DEBUG (Change Client Time-Out Limit Values)


The DEBUG i5/OS® FTP client subcommand changes the client timeout limits when the default timeout values are not long enough for a data transfer to be completed successfully. You only need to change these values in situations where network traffic or other conditions cause transfer times to become quite large.


FTP client subcommand

DEBug T1 | T2 [ value ]


Change or display the FTP client time-out limit for reading server replies. If the FTP client does not receive an expected server reply within this time limit, the client will close the control connection to the server.


Change or display the FTP client time-out limit for transferring data. If the FTP client does not receive an expected data connection response within this time limit, the client will close the data connection to the server.


The time-out limit in seconds. This value must be a positive number greater than zero. When you omit this value, the client displays the current value of the time-out limit.

For example:

 DEBUG T1 900

This value sets the client time-out value for server replies to 900 seconds.

Related reference
File Transfer Protocol client syntax conventions File names for client-transfer subcommands