Prerequisites for Siebel testing
To test Siebel applications, the Siebel Test Automation and the Microsoft C++ runtime libraries must be installed on the workbench computer.
Siebel applications run only on Windows, therefore Siebel tests run only on Windows. Do not add a Siebel test to a schedule that you deploy to run on operating systems other than Windows.
To install the prerequisites for testing Siebel applications:
- Obtain the Siebel Test Automation library, ssdtcorr.dll, from Siebel.
- Copy the ssdtcorr.dll file to the workbench computer in this path: ...\ibm\sdp\rpt\external_files\deployable\siebel\, where ...\ibm\sdp\rpt\ is RPTv8 installation directory.
If the Siebel Test Automation library is not installed, Siebel tests will fail, and a warning message will display when you edit a Siebel test. After the library is installed on the workbench computer, it is automatically deployed as needed to any remote location. The library must be on any computer that runs a Siebel test.
You can use the rptExternal variable in the config.ini file to control where external files must be installed. By default, the rptExternal variable is set to RPTv8 installation directory. Edit the rptExternal variable to install the .dll files to a different location.
For example, if set the rptExternal variable to e\:\\ibm\\sdp\\rpt then you would install the Siebel Test Automation library in e:\ibm\sdp\rpt\external_files\deployable\siebel\. Note that use an extra backslash before the colon and backslashes in the path.
- Copy the Microsoft C++ runtime library, msvcr70.dll, to the workbench computer in the same directory as the ssdtcorr.dll file. (If necessary, obtain the msvcr70.dll file from the Microsoft Web site.) Once installed in the correct directory on the workbench computer, the Microsoft C++ runtime library is automatically deployed as needed to any remote location.
Differences between Siebel tests and HTTP tests
Related tasks
Correlating a request value with a built-in Siebel variable