LS (List Remote File Names)


The LS i5/OS® FTP client subcommand lists the names of files in a file set on a remote system.


FTP client subcommand

LS [ name] [(Disk]


The remote directory, file, or library that you want to list. If the remote system is a System i™ product, the FTP server lists the file names and its members. The default is to list the entire current directory, library, or folder. To change the current directory, library, or folder, use the CD subcommand. The remote file specification is system dependent.


Stores the results of the LS subcommand in the file * CURLIB/LSOUTPUT.LSOUTPUT, instead of showing the results on the display. Each time you specify the (Disk parameter with the same *CURLIB, the FTP server changes the contents of the LSOUTPUT.LSOUTPUT member file.

If the FTP server returns a negative reply code (550), then there will be no LSOUTPUT member. If the FTP server returns a positive reply code (150) without any file names, then an LSOUTPUT member with no records will result.

The LS subcommand lists the file names only. To get a list of complete directory entries with additional information about the files, see DIR (List Directory Entries, Libraries, or Files).