MDELETE (Delete Multiple Files on a Remote System)


The MDELETE i5/OS® FTP client subcommand deletes multiple files on the FTP server.


FTP client subcommand

MDelete { remotefile [remotefile...]}


The files that you want to delete on the FTP server.

When the remotefile is a QSYS.LIB file, the FTP server deletes all members of the physical file. The file itself remains.

The following is a library file system example in NAMEFMT 0:


The previous example deletes member MBRA in file FILE1 in library MYLIB and member MBRB in file FILE2 in library YOURLIB on a remote system. The following is the same example in NAMEFMT 1:


The following is a document library system example in NAMEFMT 1:


The previous example deletes document PCSMENU.EXE in folder QIWSOS2 in the document library services library, and also deletes PCSFILE.EXE in folder PCSDIR in the QDLS library.

You can use an asterisk (*) to delete the files generically. For example, with NAMEFMT 0, if the remote system is a System i™ product, type:


This example would delete all members of file MYFILE in library MYLIB. Use of the asterisk is only valid at the end of a character string.