Action definition ID of the source ->generate constructor using fields action
(value "").
Returns a list of argument names found in this connector's
default argument map, defining the order in which arguments
should be presented to the user.
Returns entries that should appear on the bootstrap portion of the
classpath as specified by the given launch configuration, as an array of
resolved strings.
Returns three sets of entries which represent the boot classpath
specified in the launch configuration, as an array of three arrays of
resolved strings.
Deprecated.IBufferFactory has been replaced by WorkingCopyOwner.
The Java UI plug-in uses the primary working copy owner that can be accessed with null in
API's that require an owner
Return the flags associated with the given type (would be equivalent to IMember.getFlags()),
or -1 if this information wasn't cached on the hierarchy during its computation.
Returns the entries that should appear on the user portion of the
classpath as specified by the given launch configuration, as an array of
resolved strings.
Helper method finding the classpath container initializer registered for a given classpath container ID
or null if none was found while iterating over the contributions to extension point to
the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathContainerInitializer".
Helper method finding the classpath variable initializer registered for a given classpath variable name
or null if none was found while iterating over the contributions to extension point to
the extension point "org.eclipse.jdt.core.classpathVariableInitializer".
Returns the compilation unit in which this member is declared, or null
if this member is not declared in a compilation unit (for example, a binary type).
When condition checking is performed for a refactoring then the
condition check is interpreted as failed if the refactoring status
severity return from the condition checking operation is equal
or greater than the value returned by this method.
Returns a collection of LibraryLocations that represent the
default system libraries of this VM install type, if a VM was installed
at the given installLocation.
Returns the smallest element within this class file that
includes the given source position (a method, field, etc.), or
null if there is no element other than the class file
itself at the given position, or if the given position is not
within the source range of this class file.
Returns the smallest element within this compilation unit that
includes the given source position (that is, a method, field, etc.), or
null if there is no element other than the compilation
unit itself at the given position, or if the given position is not
within the source range of this compilation unit.
Returns any Java elements associated with the failure (see specification
of the status code), or an empty array if no elements are related to this
particular status code.
Returns the fully qualified type name of the exception that
last caused this breakpoint to suspend, of null
if this breakpoint has not caused a thread to suspend.
Deprecated. Returns the names of the exception types this method throws
in the order in which they are declared in the source, or an empty array
if this method declares no exception types.
Returns a variable representing the field in this object
with the given name, or null if there is no
field with the given name, or the name is ambiguous.
Returns a variable representing the field in this object
with the given name declared in the type with the given
signature, or null if there is no
field with the given name, or the name is ambiguous.
Returns a variable representing the static field in this type
with the given name, or null if there is no
field with the given name, or the name is ambiguous.
Answer back the inner class name of this inner classes attribute as specified in
the JVM specifications, null if inner class name index is equals to zero.
Returns the Java project this element is contained in,
or null if this element is not contained in any Java project
(for instance, the IJavaModel is not contained in any Java
Deprecated.This feature was removed in the 2.1 release because it was
only a partial, and inadequate, solution to the issue of associating
comments with statements. Furthermore, AST.parseCompilationUnit did not
associate leading comments, making this moot. Clients that need to access
comments preceding a statement should either consult the compilation
unit's comment table
or use a scanner to reanalyze the source text immediately preceding
the statement's source range.
Returns the line number of the instruction pointer in
this stack frame that corresponds to the line in the associated source
element in the specified stratum, or -1 if line number
information is unavailable.
Returns the signature of the method(s) this breakpoint suspends
execution in, or null if this breakpoint does not
suspend exectution based on method signature.
Returns the source range of this member's simple name,
or null if this member does not have a name
(for example, an initializer), or if this member does not have
associated source code (for example, a binary type).
Returns the 0-based index of the first character of the source code for this element,
relative to the source buffer in which this element is contained.
Answer back the outer class name of this inner classes attribute as specified in
the JVM specifications, null if outer class name index is equals to zero.
Returns a package fragment root for the given resource, which
must either be a folder representing the top of a package hierarchy,
or a .jar or .zip file.
Returns the path associated with the failure (see specification
of the status code), or null if the failure is not
Returns the primary compilation unit (whose owner is the primary owner)
this working copy was created from, or this compilation unit if this a primary
compilation unit.
Returns the primary element (whose compilation unit is the primary compilation unit)
this working copy element was created from, or this element if it is a descendant of a
primary compilation unit or if it is not a descendant of a working copy (e.g. it is a
binary member).
Return the String representation of the default output directory of the
launch config's project or null if there is no config, no
project or some sort of problem.
Deprecated. Returns a shared working copy on this element using the given factory to create
the buffer, or this element if this element is already a working copy.
Returns the JNI-style signature for the declared type of this
variable, or null if the type associated with the
signature is not yet loaded in the target VM.
Returns the source name debug attribute associated with the declaring
type of this stack frame, or null if the source name debug
attribute not present.
Returns the source name debug attribute associated with the declaring
type of this stack frame in the specified stratum, or null
if the source name debug attribute not present.
Returns the outcome of the operation or null if an exception
has occurred while performing the operation or if the operation hasn't
been performed yet.
Returns the stratum that this breakpoint's source name, source path,
and line number are relative to, or null if this breakpoint
is relative to a type's default stratum.
Returns the direct resolved interfaces that the given type implements or extends,
in no particular order, limited to the interfaces in this type
hierarchy's graph.
Deprecated. Returns the names of interfaces that this type implements or extends,
in the order in which they are listed in the source, or an empty array
if no superinterfaces are present.
Returns the resolved superclass of the given class,
or null if the given class has no superclass,
the superclass could not be resolved, or if the given
type is an interface.
Returns the local or anonymous type declared in this source member with the given simple name and/or
with the specified position relative to the order they are defined in the source.
Returns the fully qualified name of the type this breakpoint
is located in, or null if this breakpoint
is not located in a specific type - for example, a pattern breakpoint.
Returns a working copy on the source associated with this class file using the given
owner to create the buffer, or null if there is no source associated
with the class file.
Returns a new working copy of this compilation unit if it is a primary compilation unit,
or this compilation unit if it is already a non-primary working copy.
Returns a shared working copy on this compilation unit using the given working copy owner to create
the buffer, or this compilation unit if it is already a non-primary working copy.
Deprecated. Returns a new working copy of this element if this element is not
a working copy, or this element if this element is already a working copy.
Deprecated. Returns a new working copy of this element using the given factory to create
the buffer, or this element if this element is already a working copy.