelectionListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.ISelectionService
Removes the given part-specific selection listener.
removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.FilteredList
Removes a selection listener from the list.
removeShellListener(ShellListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when operations are performed on the receiver.
removeStatusTextListener(StatusTextListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
Removes the listener.
removeSummarizableAnnotationType(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionSupport
Marks the given annotation type to be ignored when creating summaries for collapsed regions of the projection viewer.
removeSyncSetChangedListener(ISyncInfoSetChangeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet
Deregisters the given listener for participant notifications.
removeSynchronizeParticipantListener(ISynchronizeParticipantListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizeManager
Deregisters the given listener for participant notifications.
removeSynchronizeParticipants(ISynchronizeParticipant[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizeManager
Removes the given participants from the synchronize manager.
removeSyncroPageBook(PageBook) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditor
Deprecated. Removes a synchronized pagebook from this editor.
removeSyncroPageBook(PageBook) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditor
Deprecated. Removes a synchronized pagebook from this editor.
removeText(Text) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.TextActionHandler
Removes a Text control from the handler so that the Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All actions are no longer redirected to it when active.
removeTextChangeListener(TextChangeListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextContent
Remove the specified text changed listener.
removeTextHovers(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewerExtension2
Removes all text hovers for the given content type independent from their state mask.
removeTextHovers(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
removeTextInputListener(ITextInputListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer
Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of text input listeners.
removeTextInputListener(ITextInputListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
removeTextListener(ITextListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer
Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of text listeners.
removeTextListener(ITextListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
removeTextPresentationListener(ITextPresentationListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewerExtension4
Removes the given text presentation listener from this text viewer.
removeTextPresentationListener(ITextPresentationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
removeTitleListener(TitleListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
Removes the listener.
removeToRoot(IDiffElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.DiffContainer
Removes the given child from this container.
removeToRoot(IDiffElement) - Method in interface org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.IDiffContainer
Removes the given child from this container.
removeTrailingSeparator() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath
Returns a path with the same segments as this path but with a trailing separator removed.
removeTrailingSeparator() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path
removeTraverseListener(TraverseListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when traversal events occur.
removeTreeListener(ITreeViewerListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
Removes a listener for expand and collapse events in this viewer.
removeTreeListener(TreeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableTree
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when items in the receiver are expanded or collapsed..
removeTreeListener(TreeListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when items in the receiver are expanded or collapsed..
removeUnchangedElementListeners(Object, AbstractDocumentProvider.ElementInfo) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
Called when the given element gets dirty.
removeUpdateModelChangedListener(IUpdateModelChangedListener) - Static method in class org.eclipse.update.operations.OperationsManager
Removes an model changed listener.
removeValueVariableListener(IValueVariableListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.variables.IStringVariableManager
Removes the given listener from the list of registered value variable listeners.
removeVariable(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.expressions.EvaluationContext
Removes the variable managed under the given name from this evaluation context.
removeVariable(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.expressions.IEvaluationContext
Removes the variable managed under the given name from this evaluation context.
removeVariables(IValueVariable[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.variables.IStringVariableManager
Removes the given variables from the registry.
removeVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.AbstractControlContentAssistSubjectAdapter
removeVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.IContentAssistSubjectControl
Removes the verify key listener from this content assist subject control's list of verify key listeners.
removeVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewerExtension
Removes the verify key listener from the viewer's list of verify key listeners.
removeVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
removeVerifyKeyListener(VerifyKeyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Removes the specified key verify listener.
removeVerifyListener(VerifyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Removes the specified verify listener.
removeVerifyListener(VerifyListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when the control is verified.
removeVerticalRulerColumn(IVerticalRulerColumn) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionViewer
Removes the give column from this viewer's vertical ruler.
removeVerticalRulerListener(IVerticalRulerListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationRulerColumn
removeVerticalRulerListener(IVerticalRulerListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ChangeRulerColumn
removeVerticalRulerListener(IVerticalRulerListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.CompositeRuler
removeVerticalRulerListener(IVerticalRulerListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IVerticalRulerInfoExtension
Removes a previously registered listener.
removeVerticalRulerListener(IVerticalRulerListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.LineNumberChangeRulerColumn
removeViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer
Removes the given listener from this viewer's set of view port listeners.
removeViewportListener(IViewportListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
removeVisibilityWindowListener(VisibilityWindowListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
Removes the listener.
removeWhiteSpaces(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.StringConverter
Returns the given string with all whitespace characters removed.
removeWindowListener(IWindowListener) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench
Removes a window listener.
removeWorkingSet(IWorkingSet) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkingSetManager
Removes the working set
removed(IEclipsePreferences.NodeChangeEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences.INodeChangeListener
Notification that a child node was removed from the preference hierarchy.
rename(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy
Renames this launch configuration to the specified name.
repairLineInformation() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
repairLineInformation() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IRepairableDocument
Repairs the line information of the document implementing this interface.
repeatCount - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.graphics.ImageLoader
the number of times to repeat the display of a sequence of animated images (this corresponds to the commonly-used GIF application extension for "NETSCAPE 2.0 01")
replace(ITypedElement, ITypedElement) - Method in interface org.eclipse.compare.IEditableContent
This method is called on a parent to add or remove a child, or to copy the contents of a child.
replace(ITypedElement, ITypedElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.ResourceNode
replace(ITypedElement, ITypedElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.structuremergeviewer.DocumentRangeNode
replace(int, int, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
replace(int, int, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractLineTracker
replace(String, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.FindReplaceDocumentAdapter
Substitutes the previous match with the given text.
replace(int, int, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.GapTextStore
replace(int, int, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
Substitutes the given text for the specified document range.
replace(int, int, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ILineTracker
Informs the line tracker about the specified change in the tracked text.
replace(int, int, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextStore
Replaces the specified character range with the given text.
replace(int, int, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.SequentialRewriteTextStore
replace(int, int, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.projection.ProjectionDocument
replaceAnnotations(Annotation[], Map) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
replaceAnnotations(Annotation[], Map, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
Replaces the given annotations in this model and if advised fires a model change event.
replaceAnnotations(Annotation[], Map) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension
Adds and removes annotations to/from this annotation model in a single step.
replaceCharCount - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.TextChangingEvent
Length of text that is going to be replaced
replaceEnvironment - Variable in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.EnvironmentTab
replaceItem(String, IContributionItem) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionManager
Replaces the item of the given identifier with another contribution item.
replaceLineCount - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.TextChangingEvent
Number of lines that are going to be replaced
replaceMasterDocumentRanges(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.projection.ProjectionDocument
Replaces all master document ranges with the given master document range.
replaceSelection(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IFindReplaceTarget
Replaces the currently selected range of characters with the given text.
replaceSelection(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IFindReplaceTargetExtension3
Replaces the currently selected range of characters with the given text.
replaceStyleRange(StyleRange) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextPresentation
Replaces the given range in this presentation.
replaceStyleRanges(StyleRange[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextPresentation
Replaces the given ranges in this presentation.
replaceStyleRanges(int, int, StyleRange[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Replaces the styles in the given range with new styles.
replaceTextRange(int, int, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText
Replaces the given text range with new text.
replaceTextRange(int, int, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextContent
Replace the text with "newText" starting at position "start" for a length of "replaceLength".
replacedText - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.ExtendedModifyEvent
reportProblem(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configuration.IProblemHandler
Report problem.
requestFullPath() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceProxy
Returns the full workspace path of the resource being visited.
requestResource() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceProxy
Returns the handle of the resource being visited.
requestSynchronizationContext(IPath) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferManager
The caller requests that the synchronization context is used to synchronize the given location with its file buffer.
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenOwner) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IWidgetTokenKeeper
The given widget token owner requests the widget token from this token keeper.
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenOwner, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IWidgetTokenKeeperExtension
The given widget token owner requests the widget token from this token keeper.
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IWidgetTokenOwner
Requests the widget token from this token owner.
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IWidgetTokenOwnerExtension
Requests the widget token from this token owner.
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenKeeper, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenOwner) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenOwner, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenOwner) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.information.InformationPresenter
requestWidgetToken(IWidgetTokenOwner, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.information.InformationPresenter
reset() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultUndoManager
reset() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IUndoManager
Resets the history of the undo manager.
reset() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SubscriberParticipant
Reset the sync set of the particpant by repopulating it from scratch.
reset() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.DefaultEncodingSupport
Resets this encoding support.
reset() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.DrillDownAdapter
Resets the drill down adapter.
reset() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.DrillDownAdapter
Resets the drill down adapter.
resetChanges() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.synchronize.SyncInfoSet
Reset the changes accumulated so far by this set.
resetDocument(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.ForwardingDocumentProvider
resetDocument(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider.NullProvider
resetDocument(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider
resetDocument(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
resetDocument(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider
Resets the given element's document to its last saved state.
resetFilters() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Discards this viewer's filters and triggers refiltering and resorting of the elements.
resetHighlightRange() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
resetHighlightRange() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor
Resets the highlighted range of this text editor.
resetItemOrder() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.CoolBarManager
Restores the canonical order of this cool bar manager.
resetMarkers() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
Resets all the markers to their original state.
resetMonitors(IResource) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh.RefreshProvider
Resets the installed monitors for the given resource.
resetPerspective() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage
Changes the visible views, their layout, and the visible action sets within the page to match the current perspective descriptor.
resetPlugins() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer
Resets the installed plug-ins.
resetPlugins() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
resetPropertyValue() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.IPropertySheetEntry
Resets the property value to its default value if it has been changed.
resetPropertyValue(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.IPropertySource
Resets the property with the given id to its default value if possible.
resetPropertyValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.PropertySheetEntry
resetPropertyValue(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.ResourcePropertySource
The ResourcePropertySource implementation of this IPropertySource method does nothing since all properties are read-only.
resetSelectedResources() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardExportPage
Deprecated. Resets this page's selected resources collection and updates its controls accordingly.
resetStateValidation() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBuffer
Resets state validation.
resetVisibleRegion() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer
Resets the region of this viewer's document which is visible in the presentation.
resetVisibleRegion() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
resetVisibleRegion() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionViewer
resizable - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnLayoutData
Indicates whether the column is resizable.
resolve(String, Object[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.expressions.IVariableResolver
Resolves a variable for the given name and arguments.
resolve(URL) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform
Returns a URL which is the resolved equivalent of the supplied URL.
resolve(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.model.PluginRegistryModel
Deprecated. Runs a resolve through the entire registry.
resolve(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.GlobalTemplateVariables.Date
resolve(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.GlobalTemplateVariables.LineSelection
resolve(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.GlobalTemplateVariables.Time
resolve(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.GlobalTemplateVariables.User
resolve(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.GlobalTemplateVariables.WordSelection
resolve(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.GlobalTemplateVariables.Year
resolve(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.SimpleTemplateVariableResolver
resolve(TemplateBuffer, TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateContextType
Resolves the variables in buffer within context and edits the template buffer to reflect the resolved variables.
resolve(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateVariableResolver
Returns an instance of the type resolved by the receiver available in context.
resolve(TemplateVariable, TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateVariableResolver
Resolves variable in context.
resolve(URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.ArchiveReferenceModel
Resolve the model object.
resolve(URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.CategoryModel
Resolve the model object.
resolve(URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.FeatureModel
Resolve the model object.
resolve(URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.FeatureReferenceModel
Resolve the model object.
resolve(URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.InstallHandlerEntryModel
Resolve the model object.
resolve(URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.ModelObject
Resolve the model element.
resolve(URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.SiteModel
Resolve the model object.
resolve(URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.URLEntryModel
Resolve the model object.
resolveAll(TemplateContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateVariableResolver
Returns all possible bindings available in context.
resolveListReference(ModelObject[], URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.ModelObject
Delegate resolution to list of referenced models
resolveNLString(URL, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.ModelObject
Returns a resource string corresponding to the given argument value and bundle.
resolvePath(IPath) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IPathVariableManager
Resolves a relative IPath object potentially containing a variable reference as its first segment, replacing the variable reference (if any) with the variable's value (which is a concrete absolute path).
resolveReference(ModelObject, URL, URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.ModelObject
Delegate resolution to referenced model
resolveSourceElement(Object, List) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.AbstractSourceLookupDirector
Returns the source element to associate with the given element.
resolveURL(URL, URL, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.model.ModelObject
Resolve a URL based on context
resolveValue(IDynamicVariable, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.variables.IDynamicVariableResolver
Resolves and returns a value for the specified variable when referenced with the given argument, possibly null
resolveVariable(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.expressions.EvaluationContext
Resolves a variable for the given name and arguments. This method can be used to dynamically resolve variable such as plug-in descriptors, resources, etc. The method is used by the resolve expression.
resolveVariable(String, Object[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.expressions.IEvaluationContext
Resolves a variable for the given name and arguments.
resolvers() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.TemplateContextType
Returns an iterator for the variables known to the context type.
resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener
Notifies this listener that some resource changes are happening, or have already happened.
resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SyncInfoCompareInput
Note that until the compare editor inputs can be part of the compare editors lifecycle we can't register as a listener because there is no dispose() method to remove the listener.
resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CloseResourceAction
Handles a resource changed event by updating the enablement if one of the selected projects is opened or closed.
resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenResourceAction
Handles a resource changed event by updating the enablement if one of the selected projects is opened or closed.
resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider.FileSynchronizer
resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.WorkbenchContentProvider
resourceIsType(IResource, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.SelectionListenerAction
Returns whether the type of the given resource is among those in the given resource type mask.
resourceIsType(IResource, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceSelectionUtil
Returns whether the type of the given resource is among the specified resource types.
restart() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench
Closes then restarts this workbench.
restore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ControlEnableState
Restores the window enable state saved in this object.
restore(CTabFolderEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder2Adapter
Sent when the user clicks on the restore button of a CTabFolder.
restore(CTabFolderEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder2Listener
Sent when the user clicks on the restore button of a CTabFolder.
restoreAfterLine(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ILineDiffer
Restores the deleted lines after line.
restoreCompletionProposalPopupSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant
Restores the content assist pop-up's size.
restoreDefaults() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.persistence.TemplateStore
Deletes all user-added templates and reverts all contributed templates.
restoreDeleted() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.persistence.TemplateStore
Restores all contributed templates that have been deleted.
restoreInformationControlBounds() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractInformationControlManager
Restores the information control's bounds.
restoreLocation() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.INavigationLocation
Restore the context saved by this location.
restoreLocation() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextSelectionNavigationLocation
Restores this location.
restoreResourceSpecificationWidgetValues() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardExportPage
Deprecated. Restores resource specification control settings that were persisted in the previous instance of this page.
restoreResourceSpecificationWidgetValues() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardExportResourcesPage
Restores resource specification control settings that were persisted in the previous instance of this page.
restoreSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewer
Restores a previously saved selection in the document.
restoreSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Restores a selection previously remembered by rememberSelection.
restoreState(IMemento) - Method in interface org.eclipse.search.ui.ISearchResultPage
Restores the page state.
restoreState(IMemento) - Method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.text.AbstractTextSearchViewPage
Restores the page state. Note that this applies only to state that is saved across sessions. Subclasses may extend this method.
restoreState(IMemento) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.INavigationLocation
Restore the state of this location from the memento
restoreState() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.application.IWorkbenchConfigurer
Restores the workbench state saved from the previous session, if any.
restoreState(IPresentationSerializer, IMemento) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.presentations.StackPresentation
Restores the state of this presentation to a previously saved state.
restoreState(IMemento) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextSelectionNavigationLocation
Restores the object state from the given memento.
restoreState(IMemento) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist.TreeFrame
Restore the frame from the specified memento.
restoreState(IMemento) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigator
Restores the state of the receiver to the state described in the specified memento.
restoreState() - Method in class org.eclipse.update.core.InstallMonitor
Restore the monitor state.
restoreTitle() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogMessageArea
Enable the title and disable the message text and image.
restoreWidgetValues() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardDataTransferPage
Restores control settings that were saved in the previous instance of this page.
restoresLocation() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
restoresLocation() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IInformationControlExtension3
Tells whether this control allows to restore the previously used location.
restoresSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
restoresSize() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IInformationControlExtension3
Tells whether this control allows to restore the previously used size.
result - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleControlEvent
result - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleEvent
The value of this field must be set in the accessible listener method before returning.
result - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TransferData
The result field contains the result of converting a java data type into a platform specific value.
resume(ISchedulingRule) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.IJobManager
Resumes execution of jobs after a previous suspend.
resume() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.IJobManager
Resumes execution of jobs after a previous suspend.
resume() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ISuspendResume
Causes this element to resume its execution, generating a RESUME event.
resume(LinkedModeModel, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.link.ILinkedModeListener
The resume event occurs when a nested linked mode exits.
resumeForwardingDocumentChanges() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentAdapterExtension
Resumes forwarding document changes to the styled text.
resumeListenerNotification() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
resumeListenerNotification() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension2
Resumes the notification of document listeners which must previously have been stopped by a call to stopListenerNotification.
resumePostNotificationProcessing() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
resumePostNotificationProcessing() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension
Resumes the processing of post notification replace operations.
retarget(ITextEditor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EncodingActionGroup
Retargets this action group to the given editor.
retrieveMarkers() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
Retrieves all markers from this model.
retrieveMarkers() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel
returnType - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleFunctionDescription
reuseCompareEditor(CompareEditorInput, IReusableEditor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareUI
Performs the comparison described by the given input and shows the result in the given editor.
reuseEditor() - Static method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.NewSearchUI
Returns the preference whether editors should be reused when showing search results.
reuseEditor() - Static method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.SearchUI
Deprecated. Use NewSearchUI.reuseEditor() instead.
reuseEditor(IReusableEditor, IEditorInput) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage
Reuses the specified editor by setting its new input.
reveal(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
reveal(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboViewer
reveal(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ListViewer
reveal(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Ensures that the given element is visible, scrolling the viewer if necessary.
reveal(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
revealRange(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.ComboContentAssistSubjectAdapter
revealRange(int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.IContentAssistSubjectControl
Reveals the given region.
revealRange(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.TextContentAssistSubjectAdapter
revealRange(int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer
Ensures that the given range is visible.
revealRange(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
revert(IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBuffer
Reverts the contents of this file buffer to the content of its underlying file.
revert(IDocument) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IPersistableAnnotationModel
Changes the current transient state of the annotation model to match the last persisted state.
revert() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.persistence.TemplatePersistenceData
Reverts the template to its original setting.
revert(IDocument) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
revertBlock(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ILineDiffer
Reverts a block of modified / added lines to their original state, including any deleted lines inside the block or at its borders.
revertLine(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ILineDiffer
Reverts a single changed line to its original state, not touching any lines that are deleted at its borders.
revertPerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveRegistry
Reverts a perspective back to its original definition as specified in the plug-in manifest.
revertSelection(int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ILineDiffer
Reverts a range of lines to their original state, including any deleted lines inside the block or at its borders.
revertTo(IInstallConfiguration, IProgressMonitor, IProblemHandler) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.configuration.ILocalSite
Reverts the local site to use the specified configuration.
rewriteTree(Differencer, IDiffContainer) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.ZipFileStructureCreator
Empty implementation since this IStructureCreator cannot rewrite the diff tree in order to fold certain combinations of additons and deletions.
right - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormData
right specifies the attachment of the right side of the control.
rightEnd() - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.RangeDifference
Returns the end index of the entity range on the right side.
rightLength() - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.RangeDifference
Returns the number of entities on the right side.
rightMargin - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.ColumnLayout
Right margin (default is 5).
rightMargin - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.TableWrapLayout
Right margin variable (default is 5).
rightStart() - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.rangedifferencer.RangeDifference
Returns the start index of the entity range on the right side.
rollback(ISaveContext) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.ISaveParticipant
Tells this participant to rollback its important state.
roots() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.subscribers.Subscriber
Returns the list of root resources this subscriber considers for synchronization.
roots() - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.core.variants.IResourceVariantTree
Returns the list of root resources for which this tree may have resource variants.
roots() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ThreeWayRemoteTree
rowspan - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.TableWrapData
Number of rows to span (default is 1).
rulerContextMenuAboutToShow(IMenuManager) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Sets up the ruler context menu before it is made visible.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner
Runs the build file.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner
Runs the build file.
run(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner
Invokes the building of a project object and executes a build using either a given target or the default target.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.CompareEditorInput
Runs the compare operation and stores the compare result.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.compare.NavigationAction
run(Runnable) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.ISynchronizationContext
Executes the given runnable according to the specified synchronization/execution policy.
run(String[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
Runs the platform with the given arguments.
run(IWorkspaceRunnable, ISchedulingRule, int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace
Runs the given action as an atomic workspace operation.
run(IWorkspaceRunnable, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace
Runs the given action as an atomic workspace operation.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable
Runs the operation reporting progress to and accepting cancellation requests from the given progress monitor.
run(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPlatformRunnable
Runs this runnable with the given args and returns a result.
run() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable
Runs this runnable.
run(ISafeRunnable) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform
Runs the given runnable in a protected mode.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job
Executes this job.
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.AbstractLaunchHistoryAction
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.AbstractLaunchToolbarAction
Launch the last launch, or open the launch config dialog if none.
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.ContextualLaunchAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.LaunchAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.LaunchAsAction
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.LaunchAsAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.OpenLaunchDialogAction
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.OpenLaunchDialogAction
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RunToLineActionDelegate
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.help.ui.browser.LaunchURL
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.Action
The default implementation of this IAction method does nothing.
run() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction
Runs this action.
run(boolean, boolean, IRunnableWithProgress) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ProgressMonitorDialog
run(boolean, boolean, IRunnableWithProgress) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableContext
Runs the given IRunnableWithProgress in this context.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress
Runs this operation.
run(IRunnableWithProgress, boolean, IProgressMonitor, Display) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext
Runs the given runnable in a modal context, passing it a progress monitor.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.BooleanPropertyAction
run(boolean, boolean, IRunnableWithProgress) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow
run(boolean, boolean, IRunnableWithProgress) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.search.ui.ISearchQuery
This is the method that actually does the work, i.e. finds the results of the search query.
run(IResource, IWorkspaceRunnable, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.PersistantResourceVariantByteStore
run(IResource, IWorkspaceRunnable, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ResourceVariantByteStore
Run the given action which may contain multiple modfications to the byte store.
run(IResource, IWorkspaceRunnable, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.core.variants.ThreeWaySynchronizer
Perform multiple sync state modifications and fire only a single change notification at the end.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.TeamOperation
Run the operation in a context that is determined by the TeamOperation.canRunAsJob() hint.
run(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in interface org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.ISynchronizeParticipant
Runs the participants action.
run(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SubscriberParticipant
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.team.ui.synchronize.SynchronizeModelAction
run(IAction) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IActionDelegate
Performs this action.
run(IMarker) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IMarkerResolution
Runs this resolution.
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionDelegate
The ActionDelegate implementation of this IActionDelegate method does nothing.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.AddBookmarkAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.AddTaskAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.BuildAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CloseResourceAction
The implementation of this WorkspaceAction method method saves and closes the resource's dirty editors before closing it.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CopyProjectAction
Implementation of method defined on IAction.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CopyResourceAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CreateFileAction
Deprecated. The CreateFileAction implementation of this IAction method opens a BasicNewFileResourceWizard in a wizard dialog under the shell passed to the constructor.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CreateFolderAction
Deprecated. The CreateFolderAction implementation of this IAction method opens a BasicNewFolderResourceWizard in a wizard dialog under the shell passed to the constructor.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CreateProjectAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.DeleteResourceAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ExportResourcesAction
Invoke the Export wizards selection Wizard.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.GlobalBuildAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ImportResourcesAction
Invoke the Import wizards selection Wizard.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.MoveProjectAction
Implementation of method defined on IAction.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.NewExampleAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.NewProjectAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.NewWizardAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenInNewWindowAction
The implementation of this IAction method opens a new window.
run(IPerspectiveDescriptor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenNewPageMenu
run(IPerspectiveDescriptor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenNewWindowMenu
run(IPerspectiveDescriptor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenPerspectiveMenu
Deprecated. Runs an action for a particular perspective.
run(IPerspectiveDescriptor, SelectionEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenPerspectiveMenu
Deprecated. Runs an action for a particular perspective.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenSystemEditorAction
run(IPerspectiveDescriptor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.PerspectiveMenu
Runs an action for a particular perspective.
run(IPerspectiveDescriptor, SelectionEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.PerspectiveMenu
Runs an action for a particular perspective.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.QuickStartAction
Deprecated. The user has invoked this action.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RenameResourceAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RetargetAction
Invoked when an action occurs.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceAction
The CoreWrapperAction implementation of this IAction method uses a ProgressMonitorDialog to run the operation.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceModifyOperation
The WorkspaceModifyOperation implementation of this IRunnableWithProgress method initiates a batch of changes by invoking the execute method as a workspace runnable (IWorkspaceRunnable).
run(String[], ICheatSheetManager) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.ICheatSheetAction
Runs this Cheat sheet-aware action.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.OpenCheatSheetAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.OpenCheatSheetFromHelpAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.actions.ClearOutputAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.actions.TextViewerAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.actions.TextViewerGotoLineAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.PropertyDialogAction
The PropertyDialogAction implementation of this IAction method performs the action by opening the Property Page Dialog for the current selection.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider.SafeChange
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation
run(IIntroSite, Properties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.intro.config.IIntroAction
Called to run this intro command.
run(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.part.IDropActionDelegate
Runs the drop action on the given source and target.
run(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.part.IDropActionDelegate
Runs the drop action on the given source and target.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.progress.UIJob
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractRulerActionDelegate
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.LineStartAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AddMarkerAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AddTaskAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.CaseAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ContentAssistAction
Runs the content assist operation on the editor's text operation target.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ConvertLineDelimitersAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.DeleteLineAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindNextAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindReplaceAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.GotoLineAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IncrementalFindAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.InsertLineAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerRulerAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RetargetTextEditorAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.RevertToSavedAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.SaveAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.SelectMarkerRulerAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ShiftAction
The TextOperationAction implementation of this IAction method runs the operation with the current operation code.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextNavigationAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextOperationAction
The TextOperationAction implementation of this IAction method runs the operation with the current operation code.
run(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff.QuickDiffToggleAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist.BackAction
Calls back() on the frame list.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist.ForwardAction
Calls forward() on the frame list.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist.GoIntoAction
Calls gotoFrame on the frame list with a frame representing the currently selected container.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist.UpAction
Calls gotoFrame on the frame list with a frame representing the parent of the current input.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.CollapseAllAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.FilterSelectionAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.GotoResourceAction
Collect all resources in the workbench open a dialog asking the user to select a resource and change the selection in the navigator.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorMoveAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ShowInNavigatorAction
Shows the Navigator view and sets its selection to the resources selected in this action's selection provider.
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.SortViewAction
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ToggleLinkingAction
Runs the action.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer.SelectFilesOperation
Runs the operation.
run(ISite, String[], IUpdateSearchFilter, IUpdateSearchResultCollector, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.update.search.IUpdateSearchQuery
Executes the query.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.AddSiteCommand
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.DisableCommand
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.EnableCommand
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.InstallCommand
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.ListFeaturesCommand
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.RemoveSiteCommand
run() - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.ScriptedCommand
Convenience method that executes the command with a null progress monitor.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.ScriptedCommand
Executes the command.
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.SearchCommand
run(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.StandaloneUpdateApplication
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.UninstallCommand
run(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.update.standalone.UpdateCommand
runClearPlaceholderJob(PendingUpdateAdapter) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.progress.DeferredTreeContentManager
Run a job to clear the placeholder.
runDefaultAction(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.MainActionGroup
Runs the default action (open file) by delegating the open group.
runDefaultAction(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.OpenActionGroup
Runs the default action (open file).
runDefaultAction(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorActionGroup
Runs the default action in the group.
runInBackground(ISchedulingRule) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceAction
Run the action in the background rather than with the progress dialog.
runInUI(IRunnableContext, IRunnableWithProgress, ISchedulingRule) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.progress.IProgressService
Runs the given operation in the UI thread using the given runnable context.
runInUIThread(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.progress.UIJob
Run the job in the UI Thread.
runInWorkspace(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.resources.WorkspaceJob
Runs the operation, reporting progress to and accepting cancelation requests from the given progress monitor.
runOperation(IResource[], IContainer) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CopyResourceAction
Runs the operation created in createOperaiton
runOperation(IResource[], IContainer) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.MoveResourceAction
runQuery(ISearchQuery) - Static method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.NewSearchUI
Runs the given search query.
runQueryInForeground(IRunnableContext, ISearchQuery) - Static method in class org.eclipse.search.ui.NewSearchUI
Runs the given search query.
runTest(Runnable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.testing.TestableObject
Runs the given test runnable.
runTests() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.testing.ITestHarness
Runs the tests.
runToLine(IWorkbenchPart, ISelection, ISuspendResume) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.IRunToLineTarget
Perform a run to line operation on the given element that is currently selected and suspended in the Debug view.
runWithEvent(Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.LaunchAction
If the user has control-clicked the launch history item, open the launch configuration dialog on the launch configuration, rather than running it.
runWithEvent(IAction, Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RunToLineActionDelegate
runWithEvent(Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.Action
The default implementation of this IAction method ignores the event argument, and simply calls run().
runWithEvent(Event) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction
Runs this action, passing the triggering SWT event.
runWithEvent(IAction, Event) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IActionDelegate2
Performs this action, passing the SWT event which triggered it.
runWithEvent(IAction, Event) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IActionDelegateWithEvent
Deprecated. Use org.eclipse.ui.IActionDelegate2 instead.
runWithEvent(IAction, Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionDelegate
The ActionDelegate implementation of this IActionDelegate2 method redirects to the run method.
runWithEvent(Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.BaseSelectionListenerAction
runWithEvent(Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RetargetAction
Invoked when an action occurs.
runWithEvent(Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MoveLinesAction
runWithEvent(Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextNavigationAction
runWithNewPath(IPath, IResource) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RenameResourceAction
runWithNewPath(IPath, IResource) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigatorRenameAction
running(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.IJobChangeListener
Notification that a job has started running.
running(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.JobChangeAdapter



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