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Release 3.0


Interface IEvaluationEngine

All Known Subinterfaces:
IAstEvaluationEngine, IClassFileEvaluationEngine

public interface IEvaluationEngine

An evaluation engine performs an evalutaion of a code snippet or expression in a specified thread of a debug target. An evaluation engine is associated with a specific debug target and Java project on creation.

Clients are not intended to implement this interface.

See Also:
IEvaluationResult, IEvaluationListener

Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Disposes this evaluation engine.
 void evaluate(String snippet, IJavaObject thisContext, IJavaThread thread, IEvaluationListener listener, int evaluationDetail, boolean hitBreakpoints)
          Asynchronously evaluates the given snippet in the context of the specified type, reporting the result back to the given listener.
 void evaluate(String snippet, IJavaStackFrame frame, IEvaluationListener listener, int evaluationDetail, boolean hitBreakpoints)
          Asynchronously evaluates the given snippet in the context of the specified stack frame, reporting the result back to the given listener.
 IJavaDebugTarget getDebugTarget()
          Returns the debug target for which evaluations are executed.
 IJavaProject getJavaProject()
          Returns the Java project in which snippets are compliled.

Method Detail




public void evaluate(String snippet,
                     IJavaStackFrame frame,
                     IEvaluationListener listener,
                     int evaluationDetail,
                     boolean hitBreakpoints)
              throws DebugException

Asynchronously evaluates the given snippet in the context of the specified stack frame, reporting the result back to the given listener. The snippet is evaluated in the context of the Java project this evaluation engine was created on. If the snippet is determined to be a valid expression, the expression is evaluated in the thread associated with the given stack frame. The thread is resumed from the location at which it is currently suspended to perform the evaluation. When the evaluation completes, the thread will be suspened at this original location. The thread runs the evaluation with the given evaluation detail (@see IJavaThread#runEvaluation(IEvaluationRunnable, IProgressMonitor, int)). Compilation and runtime errors are reported in the evaluation result.

snippet - code snippet to evaluate
frame - the stack frame context in which to run the evaluation.
listener - the listener that will receive notification when/if the evalaution completes
evaluationDetail - one of DebugEvent.EVALUATION or DebugEvent.EVALUATION_IMPLICIT
hitBreakpoints - whether or not breakpoints should be honored in the evaluation thread during the evaluation. If false, breakpoints hit in the evaluation thread will be ignored.
DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:

  • Failure communicating with the VM. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
  • The associated thread is not currently suspended
  • The stack frame is not contained in the debug target associated with this evaluation engine
  • The associated thread is suspended in the middle of an evaluation that has not completed. It is not possible to perform nested evaluations




public void evaluate(String snippet,
                     IJavaObject thisContext,
                     IJavaThread thread,
                     IEvaluationListener listener,
                     int evaluationDetail,
                     boolean hitBreakpoints)
              throws DebugException

Asynchronously evaluates the given snippet in the context of the specified type, reporting the result back to the given listener. The snippet is evaluated in the context of the Java project this evaluation engine was created on. If the snippet is determined to be a valid expression, the expression is evaluated in the thread associated with the given stack frame. The thread is resumed from the location at which it is currently suspended to perform the evaluation. When the evaluation completes, the thread will be suspened at this original location. The thread runs the evaluation with the given evaluation detail (@see IJavaThread#runEvaluation(IEvaluationRunnable, IProgressMonitor, int)). Compilation and runtime errors are reported in the evaluation result.

snippet - code snippet to evaluate
thisContext - the 'this' context for the evaluation
thread - the thread in which to run the evaluation, which must be suspended
listener - the listener that will receive notification when/if the evalaution completes
evaluationDetail - one of DebugEvent.EVALUATION or DebugEvent.EVALUATION_IMPLICIT
hitBreakpoints - whether or not breakpoints should be honored in the evaluation thread during the evaluation. If false, breakpoints hit in the evaluation thread will be ignored.
DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:

  • Failure communicating with the VM. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
  • The associated thread is not currently suspended
  • The specified thread is not contained in the debug target associated with this evaluation engine
  • The associated thread is suspended in the middle of an evaluation that has not completed. It is not possible to perform nested evaluations




public IJavaProject getJavaProject()

Returns the Java project in which snippets are compliled.

Java project context




public IJavaDebugTarget getDebugTarget()

Returns the debug target for which evaluations are executed.

Java debug target




public void dispose()

Disposes this evaluation engine. This causes the evaluation engine to cleanup any resources (such as threads) that it maintains. Clients should call this method when they are finished performing evaluations with this engine. This engine must not be used to perform evaluations after it has been disposed.



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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.0

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