Develop and installing customized installation packages
A customized installation package (CIP) is a customized WebSphere Application Server installation image created with IBM WebSphere Installation Factory that can include one or more maintenance packages, a configuration archive from a standalone appserver profile, one or more enterprise archive files, and scripts and other files that help customize the resulting installation.
Read through this topic and its related topics to prepare for creating and installing customized installation packages (CIPs). Become familiar with CIP installation options before you start to use the installation tools. Review the hardware and software requirements on the Supported hardware and software Web site to get started.
IBM i users must install the IBM WebSphere Installation Factory on a distributed platform. The Installation Factory does not run on an IBM i platform.
Restriction: Remote installation from a Windows workstation using a CIP is only supported when performing a scratch installation of a CIP with no interim fixes. In all other cases, you will need to apply the CIP locally on the IBM i machine. We cannot install a feature pack remotely from a Windows workstation. To install a feature pack, run the CIP locally on an IBM i machine.
This page introduces the IBM WebSphere Installation Factory, which we can use to create a CIP. Get started by creating a build definition for the CIP using the Installation Factory console using the ifgui command. After defining the build parameters in the wizard, create and install the resulting CIP.
The following procedure describes how to get started creating and installing a customized installation package for the WebSphere Application Server product.
- Use the Installation Factory to create a customized installation package.
for information about creating and generating a CIP locally.
See for information about creating a CIP definition locally and generating the CIP on another machine.
- Prepare the operating platform for installation.
Read the "Preparing the operating system for product installation" topic
Read the "Preparing the operating system for installation" topic.
- Install WAS using the CIP.
See .
Use a CIP to install an appserver product by following this procedure.
Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST