Assets tool

The Management Center introduces a new tool that enables you to manage attachments that can be used by multiple business tools, such as the Catalogs tool and the Marketing tool. The Assets tool provides a flattened approach to working with attachments, managed files, and managed directories. That is, fewer screens and fewer clicks are required to manage attachments than in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
Use the Management Center to:

  • Browse attachments, managed files, and managed directories

  • Create, change, and delete attachments

  • Create, change, and delete managed files

  • Create and delete managed directories

Use the Assets tool to manage additional web content, such as files or URLs, which can be associated with WebSphere Commerce business objects. For example, you can manage attachments, managed files, and URLs in the Assets tool and associate these attachments, managed files, and URLs with WebSphere Commerce business objects. Use this tool to manage files, directories, and attachments in a consistent manner.

Use the Assets tool to manage attachments that were created in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Attachments that are created in the Assets tool within the Management Center can also be managed in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. You can also use the Assets tool to manage files that were uploaded using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, such as product images and marketing content. Only the Catalogs tool and the Marketing tool support attachments in the Management Center.

The Assets tool provides the following screens:


Files list view

The Files list view displays the current managed files. You can view, add, or make changes on the listed managed files using either the toolbar, the menu, or the context menu.


Attachments list view

The Attachments list view displays the defined attachments that can be assigned to business objects. You can view or browse attachments and perform actions on the listed attachments using either the toolbar, the menu, or the context menu.


Utilities view

The utilities view is found in all of the Management Center tools. In the utilities view, you can browse for attachments, managed directories, and managed files and drag managed files from the utilities view onto the Files or URLs list in the properties view of an attachment.


Assets tool roles

The following table lists the roles that are supported in the Assets tool for working with attachments, and the business model that each role can work within.

Role Business model
Product Manager

  • Consumer direct

  • B2B direct

  • Demand chain

  • Supply chain

Category Manager

  • Consumer direct

  • B2B direct

  • Demand chain

  • Extended sites

  • Supply chain

Buyer (seller side)

  • Consumer direct

  • B2B direct

  • Demand chain

  • Extended sites

  • Supply chain


  • Consumer direct

  • B2B direct

  • Demand chain

  • Extended sites

  • Supply chain

Marketing Manager

  • Consumer direct

  • B2B direct

  • Demand chain

  • Extended sites

  • Supply chain

Each of these roles can perform the following tasks:

  • create attachments

  • change attachments

  • delete attachments

  • add files to attachments

  • delete files from attachments

  • add URLs to attachments

  • delete URLs from attachments

  • change assets

  • create managed files

  • change managed files

  • delete managed files

  • create managed directories

  • delete managed directories

  • Attachments and managed files

    An attachment is a collection of additional material that you can send in an e-mail, a storefront Web page request, or a detailed product specification.

  • Work with managed files

    Use the Assets tool to upload managed files that are used in the selected store.

  • Work with attachments

    Use the Assets tool to create, change, and delete attachments.

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