Naming files for transfer


The FTP client subcommands that you use for transferring data can have a localfile parameter, a remotefile parameter, or both. You can use these parameters to name the data you want to transfer.

The transfer subcommands are:

The names for the localfile and remotefile parameters can be either partially qualified or fully qualified. A partially-qualified name includes the name of the data itself as well as one or more names in the hierarchical sequence above the data. A fully-qualified name includes all names in the hierarchical sequence above the data.

When the name is partially qualified, the current working directory identifies the file to be processed. You can set the working directory on the local client system with the LCD subcommand. You can set the working directory on the remote server system with the CD subcommand.

The format of the localfile parameter names must conform to i5/OS® file naming rules. The remotefile parameter names must adhere to the file naming rules of the remote system.

More details on syntax:


Parent topic:

File Transfer Protocol client syntax conventions
Related tasks
Enclosing subcommand parameters
Related reference
APPEND (Append a Local File Member to a Remote File) DELETE (Delete a File on a Remote System) GET (Copy a File from a Remote System to the Local System) MDELETE (Delete Multiple Files on a Remote System) MGET (Copy Multiple Files from a Remote System to the Local System) MPUT (Send Multiple File Members from the Local System to a Remote System) PUT (Copy a File Member from the Local System to a File on a Remote System) LCD (Change Working Library or Directory on Local System) CD (Change Working Directory or Library) File names for client-transfer subcommands