GET (Copy a File from a Remote System to the Local System)


The GET i5/OS® FTP client subcommand copies a file from the remote system to the local system.


FTP client subcommand

Get remotefile [localfile]


The file that you want to retrieve from the remote system.


The local file member, document, or other file you want to create. If you do not specify a local file name, the FTP client provides a default name. For information about the default names, see Default file names for client transfer subcommands.

( Replace

Writes over the localfile if it already exists. The server does not overwrite the localfile unless you specify (Replace.

The file system in which the file resides determines which file name format you use with the GET subcommand.

If the remote file name requires apostrophes as part of the file name, then enclose the file name within two more sets of apostrophes. The following example gets 'MEMBER.ONE' from the remote host.