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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.0


Class CodeGeneration

  extended byorg.eclipse.jdt.ui.CodeGeneration

public class CodeGeneration
extends Object

Class that offers access to the templates contained in the 'code templates' preference page.


Method Summary
static String getCompilationUnitContent(ICompilationUnit cu, String typeComment, String typeContent, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new compilation unit using the 'new Java file' code template.
static String getFieldComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String typeName, String fieldName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new field comment using the 'field comment' code template.
static String getGetterComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String fieldType, String bareFieldName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a getter method using the getter comment template.
static String getGetterMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content of body for a getter method using the getter method body template.
static String getMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, boolean isConstructor, String bodyStatement, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content of the body for a method or constructor using the method body templates.
static String getMethodComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, MethodDeclaration decl, IMethodBinding overridden, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
static String getMethodComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String[] paramNames, String[] excTypeSig, String retTypeSig, IMethod overridden, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
static String getMethodComment(IMethod method, IMethod overridden, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
static String getSetterComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String fieldType, String paramName, String bareFieldName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the comment for a setter method using the setter method body template.
static String getSetterMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String paramName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content of body for a setter method using the setter method body template.
static String getTypeComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String typeQualifiedName, String lineDelimiter)
          Returns the content for a new type comment using the 'type comment' code template.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail




public static String getCompilationUnitContent(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                               String typeComment,
                                               String typeContent,
                                               String lineDelimiter)
                                        throws CoreException

Returns the content for a new compilation unit using the 'new Java file' code template.

cu - The compilation to create the source for. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
typeComment - The comment for the type to be created. Used when the code template contains a ${typecomment} variable. Can be null if no comment should be added.
typeContent - The code of the type, including type declaration and body.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the new content or null if the template is undefined or empty.
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getTypeComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                    String typeQualifiedName,
                                    String lineDelimiter)
                             throws CoreException

Returns the content for a new type comment using the 'type comment' code template. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.

cu - The compilation where the type is contained. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
typeQualifiedName - The name of the type to which the comment is added. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer types names (dot separated). See IType.getTypeQualifiedName(char).
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the new content or null if the code template is undefined or empty. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getFieldComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                     String typeName,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     String lineDelimiter)
                              throws CoreException

Returns the content for a new field comment using the 'field comment' code template. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.

cu - The compilation where the field is contained. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
typeName - The name of the field declared type.
fieldName - The name of the field to which the comment is added.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the new content or null if the code template is undefined or empty. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getMethodComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                      String declaringTypeName,
                                      MethodDeclaration decl,
                                      IMethodBinding overridden,
                                      String lineDelimiter)
                               throws CoreException

Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method). null is returned if the template is empty.

cu - The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
declaringTypeName - Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer types names (dot separated). See IType.getTypeQualifiedName(char).
decl - The MethodDeclaration AST node that will be added as new method. The node does not need to exist in an AST (no parent needed) and does not need to resolve. See AST.newMethodDeclaration() for how to create such a node.
overridden - The binding of the method that will be overridden by the created method or null if no method is overridden.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the generated method comment or null if the code template is empty. The returned content is unformatted and not indented (formatting required).
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getMethodComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                      String declaringTypeName,
                                      String methodName,
                                      String[] paramNames,
                                      String[] excTypeSig,
                                      String retTypeSig,
                                      IMethod overridden,
                                      String lineDelimiter)
                               throws CoreException

Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method). null is returned if the template is empty.

The returned string is unformatted and not indented.

Exception types and return type are in signature notation. e.g. a source method declared as public void foo(String text, int length) would return the array {"QString;","I"} as parameter types. See Signature.

cu - The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
declaringTypeName - Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer types names (dot separated). See IType.getTypeQualifiedName(char).
methodName - Name of the method.
paramNames - Names of the parameters for the method.
excTypeSig - Thrown exceptions (Signature notation).
retTypeSig - Return type (Signature notation) or null for constructors.
overridden - The method that will be overridden by the created method or null for non-overriding methods. If not null, the method must exist.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the constructed comment or null if the comment code template is empty. The returned content is unformatted and not indented (formatting required).
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getMethodComment(IMethod method,
                                      IMethod overridden,
                                      String lineDelimiter)
                               throws CoreException

Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method). null is returned if the template is empty.

The returned string is unformatted and not indented.

method - The method to be documented. The method must exist.
overridden - The method that will be overridden by the created method or null for non-overriding methods. If not null, the method must exist.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the constructed comment or null if the comment code template is empty. The returned string is unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                          String declaringTypeName,
                                          String methodName,
                                          boolean isConstructor,
                                          String bodyStatement,
                                          String lineDelimiter)
                                   throws CoreException

Returns the content of the body for a method or constructor using the method body templates. null is returned if the template is empty.

The returned string is unformatted and not indented.

cu - The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
declaringTypeName - Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer types names (dot separated). See IType.getTypeQualifiedName(char).
methodName - Name of the method.
isConstructor - Defines if the created body is for a constructor.
bodyStatement - The code to be entered at the place of the variable ${body_statement}.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the constructed body content or null if the comment code template is empty. The returned string is unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getGetterMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                                String declaringTypeName,
                                                String methodName,
                                                String fieldName,
                                                String lineDelimiter)
                                         throws CoreException

Returns the content of body for a getter method using the getter method body template. null is returned if the template is empty.

The returned string is unformatted and not indented.

cu - The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
declaringTypeName - Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer types names (dot separated). See IType.getTypeQualifiedName(char).
methodName - The name of the getter method.
fieldName - The name of the field to get in the getter method, corresponding to the template variable for ${field}.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the constructed body content or null if the comment code template is empty. The returned string is unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getSetterMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                                String declaringTypeName,
                                                String methodName,
                                                String fieldName,
                                                String paramName,
                                                String lineDelimiter)
                                         throws CoreException

Returns the content of body for a setter method using the setter method body template. null is returned if the template is empty.

The returned string is unformatted and not indented.

cu - The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
declaringTypeName - Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer types names (dot separated). See IType.getTypeQualifiedName(char).
methodName - The name of the setter method.
fieldName - The name of the field to be set in the setter method, corresponding to the template variable for ${field}.
paramName - The name of the parameter passed to the setter method, corresponding to the template variable for $(param).
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the constructed body content or null if the comment code template is empty. The returned string is unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getGetterComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                      String declaringTypeName,
                                      String methodName,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      String fieldType,
                                      String bareFieldName,
                                      String lineDelimiter)
                               throws CoreException

Returns the comment for a getter method using the getter comment template. null is returned if the template is empty.

The returned string is unformatted and not indented.

cu - The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
declaringTypeName - Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer types names (dot separated). See IType.getTypeQualifiedName(char).
methodName - Name of the method.
fieldName - Name of the field to get.
fieldType - The type of the field to get.
bareFieldName - The field name without prefix or suffix.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the generated getter comment or null if the code template is empty. The returned content is not indented.
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.




public static String getSetterComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
                                      String declaringTypeName,
                                      String methodName,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      String fieldType,
                                      String paramName,
                                      String bareFieldName,
                                      String lineDelimiter)
                               throws CoreException

Returns the comment for a setter method using the setter method body template. null is returned if the template is empty.

The returned string is unformatted and not indented.

cu - The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
declaringTypeName - Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer types names (dot separated). See IType.getTypeQualifiedName(char).
methodName - Name of the method.
fieldName - Name of the field that is set.
fieldType - The type of the field that is to set.
paramName - The name of the parameter that used to set.
bareFieldName - The field name without prefix or suffix.
lineDelimiter - The line delimiter to be used.
Returns the generated setter comment or null if the code template is empty. The returned comment is not indented.
CoreException - Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.



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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2004. All Rights Reserved.