Eclipse JDT Release 3.0 | ||||||||||
java.lang.Object org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRuntime
The central access point for launching support. This class manages the registered VM types contributed through the "org.eclipse.jdt.launching.vmType" extension point. As well, this class provides VM install change notification, and computes classpaths and source lookup paths for launch configurations.
This class provides static methods only; it is not intended to be instantiated or subclassed by clients.
Field Summary | |
static String | ATTR_CMDLINE
Deprecated. - use IProcess.ATTR_CMDLINE |
Default launch/connect timeout (ms). |
A status code indicating that a JRE could not be resolved for a project. |
Simple identifier constant (value "runtimeClasspathEntryResolvers") for the runtime classpath entry resolvers extension point. |
Simple identifier constant (value "classpathProviders") for the runtime classpath providers extension point. |
static String | JRE_CONTAINER
Classpath container used for a project's JRE (value "org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"). |
static String | JRELIB_VARIABLE
Classpath variable name used for the default JRE's library (value "JRE_LIB"). |
static String | JRESRC_VARIABLE
Classpath variable name used for the default JRE's library source (value "JRE_SRC"). |
Classpath variable name used for the default JRE's library source root (value "JRE_SRCROOT"). |
Preference key for launch/connect timeout. |
static String | PREF_VM_XML
Preference key for the String of XML that defines all installed VMs. |
Method Summary | |
static void | addContainerResolver(IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver resolver,
String containerIdentifier)
Registers the given resolver for the specified container. |
static void | addVariableResolver(IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver resolver,
String variableName)
Registers the given resolver for the specified variable. |
static void | addVMInstallChangedListener(IVMInstallChangedListener listener)
Adds the given listener to the list of registered VM install changed listeners. |
static String[] | computeDefaultRuntimeClassPath(IJavaProject jproject)
Computes the default application classpath entries for the given project. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] | computeUnresolvedRuntimeClasspath(IJavaProject project)
Computes and returns the default unresolved runtime claspath for the given project. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] | computeUnresolvedRuntimeClasspath(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Computes and returns the unresolved class path for the given launch configuration. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] | computeUnresolvedSourceLookupPath(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Computes and returns the unresolved source lookup path for the given launch configuration. |
static IVMInstall | computeVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Returns the VM install for the given launch configuration. |
static void | fireVMAdded(IVMInstall vm)
Notifies all VM install changed listeners of the VM addition |
static void | fireVMChanged(PropertyChangeEvent event)
Notifies all VM install changed listeners of the given property change. |
static void | fireVMRemoved(IVMInstall vm)
Notifies all VM install changed listeners of the VM removal |
static IRuntimeClasspathProvider | getClasspathProvider(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Returns the classpath provider for the given launch configuration. |
static String | getCompositeIdFromVM(IVMInstall vm)
Returns a String that uniquely identifies the specified VM across all VM types. |
static IClasspathEntry | getDefaultJREContainerEntry()
Creates and returns a classpath entry describing the default JRE container entry. |
static IVMConnector | getDefaultVMConnector()
Return the default VM connector. |
static IVMInstall | getDefaultVMInstall()
Return the default VM set with setDefaultVM(). |
static IJavaProject | getJavaProject(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Return the IJavaProject referenced in the specified configuration or null if none. |
static IClasspathEntry | getJREVariableEntry()
Creates and returns a classpath entry describing the JRE_LIB classpath variable. |
static LibraryLocation[] | getLibraryLocations(IVMInstall vm)
Evaluates library locations for a IVMInstall. |
static Preferences | getPreferences()
Returns the preference store for the launching plug-in. |
static String | getProjectOutputDirectory(ILaunchConfiguration config)
Return the String representation of the default output directory of the launch config's project or null if there is no config, no project or some sort of problem. |
static IRuntimeClasspathProvider | getSourceLookupPathProvider(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Returns the source lookup path provider for the given launch configuration. |
static IVMConnector | getVMConnector(String id)
Returns the VM connector defined with the specified identifier, or null if none. |
static IVMConnector[] | getVMConnectors()
Returns all VM connector extensions. |
static IVMInstall | getVMFromCompositeId(String idString)
Return the VM corrseponding to the specified composite Id. |
static IVMInstall | getVMInstall(IJavaProject project)
Returns the VM assigned to build the given Java project. |
static IVMInstallType | getVMInstallType(String id)
Returns the VM install type with the given unique id. |
static IVMInstallType[] | getVMInstallTypes()
Returns the list of registered VM types. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newArchiveRuntimeClasspathEntry(IPath path)
Returns a new runtime classpath entry for the given archive (possibly external). |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newArchiveRuntimeClasspathEntry(IResource resource)
Returns a new runtime classpath entry for the given archive. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newDefaultProjectClasspathEntry(IJavaProject project)
Returns a new runtime classpath entry containing the default classpath for the specified Java project. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newProjectRuntimeClasspathEntry(IJavaProject project)
Returns a new runtime classpath entry for the given project. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newRuntimeClasspathEntry(String memento)
Returns a runtime classpath entry constructed from the given memento. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newRuntimeContainerClasspathEntry(IPath path,
int classpathProperty)
Returns a runtime classpath entry for the given container path with the given classpath property. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newRuntimeContainerClasspathEntry(IPath path,
int classpathProperty,
IJavaProject project)
Returns a runtime classpath entry for the given container path with the given classpath property to be resolved in the context of the given Java project. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newStringVariableClasspathEntry(String expression)
Returns a new runtime classpath entry for the given expression that may contain string substitution variable references. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry | newVariableRuntimeClasspathEntry(IPath path)
Returns a new runtime classpath entry for the classpath variable with the given path. |
static void | removeVMInstallChangedListener(IVMInstallChangedListener listener)
Removes the given listener from the list of registered VM install changed listeners. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] | resolveRuntimeClasspath(IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] entries,
ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Resolves the given classpath, returning the resolved classpath in the context of the given launch configuration. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] | resolveRuntimeClasspathEntry(IRuntimeClasspathEntry entry,
IJavaProject project)
Returns resolved entries for the given entry in the context of the given Java project. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] | resolveRuntimeClasspathEntry(IRuntimeClasspathEntry entry,
ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Returns resolved entries for the given entry in the context of the given launch configuration. |
static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] | resolveSourceLookupPath(IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] entries,
ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
Resolves the given source lookup path, returning the resolved source lookup path in the context of the given launch configuration. |
static void | savePreferences()
Saves the preferences for the launching plug-in. |
static void | saveVMConfiguration()
Saves the VM configuration information to the preferences. |
static void | setDefaultVMConnector(IVMConnector connector,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Sets a VM connector as the system-wide default VM. |
static void | setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall vm,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Sets a VM as the system-wide default VM, and notifies registered VM install change listeners of the change. |
static void | setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall vm,
IProgressMonitor monitor,
boolean savePreference)
Sets a VM as the system-wide default VM, and notifies registered VM install change listeners of the change. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final String JRELIB_VARIABLE
public static final String JRESRC_VARIABLE
public static final String JRESRCROOT_VARIABLE
public static final String JRE_CONTAINER
public static final int ERR_UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_JRE
public static final String PREF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
public static final String PREF_VM_XML
public static final int DEF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
public static final String ATTR_CMDLINE
Method Detail |
public static IVMInstall getVMInstall(IJavaProject project) throws CoreException
public static IVMInstallType getVMInstallType(String id)
public static void setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall vm, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
public static void setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall vm, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean savePreference) throws CoreException
public static void setDefaultVMConnector(IVMConnector connector, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
public static IVMInstall getDefaultVMInstall()
public static IVMConnector getDefaultVMConnector()
public static IVMInstallType[] getVMInstallTypes()
public static String getCompositeIdFromVM(IVMInstall vm)
public static IVMInstall getVMFromCompositeId(String idString)
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newStringVariableClasspathEntry(String expression)
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newDefaultProjectClasspathEntry(IJavaProject project)
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newProjectRuntimeClasspathEntry(IJavaProject project)
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newArchiveRuntimeClasspathEntry(IResource resource)
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newArchiveRuntimeClasspathEntry(IPath path)
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newVariableRuntimeClasspathEntry(IPath path)
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newRuntimeContainerClasspathEntry(IPath path, int classpathProperty) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newRuntimeContainerClasspathEntry(IPath path, int classpathProperty, IJavaProject project) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry newRuntimeClasspathEntry(String memento) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] computeUnresolvedRuntimeClasspath(IJavaProject project) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] computeUnresolvedSourceLookupPath(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] resolveSourceLookupPath(IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] entries, ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathProvider getClasspathProvider(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathProvider getSourceLookupPathProvider(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] resolveRuntimeClasspathEntry(IRuntimeClasspathEntry entry, ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
If the given entry is a variable entry, and a resolver is not registered, the entry itself is returned. If the given entry is a container, and a resolver is not registered, resolved runtime classpath entries are calculated from the associated container classpath entries, in the context of the project associated with the given launch configuration.
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] resolveRuntimeClasspathEntry(IRuntimeClasspathEntry entry, IJavaProject project) throws CoreException
If the given entry is a variable entry, and a resolver is not registered, the entry itself is returned. If the given entry is a container, and a resolver is not registered, resolved runtime classpath entries are calculated from the associated container classpath entries, in the context of the given project.
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] computeUnresolvedRuntimeClasspath(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
public static IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] resolveRuntimeClasspath(IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] entries, ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
public static IJavaProject getJavaProject(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
public static IVMInstall computeVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
public static String[] computeDefaultRuntimeClassPath(IJavaProject jproject) throws CoreException
public static void saveVMConfiguration() throws CoreException
public static LibraryLocation[] getLibraryLocations(IVMInstall vm)
public static IClasspathEntry getJREVariableEntry()
public static IClasspathEntry getDefaultJREContainerEntry()
public static IVMConnector getVMConnector(String id)
public static IVMConnector[] getVMConnectors()
public static Preferences getPreferences()
public static void savePreferences()
public static void addVariableResolver(IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver resolver, String variableName)
public static void addContainerResolver(IRuntimeClasspathEntryResolver resolver, String containerIdentifier)
public static void addVMInstallChangedListener(IVMInstallChangedListener listener)
public static void removeVMInstallChangedListener(IVMInstallChangedListener listener)
public static void fireVMChanged(PropertyChangeEvent event)
public static void fireVMAdded(IVMInstall vm)
public static void fireVMRemoved(IVMInstall vm)
public static String getProjectOutputDirectory(ILaunchConfiguration config)
Eclipse JDT Release 3.0 | ||||||||||