SENDSITE (Specify Whether to Send a SITE Subcommand)


The SENDSITE i5/OS® FTP client subcommand specifies whether a SITE subcommand with record format information is automatically sent when you do a PUT or an MPUT operation.


FTP client subcommand

SENDSite [ 0 | 1 ]

If there is no parameter, SENDSITE works like a toggle switch. The SENDSITE value changes from 0 (OFF) to 1 (ON) or from 1 to 0.

When there is a parameter, the valid values are:


Do not send a SITE subcommand. This is the default.


Send a SITE subcommand (containing record format information) before sending PUT and MPUT subcommands. Use this setting when transferring files to an IBM® Virtual Machine server that uses the record format information that sends with the SITE subcommand.
Related reference
File Transfer Protocol client syntax conventions SITE (Send Information Used by a Remote System)