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Release 3.0


Class Wizard

  extended byorg.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard

All Implemented Interfaces:

Direct Known Subclasses:
BasicNewResourceWizard, ExternalProjectImportWizard, FileSystemExportWizard, FileSystemImportWizard, ZipFileExportWizard, ZipFileImportWizard

public abstract class Wizard
extends Object
implements IWizard

An abstract base implementation of a wizard. A typical client subclasses Wizard to implement a particular wizard.

Subclasses may call the following methods to configure the wizard:

Subclasses may override these methods if required:

Note that clients are free to implement IWizard from scratch instead of subclassing Wizard. Correct implementations of IWizard will work with any correct implementation of IWizardPage.

Field Summary
static String DEFAULT_IMAGE
          Image registry key of the default image for wizard pages (value "org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard.pageImage").
Constructor Summary
protected Wizard()
          Creates a new empty wizard.
Method Summary
 void addPage(IWizardPage page)
          Adds a new page to this wizard.
 void addPages()
          The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method does nothing.
 boolean canFinish()
          Returns whether this wizard could be finished without further user interaction.
 void createPageControls(Composite pageContainer)
          The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method creates all the pages controls using IDialogPage.createControl.
 void dispose()
          The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method disposes all the pages controls using DialogPage.dispose.
 IWizardContainer getContainer()
          Returns the container of this wizard.
 Image getDefaultPageImage()
          Returns the default page image for this wizard.
 IDialogSettings getDialogSettings()
          Returns the dialog settings for this wizard.
 IWizardPage getNextPage(IWizardPage page)
          Returns the successor of the given page.
 IWizardPage getPage(String name)
          Returns the wizard page with the given name belonging to this wizard.
 int getPageCount()
          Returns the number of pages in this wizard.
 IWizardPage[] getPages()
          Returns all the pages in this wizard.
 IWizardPage getPreviousPage(IWizardPage page)
          Returns the predecessor of the given page.
 Shell getShell()
          Returns the wizard's shell if the wizard is visible.
 IWizardPage getStartingPage()
          Returns the first page to be shown in this wizard.
 RGB getTitleBarColor()
          Returns the title bar color for this wizard.
 String getWindowTitle()
          Returns the window title string for this wizard.
 boolean isHelpAvailable()
          Returns whether help is available for this wizard.
 boolean needsPreviousAndNextButtons()
          Returns whether this wizard needs Previous and Next buttons.
 boolean needsProgressMonitor()
          Returns whether this wizard needs a progress monitor.
 boolean performCancel()
          The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method does nothing and returns true.
abstract  boolean performFinish()
          Subclasses must implement this IWizard method to perform any special finish processing for their wizard.
 void setContainer(IWizardContainer wizardContainer)
          Sets or clears the container of this wizard.
 void setDefaultPageImageDescriptor(ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
          Sets the default page image descriptor for this wizard.
 void setDialogSettings(IDialogSettings settings)
          Sets the dialog settings for this wizard.
 void setForcePreviousAndNextButtons(boolean b)
          Controls whether the wizard needs Previous and Next buttons even if it currently contains only one page.
 void setHelpAvailable(boolean b)
          Sets whether help is available for this wizard.
 void setNeedsProgressMonitor(boolean b)
          Sets whether this wizard needs a progress monitor.
 void setTitleBarColor(RGB color)
          Sets the title bar color for this wizard.
 void setWindowTitle(String newTitle)
          Sets the window title for the container that hosts this page to the given string.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail




public static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE

Image registry key of the default image for wizard pages (value "org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard.pageImage").

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail




protected Wizard()

Creates a new empty wizard.

Method Detail




public void addPage(IWizardPage page)

Adds a new page to this wizard. The page is inserted at the end of the page list.

page - the new page




public void addPages()

The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method does nothing. Subclasses should extend if extra pages need to be added before the wizard opens. New pages should be added by calling addPage.

Specified by:
addPages in interface IWizard




public boolean canFinish()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns whether this wizard could be finished without further user interaction.

The result of this method is typically used by the wizard container to enable or disable the Finish button.

Specified by:
canFinish in interface IWizard

true if the wizard could be finished, and false otherwise




public void createPageControls(Composite pageContainer)

The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method creates all the pages controls using IDialogPage.createControl. Subclasses should reimplement this method if they want to delay creating one or more of the pages lazily. The framework ensures that the contents of a page will be created before attempting to show it.

Specified by:
createPageControls in interface IWizard

pageContainer - the parent control




public void dispose()

The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method disposes all the pages controls using DialogPage.dispose. Subclasses should extend this method if the wizard instance maintains addition SWT resource that need to be disposed.

Specified by:
dispose in interface IWizard




public IWizardContainer getContainer()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the container of this wizard.

Specified by:
getContainer in interface IWizard

the wizard container, or null if this wizard has yet to be added to a container




public Image getDefaultPageImage()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the default page image for this wizard.

This image can be used for pages which do not supply their own image.

Specified by:
getDefaultPageImage in interface IWizard

the default page image




public IDialogSettings getDialogSettings()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the dialog settings for this wizard.

The dialog store is used to record state between wizard invocations (for example, radio button selections, last directory, etc.).

Specified by:
getDialogSettings in interface IWizard

the dialog settings, or null if none




public IWizardPage getNextPage(IWizardPage page)

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the successor of the given page.

This method is typically called by a wizard page

Specified by:
getNextPage in interface IWizard

page - the page
the next page, or null if none




public IWizardPage getPage(String name)

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the wizard page with the given name belonging to this wizard.

Specified by:
getPage in interface IWizard

name - the name of the wizard page
the wizard page with the given name, or null if none




public int getPageCount()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the number of pages in this wizard.

Specified by:
getPageCount in interface IWizard

the number of wizard pages




public IWizardPage[] getPages()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns all the pages in this wizard.

Specified by:
getPages in interface IWizard

a list of pages




public IWizardPage getPreviousPage(IWizardPage page)

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the predecessor of the given page.

This method is typically called by a wizard page

Specified by:
getPreviousPage in interface IWizard

page - the page
the previous page, or null if none




public Shell getShell()

Returns the wizard's shell if the wizard is visible. Otherwise null is returned.





public IWizardPage getStartingPage()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the first page to be shown in this wizard.

Specified by:
getStartingPage in interface IWizard

the first wizard page




public RGB getTitleBarColor()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the title bar color for this wizard.

Specified by:
getTitleBarColor in interface IWizard

the title bar color




public String getWindowTitle()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns the window title string for this wizard.

Specified by:
getWindowTitle in interface IWizard

the window title string, or null for no title




public boolean isHelpAvailable()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns whether help is available for this wizard.

The result of this method is typically used by the container to show or hide the Help button.

Specified by:
isHelpAvailable in interface IWizard

true if help is available, and false if this wizard is helpless




public boolean needsPreviousAndNextButtons()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns whether this wizard needs Previous and Next buttons.

The result of this method is typically used by the container.

Specified by:
needsPreviousAndNextButtons in interface IWizard

true if Previous and Next buttons are required, and false if none are needed




public boolean needsProgressMonitor()

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Returns whether this wizard needs a progress monitor.

The result of this method is typically used by the container.

Specified by:
needsProgressMonitor in interface IWizard

true if a progress monitor is required, and false if none is needed




public boolean performCancel()

The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method does nothing and returns true. Subclasses should reimplement this method if they need to perform any special cancel processing for their wizard.

Specified by:
performCancel in interface IWizard

true to indicate the cancel request was accepted, and false to indicate that the cancel request was refused




public abstract boolean performFinish()

Subclasses must implement this IWizard method to perform any special finish processing for their wizard.

Specified by:
performFinish in interface IWizard

true to indicate the finish request was accepted, and false to indicate that the finish request was refused




public void setContainer(IWizardContainer wizardContainer)

Description copied from interface: IWizard
Sets or clears the container of this wizard.

Specified by:
setContainer in interface IWizard

wizardContainer - the wizard container, or null




public void setDefaultPageImageDescriptor(ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)

Sets the default page image descriptor for this wizard.

This image descriptor will be used to generate an image for a page with no image of its own; the image will be computed once and cached.

imageDescriptor - the default page image descriptor




public void setDialogSettings(IDialogSettings settings)

Sets the dialog settings for this wizard.

The dialog settings is used to record state between wizard invocations (for example, radio button selection, last import directory, etc.)

settings - the dialog settings, or null if none
See Also:




public void setForcePreviousAndNextButtons(boolean b)

Controls whether the wizard needs Previous and Next buttons even if it currently contains only one page.

This flag should be set on wizards where the first wizard page adds follow-on wizard pages based on user input.

b - true to always show Next and Previous buttons, and false to suppress Next and Previous buttons for single page wizards




public void setHelpAvailable(boolean b)

Sets whether help is available for this wizard.

The result of this method is typically used by the container to show or hide the Help button.

b - true if help is available, and false if this wizard is helpless
See Also:




public void setNeedsProgressMonitor(boolean b)

Sets whether this wizard needs a progress monitor.

b - true if a progress monitor is required, and false if none is needed
See Also:




public void setTitleBarColor(RGB color)

Sets the title bar color for this wizard.

color - the title bar color




public void setWindowTitle(String newTitle)

Sets the window title for the container that hosts this page to the given string.

newTitle - the window title for the container



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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.0

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