Class SubContributionManager
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- IContributionManager
- Direct Known Subclasses:
- SubCoolBarManager, SubMenuManager, SubStatusLineManager, SubToolBarManager
- public abstract class SubContributionManager
- extends Object
- implements IContributionManager
A SubContributionManager is used to define a set of contribution
items within a parent manager. Once defined, the visibility of the entire set can
be changed as a unit.
Method Summary
| add(IAction action)
Adds an action as a contribution item to this manager.
| add(IContributionItem item)
Adds a contribution item to this manager.
| appendToGroup(String groupName,
IAction action)
Adds a contribution item for the given action at the end of the group
with the given name.
| appendToGroup(String groupName,
IContributionItem item)
Adds a contribution item to this manager at the end of the group
with the given name.
| disposeManager()
Disposes this sub contribution manager, removing all its items
and cleaning up any other resources allocated by it.
| find(String id)
Finds the contribution item with the given id.
| getItems()
Returns all contribution items known to this manager.
| getOverrides()
Returns the overrides for the items of this manager.
| getParent()
Returns the parent manager.
| insertAfter(String id,
IAction action)
Inserts a contribution item for the given action after the item
with the given id.
| insertAfter(String id,
IContributionItem item)
Inserts a contribution item after the item with the given id.
| insertBefore(String id,
IAction action)
Inserts a contribution item for the given action before the item
with the given id.
| insertBefore(String id,
IContributionItem item)
Inserts a contribution item before the item with the given id.
| isDirty()
Returns whether the list of contributions has recently changed and
has yet to be reflected in the corresponding widgets.
| isEmpty()
Returns whether this manager has any contribution items.
| isVisible()
Returns whether the contribution list is visible.
protected void
| itemAdded(IContributionItem item,
SubContributionItem wrap)
Notifies that an item has been added.
protected void
| itemRemoved(IContributionItem item)
Notifies that an item has been removed.
| items()
Deprecated. Use getItems(String value) instead.
| markDirty()
Marks this contribution manager as dirty.
| prependToGroup(String groupName,
IAction action)
Adds a contribution item for the given action at the beginning of the
group with the given name.
| prependToGroup(String groupName,
IContributionItem item)
Adds a contribution item to this manager at the beginning of the
group with the given name.
| remove(IContributionItem item)
Removes the given contribution item from the contribution items
known to this manager.
| remove(String id)
Removes and returns the contribution item with the given id from this manager.
| removeAll()
Removes all contribution items from this manager.
| setVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the visibility of the manager.
protected IContributionItem
| unwrap(IContributionItem item)
Unwraps a nested contribution item.
protected SubContributionItem
| wrap(IContributionItem item)
Wraps a contribution item in a sub contribution item, and returns the new wrapper.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public SubContributionManager(IContributionManager mgr)
- Constructs a new SubContributionManager
- Parameters:
- mgr - the parent contribution manager. All contributions made to the
SubContributionManager are forwarded and appear in the
parent manager.
public void add(IAction action)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Adds an action as a contribution item to this manager.
Equivalent to add(new ActionContributionItem(action)).
- Specified by:
- add in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- action - the action
public void add(IContributionItem item)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Adds a contribution item to this manager.
- Specified by:
- add in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- item - the contribution item
public void appendToGroup(String groupName,
IAction action)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Adds a contribution item for the given action at the end of the group
with the given name.
Equivalent to
appendToGroup(groupName,new ActionContributionItem(action)).
- Specified by:
- appendToGroup in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- groupName - the name of the group
- action - the action
public void appendToGroup(String groupName,
IContributionItem item)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Adds a contribution item to this manager at the end of the group
with the given name.
- Specified by:
- appendToGroup in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- groupName - the name of the group
- item - the contribution item
public void disposeManager()
- Disposes this sub contribution manager, removing all its items
and cleaning up any other resources allocated by it.
This must leave no trace of this sub contribution manager
in the parent manager. Subclasses may extend.
- Since:
- 3.0
public IContributionItem find(String id)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Finds the contribution item with the given id.
- Specified by:
- find in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- id - the contribution item id
- Returns:
- the contribution item, or null if
no item with the given id can be found
public IContributionItem[] getItems()
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Returns all contribution items known to this manager.
- Specified by:
- getItems in interface IContributionManager
- Returns:
- a list of contribution items
public IContributionManager getParent()
- Returns the parent manager.
- Returns:
- the parent manager
public IContributionManagerOverrides getOverrides()
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Returns the overrides for the items of this manager.
- Specified by:
- getOverrides in interface IContributionManager
- Returns:
- the overrides for the items of this manager
public void insertAfter(String id,
IAction action)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Inserts a contribution item for the given action after the item
with the given id.
Equivalent to
insertAfter(id,new ActionContributionItem(action)).
- Specified by:
- insertAfter in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- id - the contribution item id
- action - the action to insert
public void insertAfter(String id,
IContributionItem item)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Inserts a contribution item after the item with the given id.
- Specified by:
- insertAfter in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- id - the contribution item id
- item - the contribution item to insert
public void insertBefore(String id,
IAction action)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Inserts a contribution item for the given action before the item
with the given id.
Equivalent to
insertBefore(id,new ActionContributionItem(action)).
- Specified by:
- insertBefore in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- id - the contribution item id
- action - the action to insert
public void insertBefore(String id,
IContributionItem item)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Inserts a contribution item before the item with the given id.
- Specified by:
- insertBefore in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- id - the contribution item id
- item - the contribution item to insert
public boolean isDirty()
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Returns whether the list of contributions has recently changed and
has yet to be reflected in the corresponding widgets.
- Specified by:
- isDirty in interface IContributionManager
- Returns:
- true if this manager is dirty, and false
if it is up-to-date
public boolean isEmpty()
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Returns whether this manager has any contribution items.
- Specified by:
- isEmpty in interface IContributionManager
- Returns:
- true if there are no items, and
false otherwise
public boolean isVisible()
- Returns whether the contribution list is visible.
If the visibility is true then each item within the manager
appears within the parent manager. Otherwise, the items are not visible.
- Returns:
- true if the manager is visible
protected void itemAdded(IContributionItem item,
SubContributionItem wrap)
- Notifies that an item has been added.
Subclasses are not expected to override this method.
- Parameters:
- item - the item contributed by the client
- wrap - the item contributed to the parent manager as a proxy for the item
contributed by the client
protected void itemRemoved(IContributionItem item)
- Notifies that an item has been removed.
Subclasses are not expected to override this method.
- Parameters:
- item - the item contributed by the client
public Enumeration items()
- Deprecated. Use getItems(String value) instead.
public void markDirty()
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Marks this contribution manager as dirty.
- Specified by:
- markDirty in interface IContributionManager
public void prependToGroup(String groupName,
IAction action)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Adds a contribution item for the given action at the beginning of the
group with the given name.
Equivalent to
prependToGroup(groupName,new ActionContributionItem(action)).
- Specified by:
- prependToGroup in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- groupName - the name of the group
- action - the action
public void prependToGroup(String groupName,
IContributionItem item)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Adds a contribution item to this manager at the beginning of the
group with the given name.
- Specified by:
- prependToGroup in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- groupName - the name of the group
- item - the contribution item
public IContributionItem remove(String id)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Removes and returns the contribution item with the given id from this manager.
Returns null if this manager has no contribution items
with the given id.
- Specified by:
- remove in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- id - the contribution item id
- Returns:
- the item that was found and removed, or null if none
public IContributionItem remove(IContributionItem item)
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Removes the given contribution item from the contribution items
known to this manager.
- Specified by:
- remove in interface IContributionManager
- Parameters:
- item - the contribution item
- Returns:
- the item parameter if the item was removed,
and null if it was not found
public void removeAll()
- Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
- Removes all contribution items from this manager.
- Specified by:
- removeAll in interface IContributionManager
public void setVisible(boolean visible)
- Sets the visibility of the manager. If the visibility is true
then each item within the manager appears within the parent manager.
Otherwise, the items are not visible.
- Parameters:
- visible - the new visibility
protected SubContributionItem wrap(IContributionItem item)
- Wraps a contribution item in a sub contribution item, and returns the new wrapper.
protected IContributionItem unwrap(IContributionItem item)
- Unwraps a nested contribution item. If the contribution item is an
instance of SubContributionItem, then its inner item is
returned. Otherwise, the item itself is returned.
- Parameters:
- item - The item to unwrap; may be null.
- Returns:
- The inner item of item, if item is
a SubContributionItem;item
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Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2004. All rights reserved.