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Release 3.0


Interface IRuntimeClasspathEntry

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IRuntimeClasspathEntry

Represents an entry on a runtime classpath. A runtime classpath entry may refer to one of the following:

Clients may implement this interface for contributed a classpath entry types (i.e. type OTHER). Note, contributed classpath entries are new in 3.0, and are only intended to be contributed by the Java debugger.

See Also:

Field Summary
static int ARCHIVE
          Type identifier for archive entries.
          Classpath property identifier for entries that should appear on the bootstrap path explicitly.
static int CONTAINER
          Type identifier for container entries.
static int OTHER
          Type identifier for contributed entries.
static int PROJECT
          Type identifier for project entries.
          Classpath property identifier for entries that appear on the bootstrap path by default.
static int USER_CLASSES
          Classpath property identifier for entries that should appear on the user classpath.
static int VARIABLE
          Type identifier for variable entries.
Method Summary
 IClasspathEntry getClasspathEntry()
          Returns a classpath entry equivalent to this runtime classpath entry, or null if none.
 int getClasspathProperty()
          Returns a constant indicating where this entry should appear on the runtime classpath by default.
 IJavaProject getJavaProject()
          Returns the Java project associated with this runtime classpath entry or null if none.
 String getLocation()
          Returns an absolute path in the local file system for this entry, or null if none, or if this entry is of type CONTAINER.
 String getMemento()
          Returns a memento for this classpath entry.
 IPath getPath()
          Returns the path associated with this entry, or null if none.
 IResource getResource()
          Returns the resource associated with this entry, or null if none.
 String getSourceAttachmentLocation()
          Returns an absolute path in the local file system for the source attachment associated with this entry entry, or null if none.
 IPath getSourceAttachmentPath()
          Returns the path to the source archive associated with this entry, or null if this classpath entry has no source attachment.
 String getSourceAttachmentRootLocation()
          Returns a path relative to this entry's source attachment path for the root location containing source, or null if none.
 IPath getSourceAttachmentRootPath()
          Returns the path within the source archive where package fragments are located.
 int getType()
          Returns this classpath entry's type.
 String getVariableName()
          Returns the first segment of the path associated with this entry, or null if this entry is not of type VARIABLE or CONTAINER.
 void setClasspathProperty(int location)
          Sets whether this entry should appear on the bootstrap classpath, the user classpath, or whether this entry is a standard bootstrap entry that does not need to appear on the classpath.
 void setSourceAttachmentPath(IPath path)
          Sets the path to the source archive associated with this entry, or null if this classpath entry has no source attachment.
 void setSourceAttachmentRootPath(IPath path)
          Sets the path within the source archive where package fragments are located.


Field Detail




public static final int PROJECT

Type identifier for project entries.

See Also:
Constant Field Values




public static final int ARCHIVE

Type identifier for archive entries.

See Also:
Constant Field Values




public static final int VARIABLE

Type identifier for variable entries.

See Also:
Constant Field Values




public static final int CONTAINER

Type identifier for container entries.

See Also:
Constant Field Values




public static final int OTHER

Type identifier for contributed entries.

See Also:
Constant Field Values




public static final int STANDARD_CLASSES

Classpath property identifier for entries that appear on the bootstrap path by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values




public static final int BOOTSTRAP_CLASSES

Classpath property identifier for entries that should appear on the bootstrap path explicitly.

See Also:
Constant Field Values




public static final int USER_CLASSES

Classpath property identifier for entries that should appear on the user classpath.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail




public int getType()

Returns this classpath entry's type. The type of a runtime classpath entry is identified by one of the following constants:


Since 3.0, a type of OTHER may be returned.

this classpath entry's type




public String getMemento()
                  throws CoreException

Returns a memento for this classpath entry.

Since 3.0, the memento for a contributed classpath entry (i.e. of type OTHER), must be in the form of an XML document, with the following element structure:

The id attribute is the unique identifier of the extension that contributed this runtime classpath entry type, via the extension point org.eclipse.jdt.launching.runtimeClasspathEntries. The memento element will be used to initialize a restored runtime classpath entry, via the method IRuntimeClasspathEntry2.initializeFrom(Element memento). The attributes of the memento element are client defined.

a memento for this classpath entry
CoreException - if an exception occurs generating a memento




public IPath getPath()

Returns the path associated with this entry, or null if none. The format of the path returned depends on this entry's type:

  • PROJECT - a workspace relative path to the associated project.
  • ARCHIVE - the absolute path of the assoicated archive, which may or may not be in the workspace.
  • VARIABLE - the path corresponding to the associated classpath variable entry.
  • CONTAINER - the path corresponding to the associated classpath container variable entry.
  • OTHER - the path returned is client defined.

Since 3.0, this method may return null.

the path associated with this entry, or null
See Also:




public IResource getResource()

Returns the resource associated with this entry, or null if none. A project, archive, or folder entry may be associated with a resource.

the resource associated with this entry, or null




public IPath getSourceAttachmentPath()

Returns the path to the source archive associated with this entry, or null if this classpath entry has no source attachment.

Only archive and variable entries may have source attachments. For archive entries, the path (if present) locates a source archive. For variable entries, the path (if present) has an analogous form and meaning as the variable path, namely the first segment is the name of a classpath variable.

the path to the source archive, or null if none




public void setSourceAttachmentPath(IPath path)

Sets the path to the source archive associated with this entry, or null if this classpath entry has no source attachment.

Only archive and variable entries may have source attachments. For archive entries, the path refers to a source archive. For variable entries, the path has an analogous form and meaning as the variable path, namely the first segment is the name of a classpath variable.

Note that an empty path (Path.EMPTY) is considered null.

path - the path to the source archive, or null if none




public IPath getSourceAttachmentRootPath()

Returns the path within the source archive where package fragments are located. An empty path indicates that packages are located at the root of the source archive. Returns a non-null value if and only if getSourceAttachmentPath returns a non-null value.

root path within the source archive, or null if not applicable




public void setSourceAttachmentRootPath(IPath path)

Sets the path within the source archive where package fragments are located. A root path indicates that packages are located at the root of the source archive. Only valid if a source attachment path is also specified.

Note that an empty path (Path.EMPTY) is considered null.

path - root path within the source archive, or null




public int getClasspathProperty()

Returns a constant indicating where this entry should appear on the runtime classpath by default. The value returned is one of the following:

  • STANDARD_CLASSES - a standard entry does not need to appear on the runtime classpath
  • BOOTSTRAP_CLASSES - a bootstrap entry should appear on the boot path
  • USER_CLASSES - a user entry should appear on the path containing user or application classes

where this entry should appear on the runtime classpath




public void setClasspathProperty(int location)

Sets whether this entry should appear on the bootstrap classpath, the user classpath, or whether this entry is a standard bootstrap entry that does not need to appear on the classpath. The location is one of:

  • STANDARD_CLASSES - a standard entry does not need to appear on the runtime classpath
  • BOOTSTRAP_CLASSES - a bootstrap entry should appear on the boot path
  • USER_CLASSES - a user entry should appear on the path conatining user or application classes

location - a classpat property constant




public String getLocation()

Returns an absolute path in the local file system for this entry, or null if none, or if this entry is of type CONTAINER.

an absolute path in the local file system for this entry, or null if none




public String getSourceAttachmentLocation()

Returns an absolute path in the local file system for the source attachment associated with this entry entry, or null if none.

an absolute path in the local file system for the source attachment associated with this entry entry, or null if none




public String getSourceAttachmentRootLocation()

Returns a path relative to this entry's source attachment path for the root location containing source, or null if none.

a path relative to this entry's source attachment path for the root location containing source, or null if none




public String getVariableName()

Returns the first segment of the path associated with this entry, or null if this entry is not of type VARIABLE or CONTAINER.

the first segment of the path associated with this entry, or null if this entry is not of type VARIABLE or CONTAINER




public IClasspathEntry getClasspathEntry()

Returns a classpath entry equivalent to this runtime classpath entry, or null if none.

Since 3.0, this method may return null.

a classpath entry equivalent to this runtime classpath entry, or null




public IJavaProject getJavaProject()

Returns the Java project associated with this runtime classpath entry or null if none. Runtime classpath entries of type CONTAINER may be associated with a project for the purposes of resolving the entries in a container.

the Java project associated with this runtime classpath entry or null if none



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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.0

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