Finding attachments
You can find an attachment by browsing or using a simple or advanced search. All searching in the Assets tool is case sensitive.
- Open the Assets tool.
- In the explorer view filter, select Attachments; then click Attachments to display the list of attachments.
- Use one of the following methods to find an attachment:
Option Description Browse To open an attachment, double-click the attachment or right-click the attachment and click Open. When the Attachment list view displays, you can click a column heading to sort the attachments to aid in easier searching. For example, if you click the Name column, the column is sorted in alphabetic order. Simple search You can search for an attachment based on the attachment code or the attachment name.
- Navigate to the find area.
- Choose a search object type from the list in the find area; then type a keyword. For example, you could type in the keyword test; then from the list click Attachments. Use a wildcard * at the beginning or the end of a search keyword. For example, if you want to find all attachments beginning with the letters BA, you can enter BA* into the find area. Note that the search criteria must not contain the following characters: \ and ".
- Click Find
The search returns up to 500 results.
Advanced search Navigate to the find area. From the list in the find area, click Advanced Search. The Advanced Search dialog displays. Provide any of the following attachment information; then click Search.
- Code - A unique identifier for the attachment. For example, 300011Att.
- Name - The name of the attachment. The search is based on the name and is not language-dependent. For example, if you specify 111 and there are two attachments named 111, one English and one Chinese, both attachments are returned in the search results.
- File or URL Path - The path of a managed file or a URL contained in the attachment. This search string requires the fully qualified path to the file. If you want to search using only filenames, enter the '*' wildcard before the filename to search all paths.
The search returns up to 500 results.
If you search for attachments in an extended sites store, all attachments that meet the search criteria and belong to this extended sites store or the asset store are returned.
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