File Transfer Protocol client syntax conventions


Follow these syntax conventions when you use the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client subcommands.

Uppercase Letters

Letters printed in uppercase in the syntax definitions for client subcommands are the minimum number of letters that enter. You can enter FTP client subcommands in either uppercase or lowercase.

Lowercase Words or Hyphenated Terms

Lowercase words or hyphenated terms, like remotefile and account-information, represent variables that substitute specific information.

Brackets[ ]

You can consider words, symbols, or phrases placed within brackets to be optional.

Left Parentheses ( and Asterisks *

You must enter left parentheses and asterisks exactly as they appear n in the syntax definitions.

Braces { }

Braces indicate a group of parameters, values, or variables that you may repeat.

Ellipsis ...

Ellipses indicate that you can include zero or more repetitions of the preceding variable enclosed within brackets.

Vertical Bar |

A vertical bar between parameters or values indicates that you can specify one or the other, but not both, at one time. The vertical bars are within sets of brackets or braces.


Parent topic:

File Transfer Protocol reference information
Related reference
File Transfer Protocol client subcommands ACCT (Send Account Information) APPEND (Append a Local File Member to a Remote File) ASCII (Change File Type to ASCII) BINARY (Set Transfer Type to Image) CCC (Clear Command Channel) CD (Change Working Directory or Library) CLOSE (End an FTP Session with the Remote System) DEBUG (Create Client Trace and Control Display of Server Subcommands Sent to Remote System) DEBUG (Change Client Time-Out Limit Values) DELETE (Delete a File on a Remote System) DIR (List Directory Entries, Libraries, or Files) EBCDIC (Change File Type to EBCDIC) GET (Copy a File from a Remote System to the Local System) HELP (Getting Help for FTP Subcommands) LCD (Change Working Library or Directory on Local System) LOCSITE (Specify Local Site Information) LOCSTAT (Display Local Status Information) LS (List Remote File Names) LTYPE (Local Type) MDELETE (Delete Multiple Files on a Remote System) MGET (Copy Multiple Files from a Remote System to the Local System) MKDIR (Make Directory) MODE (Specify Transmission Mode of Data) MPUT (Send Multiple File Members from the Local System to a Remote System) NAMEFMT (Select File Naming Format) NULLFLDS (Allow Transfer of Files with NULL Fields) OPEN (Connect to FTP Server on a Remote System) PASS (Send Your Password) PUT (Copy a File Member from the Local System to a File on a Remote System) PWD (Display Current Directory, Folder, or Library) QUOTE (Send a Subcommand to an FTP Server) REINITIALIZE (Reinitialize Session between Systems) RENAME (Rename a File on a Remote System) RESET (Reset) RMDIR (Remove Directory) SECData (Setting Data Security Protection) SECOpen (Setting Data Security Protection) SENDPASV (Specify whether to send a PASV Subcommand) SENDPORT (Specify Whether to Sends a PORT Subcommand) SENDSITE (Specify Whether to Send a SITE Subcommand) SITE (Send Information Used by a Remote System) STATUS (Retrieve Status Information from a Remote System) STRUCT (Specify File Structure) SUNIQUE (Control Overwriting of Files) SYSCMD (Pass a CL Command to Your Local System) TYPE (Specify File Transfer Type) USER (Send Your User ID to the Remote System) VERBOSE (Control of Text Display of Error Reply Messages)