ACCT (Send Account Information)


Some systems require account information to enable certain system functions. The remote system prompts you for such information. The ACCT i5/OS® FTP client subcommand sends a user's account information to a remote system.


FTP client subcommand

ACCT account-information


A string that identifies the user's account. Account information can take the form of a password that the host system uses to grant privileges. This password is not your user password, but rather it is a password on the remote system.

For example, TCP/IP on the IBM® Virtual Machine (VM) operating system might require a password for read and write access to minidisks. Use the ACCT subcommand to supply a password for the minidisk of the current directory. If the remote system is a System i™ product, the ACCT subcommand performs no operation.

Related reference
File Transfer Protocol client syntax conventions APPEND (Append a Local File Member to a Remote File) DELETE (Delete a File on a Remote System)