Create build definitions and a CIP on processing engine machines
This page describes how to create a build definition and CIP when the processing engine and the Build definition wizard are on the same machine. We can also create installation packages for operating systems other than the one on which Installation Factory is running:
IBM WebSphere Installation Factory on these operating systems can create installation packages for all supported platforms.
IBM WebSphere Installation Factory on Windows operating systems can create installation packages for Windows and IBM i.
IBM i users must install the Installation Factory on a distributed platform. The Installation Factory does not run on an IBM i platform.
If creating a build definition for the processing engine that runs on another machine, see . To create a customized installation package (CIP), first create a build definition file, which IBM WebSphere Installation Factory uses to generate the CIP. The build definition file describes exactly what the Installation Factory includes in the CIP so that we can achieve the installation customizations that you require. Use the following procedure to create the build definition document and the customized installation package on one machine.
- Follow the steps in Getting started with the Installation Factory document to download and set up WAS ND.
- You also need any installation images which you intend to include in the installation package. Mount or access WAS ND installation image for the operating system.
- Download maintenance packages.
Locate download packages for WAS products on the following Web site: Recommended updates for WebSphere Application Server and ND. The information also applies to the Express product.
- Start the IBM WebSphere Installation Factory console with the ifgui command:
- Create a new build definition or edit an existing build definition.
Click the button for a New customization installation package to start two wizards in sequence. The two wizards are the Product Selection wizard and the Build Definition wizard.
Click the button to Open a build definition file. Opening an existing build definition starts the Build Definition wizard only. If change WAS ND, start a new customization installation package.
- Select the check box for connected mode processing so that we can create a customized installation package later in addition to creating the build definition file.
Browse to select the installation image directory and the maintenance package files.
- Provide all required parameters to identify WAS ND, installation image, maintenance packages, the configuration archive file, enterprise archive files, other files and directories, scripts, the output location for the build definition file, and the output location for the customized installation package (CIP). See the help panel documents for information on each step of the CIP creation process:
File paths and file names must comply with the following guidelines:
Contain 35 or fewer characters on Windows platforms
- Start and end with English-only alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) or numbers (0-9) only
- Contain English-only alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), periods (.) or underscores (_) only
- Not contain special characters (such as à é í ö û æ ñ ☐)
- Not contain spaces or these characters: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) { } [ ] | \ / : ; , ? ' " < = > + *
During the creation of a CIP, the maintenance packages are not validated for product appropriateness. When creating a CIP and bundling maintenance packages, therefore, make sure that the maintenance packages are for the correct product. If creating a WAS CIP and want to bundle maintenance packages, for example, make sure that the maintenance packages are for WebSphere Application Server rather than for any other product. If creating a CIP that contains a feature pack and want to bundle maintenance packages, make sure that the maintenance packages are for that feature pack rather than for any other product. Make sure that we are already at or above the appserver version required by any feature pack maintenance packages or the CIP will not install correctly and you will be prompted to apply further maintenance.
- On the CIP preview pane, select the Save build definition file and generate the customized installation package option. We can estimate the CIP image disk space, which is not available if you were working in disconnected mode.
New feature: You can split, or span, a customized installation package image into multiple smaller images if the installation image contained in the CIP is also spannable. For example, if we are creating a CIP that contains WAS V7.0, we can split the resulting CIP into several images because the application server product image itself is spannable
If you want to span the image across multiple discs, then specify the maximum size for each part you want to create. Different installation images might have different minimum sizes for spanned images. If you select a size which is too small we are alerted with an error message that indicates the minimum spanned size of that image. Any additional files, scripts, or configuration archives which we have included are all subject to spanning.
Review the customized installation package information and click Finish to build the CIP. If the installation image is spanned, then we are prompted to specify the location of the next disc or image.
Best practice: We can avoid image prompts if you keep all of the image directories in the same parent directory and name them by disc number, or DISC<disc_number>. For example, if we are creating a CIP which contains a spanned installation image, name the second disc DISC2. For each additional disc increase the disc number. Each directory must contain a valid installation image or we are prompted to specify the correct image during CIP creation
- Click Finish to generate the CIP.
The amount of time required to generate the CIP depends on the number of maintenance packages and the number of features that you include in the package.
The Installation Factory logs a completion message in the /logs/log.txt file when the processing engine is finished.
- Installers can now install the customized installation package using the InstallShield for Multiplatforms (ISMP) Installation wizard that is included in the CIP. Panels in the CIP Installation wizard vary according to WAS that we are installing. To use the installation wizard for WebSphere Application Server product CIPs, run the install command in the /WAS directory.
- Create a CIP-based custom standalone appserver profile. Use one of the following methods to create the profile:
- After the CIP installation, run the Profile management tool.
- After the CIP installation, run the manageprofiles command once to do a create and augment.
- After the CIP installation, run the manageprofiles command twice sequentially to do a create and then an augment.
Alternatively, we can run the command once to augment an existing profile.
For more information, see the topic manageprofiles command.
- In a scratch installation, do the following within the CIP installation wizard:
In a scratch installation of WAS Base or Express edition, a custom standalone profile will be created during the installation.
In a scratch installation of WebSphere Application Server ND edition, we can select which profile to create during the installation.
For WebSphere Application Server Base and Express, on the Install Sample Applications panel, select the Install profile customizations checkbox.
For WAS Base, if you select the checkbox and we have appserver customizations, they will be used. If you do not have customizations, you get a regular appserver.
For WAS ND, the Web Services feature pack, and the Service Oriented Architecture feature pack...
- On the Install Sample Applications panel, select the Install profile customizations checkbox.
- On the WAS environments panel, select a profile that has profile customization defined.
If the profile that you select has profile customization defined, then the installation wizard will effectively run the manageprofiles command once to do a create and augment. If there is no profile customization defined, you get a regular profile.
If the profile created has a configuration archive in it, then it will be imported.
Next steps
In some cases, we might be unable to use the console on the target operating system platform. we have two options in such a case:
- Use the console in disconnected mode on a supported machine to create a build definition file for the target operating system on another machine.
Then copy the file to the target operating system and use the command line interface to start the processing engine and create the customized installation package.
See for a description of such a procedure.
- Create the build definition XML document using a validating XML editor. Copy one of the sample build definition documents for the product to get started:
- The appserver sample file is located in the /samples/was directory.
After making the changes, validate the build definition document with its XML schema (the Commom.xsd, BaseBuildDefinition.xsd, and BuildDefinition.xsd files located in IF_root/eclipse/plugins/ using a validating XML parser or editor. Then use the command line interface to start the processing engine and create the customized installation package.
Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST